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i use to think X-Men were real and scare people.

Dumb Me
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I thought that Big Bird's gender was unidentifiable. I just assumed that Big Bird was both male and female. That's why I was disgusted by "hirm"*.

*hirm - pronoun used to refer to an individual who is both male and female. Contraction of "him" and "her".

MD Caruso
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There was a show "Sightings" that I just ate up. It seemed like they really gave footage of mysterious unexplainable phenomenon. Then they did something really stupid: they did re-runs of Sightings. After hearing that my locale was predicted to shatter via a massive earthquake into several unconnected islands last April, I couldn't really take that show seriously.

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When I was little, KTTV Channel 11 (the Fox affiliate in Los Angeles, CA) showed reruns of "Small Wonder." I had a HUGE crush on the main character, Vicki the Robot. I used to believe that she/it was real. I even used to insist that said belief was true. But then I came clean. She/it was played by a very human girl (now almost-30-year-old woman) named Tiffany Brissette. Even to this day I remember the show's theme song by heart, but this is not the place for me to post it. You probably remember it, too.

Joey Schwartzman
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I thought they must use prisoners to shoot and kill for the movies. They would just cast convicted murderers in the roles of those who would eventually die in the movie.

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i used to believe that the people on tv were actually acting right then and there over in that certain spot.i then figured out that they had to record shows and movies then play them.it took me 6-7yrs to realize that.lol

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i thought for a long time that sesame street was real and oneday, big bird who is my real brother will come and take me home!!!

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I used to believe that TV shows were all happening as I watched them, especially sit-coms. I believed that the people in the shows were in real time and that they apparently never used the restroom.

Lori M
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I was about 5 or 6 at the time. We used to have a gabage can JUST like the one Oscar the Grouch has in our basement. I used to tell my little friends that came over not be too loud or Oscar would come out and yell at us! They would always believe me!

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I used to believe that Barney the Dinosaur was real, the school where it was filmed was real and the kids in it actually went to that school. For years I wanted to live in America and go to that school just so I could be in Barney and be friends with these kids!

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I thought that the anime Yu Yu Hakasho was called "Yu Yu Hockey Show"

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When I was younger, I used to believe what I saw in films was real.

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I'm not sure if this is a Canada only show (Polkadot Door), but I only 4 years ago figured out that Polkaroo was played by the other host on the show...I thought he just had terrible luck and he would always leave right before Polkaroo would come in. (by the way, I am 27)

the other jane
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The first time I heard about "Survivor" was when I saw a commercial asking "who would be the last one left on the island?" At that time I didn't know about immunity challenges or tribal council or anything, so I assumed this meant they had to keep living on the island until all of them but one had died! I thought that was terrible, and refused to watch the show. When I found out how it really worked, I thought "Oh well that makes more sense!" I still think it's terrible, though.

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When i was young i used to believe that if i smashed the T.V. screen, and i crawled into the T.V. i would be where ever was on the T.V. So when i was watching batman i thought i would end up in Gotham City.
I told my dad this and he freaked out, and i quote "NO NO NO NO NO NO, If you break the T.V. its just a bunch of wires in there, and then the T.V. will be broken and we wont be able to watch our shows anymore, so PLEASE dont break the television, I cant afford to buy us a new one."

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When watching the show Are You Afraid of the Dark at my grandma's house, I would always sit with my feet under me, in fear that a clown would come out of the TV and tickle my feet and that I would pee my pants.

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When I was very young I was a fan of Sesame Street. However, I only liked the parts of the show with the muppets. I absolutely HATED the parts where they would show other little kids (I really have no idea why). When a part with other kids came on, I would run screaming away from the TV and into my bedroom and lock the door, because I believed that the kids would crawl out of the television and come and find me. I'm not sure exactly what I thought they would do, but I was terrified!

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my good mate graham confided to me that he had been having nightmares ... the daleks from dr who were chasing him around the supermarket he worked in ... ok i said ... where do you go for lunch ... upstairs to the lunch room he replied ... laughing i told him if the daleks chase you again go to the lunchroom as daleks couldnt get upstairs they only rolled on flat floors and up ramps ... he still thanks me now 15 years later ...

headless chicken 2k
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When I was little, I was a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh-the one where people dressed up as the characters and that British guy narrated. Anways, I never caught on to the fact that Kanga and Roo made Kangaroo until my sophmore year in high school.

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By the time I was about seven, it had been explained to me that the programmes I watched on TV were just fun little stories that people pretended were really happening, and not REALLY real. I understood that, after all, my friends and I pretended to do stuff (like flying) that we couldn't really.

However, in my mind there was one exception. It was called LRTV, and I've never heard of it since, but it followed the mishaps of the crew at a TV station that was always on the edge of crisis, and their boss, Crystal Cleare. I truly believed that it was a documentary and that LRTV was a real station, even when they introduced such improbable additions as a pair of living, talking computer viruses on the station's servers.

Why? Because our teachers showed us this programme at school, for reasons I've never been able to work out. And they wouldn't show us it at SCHOOL if it wasn't 100% true, would they?

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