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My favorite movie for about a year was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. I was convinced that every time I watched the movie, they had to do it all over again, as if they were inside the TV, acting out the movie just for me. I worried that they would get tired after a while and refuse to come out again.

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When I was 7, we moved from Philadelphia to Denver. I'd seen the West on TV and thought we'd leave our car at the Colorado Border and have horses to ride to our ranch.

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I used to think that soap operas were actually called "soappoppers" and I thought they were called this because the emotions on the show were so extreme that if there were soap bubbles in the room they would break because of all the tension and raised voices!

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My mom used to tell me that when the people on the news said 'goodnight' they were talking to children and it meant that I *had* to go to bed.

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when I was 7, I used to think that, because of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I would wake up one day with magical powers

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I used to believe that the way TV show's ratings were obtained, was that 2 guys with clipboards would go to everyone's house like the census but instead of knocking on your door they would just peer into your living room window and write down what they saw was on your tv.

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Not really connected to tv shows, but my sister (who is four years old) thinks Superman is actually called Stupidman, who kills enemies with the power of stupidity. Why? Because me and my brother told her so!

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I used to get confused when watching Wheel of Fortune, because I didn't understand that there was a camera overhead looking down at the wheel. I through there were two wheels, one flat for the people to spin, and another vertical one for the camera to shoot that would turn in sync with the flat one, somehow. Strange.

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Back in the early-80s when I was in kindergarten, one of my very favourite TV shows was Knight Rider. Back then my parents had a 1974 Chevy Camaro that I absolutely loved (when my father decided to trade it for a butt-ugly pick-up truck I was rather upset). I would go outside and hang around the car, pretending not to pay attention to it but stealing glances every so often to see if I could catch it talking (beats me why I just didn't go up to it and ask, "hey, can you talk?", but acting like a spy was just so much more interesting at that age). I conducted this top-secret experiment a few more times until, with a heavy heart, I realized it was just a "normal" car.

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Before I started school I saw the odd bit of daytime tv show Trisha (Ricki Lake/ Jerry Springer type show). Anyway in Trisha's studio audience there were always loads of different types of people like teenage goths with flesh tubes, old grannies, bald tattooed guys, fashionably dressed ladies etc. I thought to get all those different types of people there, Trisha's studio audience must be called up, like JURY DUTY!
"Oh honey I've been called up to be in Trisha's studio audience!"
It never occured to me that thet might all LIKE the show...

Rosa the floor cat
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When I was younger, (up to when I was about 7 years old), I believed that the salemen/women that come to your door were asking you to become an actor. I had no idea you had to audition or anything. I was always hoping for a spot on Barney or be a voice on Arthur, and I was mad at my mom for telling the people, "We're not interested."

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I used to be believe that in the TV Guide, when it said "To Be Announced", that it was a nationally broadcast news show, like 20/20.

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i used to believe that the tv show "Jim'll fix it" was hosted by Jim'll Saville!

V Earnshaw
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Back in the 60s, at the end of the "Dragnet", they would always show the criminal while a voice-over said, "Fred Johnson is now serving a life sentence..." I didn't realize they were actors. When I saw that same actor on "Star Trek" or something, I always thought, "Wow! He robbed a bank, and now he's on 'Star Trek'!" (I didn't think any other TV characters were real, just "Dragnet's" criminals, because they always said it was a true story.)

R. Howard
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i saw an advert for the samaritans which said do you ever feel you've had enough and want to end it all, this was during an ad break between the A-team, i thought people who wanted to top themselves volonteered to die on programmes like the A-team, this was before the lad next door told me he was going to be a stunt man!!!!!!!!!!

Jo Pope
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Before I learned about live studio audiences… I used to think that if I laughed really hard into my television speakers, that other families watching from their living rooms could hear me… because I reasoned that was where these other voices were coming from. So I purposely tried to laugh out of tune and when I heard someone that sounded like myself, I would smile with content because I had just heard myself on TV.

Later when I learned about reruns, I would get excited when I heard someone laugh like myself because I was certain that was ME from a previous taping.

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I was about 6 and was watching a particularly good episode of Knight Rider one day, when Michael Knight was invited round to a sassy lady's apartment to do some investigative work.
She then offered him a drink whilst leaning seductively over a bar and he replied, 'No thanks, I don't drink.'
And so I believed for the next few years that Michael Knight didn't drink...anything...ever. Not even water.

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My parents never had a television, but occasionally I would go to my Grandparent's house and watch it there.
My Grandmother's favourite show was M*A*S*H, so that was the only thing we watched.
Until I was 8, I though the only thing on telly was Hawkeye, Radar and Hoolahan...

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I used to think the Show "Law and Order" was a show about someone called Laura Norder! I used to think that Law and Order SVU was "Laura Norder - She's very ugly" When my mum had some friends over she said to me. "Time to go to bed now, we're watching Law and Order". "Are you watching the ugly one?" I asked. They all laughed and I was asked to explain myself. To this day whenever we watch Law and Order, Someone always asks if we are watching the ugly one.

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I used to believe that the UK government gave everyone a video camera for the sole purpose of putting people on You've been Framed!
I was proved wrong when I asked where ours was .

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