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Util very recently I thought that in the Greese song, the girl sang 'Can you feel my erection' and i used to find it rather odd, her being a girl and all! It actually goes.. 'Can you feel my affection'

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I used to think that the lyrics in "Send me on my way" (Rusted Root) were Simeon the whale--underwear. It was years before someone felt compelled to tell me that they were actually saying "Send me on my way--on my way"

But I prefer the whale.

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I found 8 other posts here about the Kenny Rogers song Lucille, but I didn't see any that misunderstood it like I did:
"You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel. Four hundred children and a crop in the field." instead of "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille. Four hungry children and a crop in the field."
I thought this was about a guy mad at his truck when the wheel fell off the piece of junk, and he needed it for harvest. Plus, he had a bunch of kids to care for.

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theres a verse in the song crash into me by dave matthews band that kinda had me baffled, cuz i thought he was saying im king of the castle and i'm in love with an asshole. but he was really saying and you're a little rascal. sadly i only just found this out the other day when i was singing while having headphones on. not only was i singing it wrong, but it was waaaay off key :)

(: not actually tone deaf :)
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I used to think the lyrics to 'About a Girl' by Nirvana were 'I need a lizard friend' instead of 'I need an easy friend'. I know I'm not the only one because someone else said something to the same effect.

I used to sort of think that the words in this line of 'Sir Psycho Sexy' by the Red Hot Chili Peppers was 'I got stopped by a lady cop in my lunchable-b'. I was like, 'Why the hell is Anthony Kiedis driving bolonga?'

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The first time I heard Queensryche's "Jet City Woman" It sounded like the lyrics were "I look in your eyes, just like the rain. Washing the bread , wash all the meat"

This is not to say Geoff Tate's voice is incoherent. come on people, he's in credible. I think he broke my ears with a high note when I say QR in concert.

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top belief!

I was listening to a radio competition where they play part of a song and the person on the phone has to complete the lyrics, Bachman Turner Overdrive had a song out that went "Taking care of business everyday, Taking care of business everyway," They stopped the music and the caller continued "Baking carrot biscuits everyday, Baking carrot biscuits everyway."

Gary (Frankston Australia)
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top belief!

The mother of my ex-girlfriend used to think the Bee Gee's song "More Than A Woman", was "Bald Headed Woman". She also thought John Mellencamp's "The Authority Song" said "I'm fightin' Dorothy and Dorothy always wins". First time I heard it was one of the biggest laughs I've ever had.

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When I was little, that flocks of seagul song 'i ran' was my favorite song. I thought it went "I run along the Alamo, I'd never thought I'd meet a hurl like you, meet a hurl like you..."

No duh
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When I was 10, i thought the walking in the winter wonderland song went like this 'later on we'll expire' instead of 'later on we'll conspire'. I had all these children dying because they were expired stuck in my head.

Lil Embryo
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My lyric actually made sense in the context of the song (at least it did to me), so it took a while until I learned the truth. In an Amy Grant song, I was convinced she said "But your life can't fall asunder, 'cuz you just can't lay down and die." However, the line actually goes "But you're like a fallen soldier..."

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Until my sister was 11 she thought that the Beach Boys' "God Only Knows what I'd be without you" was really "Cuddly nose what I'd be without you"

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Not a childhood belief,but quite recent! Micheal Jackson's One More Chance. Real words 'One more chance at love' misheard as 'One more chance, Edna'.

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apparantly as a kid of around 5 years old, i used to sing "go and get stuffed" instead of "when the going get tough (the tough get going)"

thank you please

i am me
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In the beginning of Climax Blues Bands song "I Love You' I thought it went: When I was, a younger man, I'd hide in a can. It's really " I hadn't a care." I think.

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In the beginning of "Wings" Band on the run, It sounded like: Stuck inside these four walls...."Circumcised" forever....

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My dad said that when he was little he thought "Home home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play" was "Home home on the range, where the deer and the cantalope play"

Shirley B.
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I thought the line in "America the Beautiful" that went "Four purple mountains, majesty among the fruited plain" was "Four purple mountains, najesties, above the fruited plate."

It made sense to me. A plate with fruits.

Shirley B.
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"Yooce cream, ice bean, we all scream for ice cream!"

This song was always stupid to me.

Shirley B.
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My mother believed for many years that in "Bohemian Rapsody" the line "spare him his life from this monstrosity" was "spare him his life for his one sausagey". She also thoust that "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me" was "Beelzebub has a devil for a side-board-ee".

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