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I asked my mum how the hands on Thunderbirds were so realistic. She answered: because they are real hands. Therefore I believed that they where the hands of dead bodies stuck onto puppets. Be interesting to see that one on your donor card!

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My son, then age 4, - now 13 - used to believe that Vanna White was a tiny little person, fairy size, and that's why she was smaller than the letters of the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune.

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My parents often watched star trek during dinner and at other times when i was present. I never knew what was going on in the episodes (too young) so I thought that you had to be an adult to know. Furthurmore i thought that the only way you *could* be an adult was to know and that my parents watched star trek only to show off their adulthood.

Now I watch a lot of star trek and I'm still not an adult :(

Proud Trekkie
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I thought that when you pressed the hazzard button in the car, the dukes of hazzard would come and save you.

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I used to believe I invented Dennis the Menace. Now granted I was born in 1979, and he was around way before me, but that never stopped me from thinking, for some reason that I came up with the whole concept of Dennis the Menace. I'm not sure where this came from exactly... :)

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I often questioned Cookie Monster's true affinity for cookies. I would think, "If Cookie Monster loves cookies so much, why doesn't he swallow a single bite? All of the pieces just fall out of his mouth." I think I was well into my teens when it dawned on me that puppets can really swallow.

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I used to believe that all characters from TV shows were real. My parents told me that the Teletubbies lived in England, so when my cousin went to England I asked her to bring me back a Teletubbie.

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In the cult British Kids show called Rainbow, there was a character called Zippy, whose mouth you could zip up, and if he got really annoying one of the other characters would zip him up. This used to scare the hell out of me, cos i thougt "if they keep him zipped up too long he'll suffocate!" I couldn't watch Rainbow after that.

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When I was about 7 or 8, I saw a TV show I really enjoyed. Looking in the TV listings for that time and station, I found "To Be Announced." For quite a while, I kept looking for "To Be Announced" in the listings, hoping for another chance to see that same show.

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When my Dad was about seven, he and his brother were watching Star Trek. When the commercials came on, his brother, ((Who was about fifteen,)) started talking about Spock, saying 'Whoa ho! I bet that guy is laughing and acting happy the whole time the commercials are on, since he's gotta be serious the rest of the time!'

And my Dad, who I must mention is nearly ten years younger, was thinking, 'But it's not a live program ...'. =)

Mallory Maloney
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When I was a kid I used to think that the microphone clips celebrity guests wear on talk shows were to prevent the host from being attacked by the guest in case the guest got angry.

Mr. Silvers
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In the UK there was a show called The Adventure Game where the contestants (who were children) had to walk the "Vortex". This was a grid you had to get across one move at a time without the enemy getting to you (a bit like Chess but more sophisticated!). In between the grid lines was nothingness and if the child got caught he fell down into it. I genuinely believed that the children fell into the Vortex and never came back, and I couldn't understand why people kept applying to go on the show.

I am still afraid of grids...

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When me and my brother were kids we used to think that Jim'll Fix it's Jimmy Saville was called Jim'll

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When I was young enough, I thought that Ed Sullivan was Aunt Sullivan, my aunt who, mysteriously, was a man and was on TV.

Bruce L.
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There was a show called "You can't do that on Television" back in the (19)80's on Nickelodeon. Sometimes they'd ask the home audience to participate and 'vote' by pressing a Red or Green square on the screen. Although I always wondered how it worked, I really believed my vote went through by touching the TV screen. & sometimes, when I thought I was being slick, I wouldn't vote, just to see if 'they' would notice and say something to me on TV or send a letter to my mom.

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I used to believe that Off Air was an actual show, possibly about airplanes.

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My girlfriend belived that sitcoms were called that because you sat down to watch them.

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My sister used to think that we were six months behind Australia in 'Neighbours' because it took six months for the tv signal to get round the world.

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when i was sevenyears old, i watched the miniseries "V" in which alien lizards impersonated humans. i was convinced that when i went to bed, my parents stripped off their skin and relaxed as the evil lizards they truly were. i used to sit on the stairs when they thought to spy on them, trying to catch them without their human disguises on.

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The theme song to The Wombles includes the line 'the wombles of Wimbledon common are we'. For years (until I was well into adulthood) I thought this meant that the wombles were not posh because they made their living picking up litter.

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