i used to believe

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i used to think that the song that goes, "my baby's got a secret." went, "my baby's got a seatbelt."

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That Kenny Loggins song.. "I'm Alright..." I thought he was singing "Ham on Rye...nobody worry 'bout me...you've got to give me a slice...why can't you just let it be?"

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A friend in high school used to think the Top Gun song by Kenny Loggins was "Highway to the Danger Shower" - really.

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My friend, who is 30, sings the song by the Counting crows:
They paved paradise to foot up a fucking lot...
Know the song?

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I thought the disco-era song 'The Hustle' with the lyric "Do the Hustle" was "Do the Hot Dog". I was actually singing this until my friend humiliated me by telling me it was The Hustle, not the hot dog, you idiot!

Dill Wilson
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I used to think that the line "all the leaves are brown" in California Dreaming was really "all the Lisa Browns" *grin*

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top belief!

I was also a victim of "Lucy in the sky with diamonds, the girl with colitis goes by." I always thought it was weird.

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First off, thanks for correcting me about the Michael Jackson song about "keep on with the force, don't stop." I guess it's not really about a four-star hotel, then? It's a good thing I hadn't said anything about it to my husband, the huge Jackson fan.

And I thought the David Bowie line from Labyrinth was "Slap that baby, make him scream?"

I also had a friend who insisted the first line of the second verse of Queen's *We are the Chanpions* was "I've taken my vows" instead of bows. She thought it was a really religious song. I never could tell her the truth about Freddie.

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Bohemian Rhapsody again Beelzeebub, has the devil put a sack on me? on me, on me

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on the radio, instead of "I've got chills. they're multiplying," from GREASE, some guy sang "I;ve got shoes, they're made of plywood." well, i guess its no wonder that he's "losing control" :-)

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The Bee Gees song...'You should be dancin' the line
'What you doin in your bed?'
I always thought (up till I was 28 actually) was
'doobley doobley dare'
Why I thought that I have no idea, but hey if the Stones can hum an entire section of 'Paint it Black' then why not?!

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When I first heard Matt Monro's song "Born Free," I thought he was singing "Porn Free."

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My Cousin Emily age four sings the song "cleanin out my close" By eminem like
Im sorry mama i ment to hurt you i meant to make you pye but tonite im cleanin out my poset'!!!!!


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My family had real problems with Bob Marley.
We had 'Pixiedust' (exodus)
'i shot the sherrif but i didnt shoot no dead budgie' (i shot the sherrif but i didnt shoot the deputy)
and the best was pixiedust groovy bunch of people.

i was proud of pixiedust.

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I was maybe 9 or 10 and Tom Jones had this song with Stereophonics, 'Mama Told Me Not To Come' and my friend and I were singing it in the playground and when it came to the part 'That ain't the way to have fun, son' my friend was like 'Down in the winter house fun, son' I laughed for days.

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On the song "The Candle" by King Diamond at the beginning there's this 'chant' and i thought it said "Seven years of love And the candle mark can be left undone,the candle must burn again and planes must follow the holy fame so burn, burn, burn, and free the spirit from its Jane" but it really said "7 Years Have Gone, It Can No Longer Be Left Undone, the candle must burn again and pain must follow the unholy flame so burn, burn, burn, and free the spirit from its chain."

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I used to believe that in Barry Manilow's "Copacabana" the reason Tony and Rico got into a fight was beacause Rico called Lola a dog....
"And when she finished, He called her Rover"
I am still tempted to sing those words even today.

Rosie Kelly
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I used to think that Frankie Avalon sang, "Hey Penis, Oh, penis..." instead of "Hey Venus."

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I used to think that Bananarama's song "I'm You Venus" was "I'm Your Penis"

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I use to think that song by Trace Adkins "(This Ain't ) No Thinkin' Ting". was

This aint no thinkin train right trian left train.

lil deviL.
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