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When I was little, there was a show that my father watched which seemed like all the time called "Dinosaurs" about a robot/costume -like dino family who led human lives in the Stone Ages. They kinda were like the Simpsons too. Anyways there was this one episode where Senclaire, (the father dinosaur) couldn't wait to get rid of his rude, pain-in-the-ass, aging mother-in-law. In the show, it was the custom to throw the elderly into a deep, deep hole just before death. They even demonstrated this in a little clip with a poor dino being thrown into the pit, screaming at the top of their aging lungs. After viewing the clip, Sencliare and his boss laughed. Senclaire's son asked him if his grandmother should find her way out of the pit, and an eager Senclaire scoffed "Once you're in, you're in." And this on account scared me to no end. (Im clausterphobic by the way.)

Well, needless to say, I was TERRIFIED of being thrown into a deep dark pit with already rotting bodies whom had met the same ordeal before me. And i believed humans in real life did this to their poor elderly. I remember crying for my grandpa, and ultimately dreading the day I would meet my fate.

I would tell everyone I never wanted to get old. No one does, but my real reason was so I could escape being chucked into this so-called pit. At one point my greatest mission in life was to find and cover up the pit.
I remember crying to my mother, asking would they force me to attend Grandpa's "pit" ceremony when his time came. Naturally, she was very confused.

It never really did occur to me that we actually "bury" our dead. And to this day, whenever we pass a cliff or a hole, my brothers oh-so graciously remind me.

Life in the Pits
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Because my mum went on about violent TV influencing kids, and since I didn't have TV 'till I was 10, when I was about 5 I really believed that anyone who watched Power Rangers would grow up to be a murderer or sociopath or something.
I never talked to people if they told me they liked the show.

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I used to believe that when television shows and movies had people getting married, that they could not have a full wedding ceremony because if they did, they would really be married- ridiculous!

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I thought that the TV show "Tomorrow's World" would tell me what would happen to me the next day. This was a short-lived belief, cos I watched it ...

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June 5/06: I hope this belief isn't regarded as tasteless, but the TV sitcom MARRIED... WITH CHILDREN premiered in 1987 when I was 8, and being a child I always confused Al Bundy, the fictional sitcom character, with real-life serial killer Ted Bundy!

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When I was 4, and I was watching The Dick Van Dyke show on a small tv on the floor, I thought that if I turned the tv upside down, the people on the show would fall on the ceiling.

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The captains log on Star Trek was really a small tree offcut with the captains thoughts chiselled into it and anyone who thought different is wrong.

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I always wondered about those cooking shows. The chefs could put food in an oven, and then pull it out and they'd be cooked! I just guessed my mom was just a bad cook.

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I used to think that, when a show had a commercial break, it was in fact over. I would always get disappointed and change the channel, wondering why episodes of Power Rangers never made much sense. My mother assured me that the shows continue after a few minutes, when I was about 5.

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I used to believe that all TV shows were drawn, like cartoons, and that the ones with real actors were actually drawn with very good crayons.. It never occurred to me that they were real people o_O

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When I heard someone anounce their telephone number on a TV show, (say Dragnet, or Perry Mason, etc.) I thought that you could call that number and converse with that character while he's on that program.

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I used to believe that the laughter I heard on programmes such as 'friends' after a funny comment was made was actually people's laughter who were sitting at home watching it at the same time.

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When I was 5, I was terrified of pro wrestlers. After watching a wrestling show with my dad, I thought that as soon as I went to bed, a guy with a black and white painted face and oversized muscles was going to come in and hit me with a chair.

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My mom used to watch Jepordy all the time. She was really smart, and usually got the questions right. One day I asked her if the people could hear her through the screen, because they almost always said what she said. I told her that she was cheating and giving them the answers. Of course, they couldn't. =)

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I used to think when Mr. Krabs said he was going to fire Spongebob, I thought he actually meant he would set Spongebob on fire!

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I used to believe that Bamber Gasgcoine was God, as my Mum had told me that God knew everything. Coincidentally, so did Bamber, as he knew all the right answers to the questions on University Challenge. With impeccable logic, it seemed that the only resolution to this theological conumdrum was that Bambi was God. He haunted my dreams for some time after this revelation.

Dave Boyle
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I grew up in Wimbledon, home of The Wombles (a kids TV show about environmentally friendly creatures called Wombles who lived on Wimbledon Common). My mum used to take me to Wimbledon Common to look for Wombles. Being smart, I "knew" we weren't going to find walking talking Wombles. I had "figured out" they were just regular animals like squirrels. I was well into my teens when I said to her "It's a shame we never found a real Womble in the park" and she cracked up and informed me there was no such thing. I was so disappointed.

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I used to watch I Dream of Jeanie and wonder how they got her hair to do that! I thought she must have tons of hair to do a ponytail with a braid wrapped around it!

I don't know why the concept of wigs and hair pieces was so difficult for me.

me again
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When I was watching a dance and singing competition, the singing performed a lift with three men holding her up. I asked my mum 'How did they know they had to pick her up?' She explained to me that they practised before and didn't just make it up on the day. I never quite got my head round this.....

You have to practise first......
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I believed the sticks you'd occasionally see hanging from the arms of The Muppets were crutches from a recent accident that the character had had. Makes sense, I guess.

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