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My dad used to sing along to madonna's Erotic in the car when he was taking me and my 13 year old friends to the school disco. This in itself is cringy enough, but he used to sing
"You got it, you got it...." Instead of "Erotic, erotic" by mistake which had all my friends in silent hysterics and daring each other to tell me dad the real lyrics. I got slagged off for my dorky dad for about two years after that.
Also me and my sister used to think that the Fine Young Cannibals were singing "Milkshake, where have you gone?" instead of "Lucy". Thought they had a bit of a Macdonalds obsession

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I used to think that the lyric to the ABC tune, 'Shoot that Poison Arrow' was 'Shake that Boy's Afro'

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I used to think the Queen song 'Another one bites the dust' was
'Another one buys a duster'
I was really dissapointed when I heard the real lyrics!

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When I was a kid, my "cool" older cousins always used to listen to AC/DC and there's a song on Back In Black
(Givin' The Dog A Bone) that I used to believe had something to do with the smurfs. When they sang the chorus, I thought they were singing "Give it to Gargamo! Yeah! Give it to Gargamo!" I thought Gargamo must have been Gargamel's brother or something and that whatever "it" was, it would surely spell doom for the smurf way of life.

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I used to think that the words for outkasts 'Hey ya' went 'shake it like a polaroid pizza' instead of ' shake it like a polaroid picture'
also i used to think that in the song i try by Macy Gray that it said 'I wear googgles when your are not near' instead of 'My world crumbles when you are not near' dunno why?....

freya, age 15
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There was this song in the "Grease II" movie that Michelle Pfeiffer sang called "Cool Rider". there was this part in the song where she spelled the words COOL and RIDER...
I thought she was singing:
"I need a C-O-O-S, R-I-E-E-R"
I could never figure out what a Coos Rieer was.

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top belief!

My best friend until a year ago would sing 'Israeli men! Hallelujah!' instead of 'It's raining men! Hallelujah!'. She's 22.

She also used to think the song 'Where have all the cowboys gone?' was 'Where have all the punjabs gone?'. I have no idea where this preoccupation with ethinic men has come from!

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I used to think the song "love the one you're with" was called "love the one, your win.

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I used to think that the Michael Jackson song 'Black Or White' sang 'fingering my baby' instead of 'thinking bout my baby', I also heard 'why did it end?' in Remember the Time as 'I did 'it' in' and I thought the line in Beat It was 'fucky' rather than 'funky'.

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Did anyone else hear The Verve singing 'the trucks don't work'? But why would that make you worse?
My son had to tell me it was the drugs that didnt work....

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top belief!

I really did believe Elton john was singing 'someone shaved my wife tonight' and was mortified years later to find it was actually 'someone saved my life tonight'

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I used to believe that the lyric

'No woman no cry'

Meant if you didn't have a girlfriend then you would never cry.

Listen to it its still works.

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I used to believe that the lyrics to an old song my mum sang were "take my hand, I'm a strange looking parasite" !! :)

Megan, Lymington
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the sheryl crow song "all i wanna do, is have some fun..."
it was only until a short while ago i figured out what she was saying "until the sun comes up over sani-moni-cupple-a-vord"
nothing to do with santa monica then?


Laura Lee
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in the music hit by macey gray, my partner once brought up that he wasnt sure of the lyrics, and sang to me:

"i try to say goodbye and i choke,
try to walk away and i stumble,
no point trying to hide it, its clear,
i wear goggles when you are not there."

and yes, if you listen to the song, it does sound like shes singing about goggles.

Laura Lee
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When I first heard that Justin Timberlake song ROCK YOUR BODY I really thought he was saying "I WANNA F*CK YOUR BODY BABY" when really he was saying "I WANNA ROCK YOUR BODY". lol.

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My friend Liz used to think that the lyric from Macy Gray's I Try was 'I wear goggles when you are not here' instead of 'My world crumbles when you are not here'. I laughed at her, until I heard the song again and have to admit that it does sound like Macy is singing Liz's version!

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Tee hee! This is a great website! Toto's song "Africa" seems to prove a popular one for completely misunderstanding the lyrics...and heres another to add to the collection. I thought " I bless the rains down in Africa" was in fact - "I left my brains down in Africa!" The fact that I thought anyone was fortunate enough to have more than one is beyond me! My sister was and still is, the bright spark of the family (you could say "brain/brains" of the outfit)and thought it hilariously amusing to make me sing it in front of my family and only letting on afterwards, that the lyrics were in fact totally incorrect! Bye allx

Sal S
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I used to think that the lyrics to John Foggerty's 'Centrefield' were...'Booby and Co, They're ready to play today' My sister ripped it out of me fo that one.

I also thought Mr Bump had stripes - instead of what were obviously bandages. I was put right at 17!

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One day a friend of a friend came around to our house and said "I really love that song 'Wopupafarbu'.None of us knew which song she meant and we were so puzzled that we asked her to sing it to us. It transpired that she actually meant the old early house music song "Pump up the volume"

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