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i used to believe that in the song "a whole new world" from aladdin the words went like this: unbelievable skies. indescribable feeling. soaring tumbling relieving thru a necklace diamond sky!! im 16 and i JUST found out i had been singing it wrong for year just a few months ago!

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On SPM's song south park mexican, i thought they were saying lesbian instead of SPM.

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when i heard "strawberry fields forever" for the first time, i mistook it as "strawberry fields for trevor" whenever i heard the song i would say (rather loudly i might add)"WHO'S TREVOR? AND WHY DOES HE GET STRAWBERRY FIELDS" once i did this is a sore at the mall, wih a radio playing. It gets worse. We (my parents and i, i was about 5) were at an electronics store, and just then a salemen came around and said "Do you have any questions?" "yes," i reaplied "Who's trevor?"
Unfortunatly for me, nobody understood (What a nice imagination our daughter has) or set me straight about the song lyrics. Several years later, when i was 9 i was still hanging on the my "Trevor" belief when i went to a Pick-Ur-Own strawberry farm type thing with a sign that said "Strawberry Fields" this set off a little bell in my head, would i soon find out who trevor was? when some guy came to tell us where to go and to give us a container for the strawberries i just had to say : "Excuse me, but are you trevor?"

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My sister's boyfriend recently revealed that in Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" where it sang "Hold me closer tiny dancer" that he thought it said "Hold me closer Tony Dansi." I can't listen to the song without cracking up now

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I used to think that Ace of Base's song "I Saw The Sign" was " I Saw The Sun"

Party girl
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i remember watching TOP OF THE POPS in the 80's and my mum said that music just wasnt what it used to be as it just doesnt make any sense these days
She was puzzling over a song by Depeche Mode 'Catch the butterflies'
it was in fact 'Get the balance right'!!

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As a little boy, I constantly misheard The Beach Boys' song California Girls. It confused me, especially in their high-pitched voices, when I heard them sing "I wish we all could be California girls!" It made me feel funny inside. I knew they were very cool, because no one was cooler than a surfer--was I supposed to want to be a California girl too?

Now a closet crossdresser...
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when i was younger i thought in the alanis morsette song 'you oughta know' that she said the "cross eyed bear" that you gave to me not the "cross i bear that you gave to me." Actually thought her ex gave her a cross eyed teddy bear

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Whenever I sang to TLC's "Waterfalls" I sang the lyrics differently, I sing it like "don't go jason waterfalls lipstick to the---" my family always laughed at me untill I got the picture.

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When I was in about 5th grade,I always thought that TLC's "Scrub" went "A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fine,also known as a bustop. Always thinking 'bout what he wants, since I'm his broke ass."it really went"A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
And is also known as a buster
Always talkin' about what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass"

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When I was younger listening to my dad's copy of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, I always thought the line was, "Lucy eating pie with Simon..."

Ironic, as my dad is called Simon

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In the eponymous song by Cliff Richard, the line goes, 'It's so funny, how we don't talk anymore.' I always thought: "Who's Howie?"

Ben L.
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You know that song "What a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong (I'm pretty sure)? There's a part where he sings "Dark sacred night." I used to think he said "Dogs say good night." I still sing it wrong.

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I used to believe that the lyrics in Men at Work's "Who Can it be Now" were: "I like it here with my choclate friends" because Dylan said so.

Michael Jensen
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I used to believe that the STYX song "Come Sail Away" was Come, Stay Away" Which really doesn't make any sense.

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When I was 6 I heard the song "Who can it be now?". I used to think the words were "Your getting bigger now!" instead of "Who can it be now?". My family burst into laughter when I sang it wrong.

Cool Girl
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Y'know that Beach Boys song " Fun Fun Fun"? Well, I used to sing it all the time as " And she'll have FUN FUN FUN till her daddy takes her t-shirt away...." Wow. Didn't know fathers back in the 60's were lil' pimps to their friggin' DAUGHTERS! SICK!

Al-Anon (lol)
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Kiss' song "I wanna rock and roll all night" - I thought it was "...and part of every day" (instead of "and party every day").

Also, Bruce Cockburn's song "If I had a rocket launcher" - I thought it was "if I had a rockin' lawn chair" (the next lyric is "some son of a b**ch would die" - odd!)

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I spent the early part of my childhood (at least primary school) thinking that two people featured in songs that actually never existed.

1. Anne Jenoit... "If you're happy, Anne Jenoit (and you know it), clap your hands...

2. Ray Novarus... "send her victorious, happy and glorious, belongs to Ray Novarus (long to reign over us), god save the queen.

I slowly disabused myself of these misconceptions but I miss my two childhood friends

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Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody - I thought "Be-elzeebub has a devil put aside for me" was "Be-elzeebub, not a devil, but a sideboard, me" (Satanic Sideboards? Devilled Dressers? What other kinds of hellish furniture could there be?)

Hot Chocolate - "Where you from, you sexy thing" I thought that was - "Wear your thong, you sexy thing" (Makes much more sense!)

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