i used to believe

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I used to believe that the TV show Matlock was a cooking program, because in Swedish "matlock" means "food lid".

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i used to believe that when you hear the audience laughing in tv shows, it was people at home, watching tv, laughing. So i use to sit right next to the tv speaker and laugh into, thinking i one of those laughs was my own.

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When I was 3 or 4, my parents told me that everything on tv was make-believe. This later led to a couple police officers ringing the doorbell for a welfare check after I dialed 911 and promptly hung up after I realized someone had actually answered. Apparently my parents didn't consider the show Rescue 911 when telling me tv was not real.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that all the TV shows I watched were real, and that there were people filming in the back round. Yes, I thought that film of Buck Rodgers and Star Trek were sent back through time and that Batman and the Hulk were real people. It wasn't untill I saw Lenord Nemoy doing a movie review show with out the ears and laughing that I figured it out. (I didnt see that show untill I was 10)

Slow Show
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I didn't want to watch Unsolved mysteries because I thought the killers would know that I knew their secret and come kill me.

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When I was a very small child, there was a TV drama about war called "Combat." My brothers used to watch it. I thought that they used live ammunition and actually killed the actors. But oddly, this didn't upset me. I thought anyone who was dumb enough to be an actor and die after one tv episode wasn't worth worrying about.

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Throughout my childhood I believed that Jimmy Saville's name was actually "Jimll Fixit".

Galina Shinra
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I used to have a crush on Alan Alda, on M.a.s.h., and when I went to bed one night,I placed a handwritten sign on my window that said"Alan Alda, come here",so that he could find my house.

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I believed that the costumes on the original Star Trek had shortened pants because there was a cloth shortage in the 1960s.

Won't Believe My Mum Again
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I learned the hard way that you can't go into a picture like the do in Blue's Clues, even if you jump in head first.

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This is kind of embarrassing. My mother was a bigoted white Southerner, and when the original Star Trek came on she did not approve or let us watch it, not only because of Uhura, but because she had heard somewhere that Leonard Nimoy was from "the only tribe in Africa that has ears like that". She basically thought the ears were REAL and he was wearing " whiteface" makeup because he was black.It was absolutely idiotic and she would tell people "the truth" and embarrass me.Only after he appeared in Mission Impossible did she grudgingly admit her mistake.I think Leonard Nimoy would have been very surprised to hear that he was actually from Africa..in someone's twisted fantasy.

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As a kid, I saw an episode of The Simpsons where Mr. Burns tells Bart, "Did you know that after ten years dead bodies turn into licorice?" I thought that it was true and that I was going to turn into licorice after ten years of being dead and that I would get eaten. I thought that licorice was made from dead people.

Eating Licorice is Cannibalism
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There is a very famous British children's TV show called Blue Peter which is almost as much of a British Institution as Big Ben. When I was a kid the presenters, John Noakes, Peter Purves and Valerie Singleton in those days, used to say at the end of each programme "we'll see you on Monday/Thursday". I thought this meant they could see me sitting on my parents' settee like I could see them on TV. When I studied 1984 for English in high school the phrase "the telescreen not only transmitted but received" reminded me of what I had thought about the Blue Peter presenters when I was a kid.

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As soon as Bruce Banners eyes started to change I'd hide behind the couch incase the Incredible Hulk would get me.
Sometimes I'd be behind the couch for over half an hour as our regular baby-sitter would tell me that he "wasn't back to normal yet".

Scottish Laddie
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Well, you know that 'audience laughing' you hear when your watching a comedy? i thought that the laughing was coming from viewers at home actually watching the show, so at all the funny parts id run up to the tv and laugh as loud as i could hoping that one of my friends would hear me. [:

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I use to think that all TV shows were made in massive hidden studios in the local TV station. Although I never could figure out how they got the Wheel of Fortune in there.

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I used to believe that "Little House on the Prairie" was filmed actually in the 1800's - that the cameramen just followed the Ingall's family around taping them. Then they edited out the boring parts and what was left was the hour we got to see on TV.

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I used to believe that the Captain's Log in Star Trek, was really a log

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When I was a kid I liked the show TJ Hooker with Heather locklear, etc. Well I thought that every police officer was a "hooker". Once I was walking with my father past some cops and I yelled "look at all the hookers!" I never understood why I got an odd combination of laughs and red faces by everyone around me.

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Whenever one of my friends would come over, we would watch "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" on Nickelodeon. There was one episode where I guess a ghost haunted a house, and would leave a painted mark of an uppercase green Q over the victim's bed. After we watched that episode we were wicked scared.

So then we went around my house searching to see if we could find anything with an uppercase green Q. Well, we found a book that was titled "TROPICAL AQUARIUM FISH" in green lettering. We then thought the book was possessed.

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