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When he was little my brother thought the words to the song "Watch out here she comes/ she's a man eater" were really "Watch out here she comes she's an anteater." Always made me think I was safe because those anteaters only liked men.

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When we were little my brother used to think that the lyrics to the song "Gloria" were really "Oreo" so we always sang "Oreo/ I think I got you number/ Oreo..." I mean who named their kid Gloria 20 years ago when we were little?

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my moms friend growing up thought the song that went "Good, good, good, good vibrations" went, "Good, good, good, goodbye braces"

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Just about a year ago(im 14) i realized the song by TLC called Waterfalls said "Dont go chasing waterfalls", while I always thought it said "Go go Jason Waterfalls"

Also I thought the song "Yellow Taxi" by Counting Crows said "They paved paradise, to put up a fucking lodge" while it really says "They paved paradise, to put up a parking lot"

anna v
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The second line of "just call me angel of the morning" was "just scratch my feet before you leave me, baby". I still don't know what it is, but I'm putting my money on the probability that that ain't it.

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I used to believe that in the song "Blue" by Eiffel 65, he said "I'm Blue, I believe I will die."

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There's this song called follow me, and there's a sentence in there that goes: "... like a fish in the sea"
I always thought that it was "... I can pis in the sea" =)

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There's a Kate Bush song on 'The Dreaming' that I thought had the most beautifully honest lyric I had ever heard: 'How come I really bore you?' Turns out it's, 'Not until I'm ready for you.'

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I used to think that adam and the ants' stand and deliver was 'stand in your liver'.....

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I used to think the 80's song "Our Lips are Sealed" was "Olives are Seals"

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when i was younger i used to listen to I Like Big Butts..and theres a part of the song where he says i wanna rub your smooth skin, you say you wanna get in my benz....but i had always thought that he was saying, "so your rumpelstilskin, you say you wanna get in my band." whats so wrong about a little mean dude who wants me be in sir mix a lots band??

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For the longest time (through college even) I thought the last lyrics of the Golden Girls was "And the cardiacs would say, 'Thank you for being a friend'".
Made sence to me, as it was a show about older women. My brother has since informed me of it being "card attached". Makes more sense now.

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There's a famous hoe-down song with the words "Where did you come from, Where did you go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eyed Joe..." which I'd heard dozens of times throughout my childhood. Until I was 17 years old, I thought the words were "Where did you come from, 'Gotta Find Joe!"

I still like my version better...who's ever heard of a guy with "cotton eyes" anyway? :)

Jackie F
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When i was eight we drove down to disney world and Aerosmith's "dude looks like a lady" came on the radio. I started singing along like i always do and when "dude looks like a lady" part came on I sang "Do the legged-lady", my parents thought it was the funniest thing in the world. and i dont know who this song is by or what its called... but it goes "cant hurt me now, cant hurt me now, cant hurt me nooooow" and i sang "hand her her towler, hand her her towel, hand her her tooooowell!" i was such a loser as a kid

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When I was little I used to do this crazy dance and sing along to Tina Turner...but instead of "When the B****h gets back, I used to sing "when the fish gets back.." It didn't make sense even then, but I swore I was right.

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I used to think that Ace of Base sang, "I saw the SUN and it opened up my eyes..." instead of "I saw the sign."

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My niece, Alisse, heard the song "Felis Navidad" one day on the radio and was amazed. She thought the song said, "Alisse, mom, and dad". So now when we ask her to sing a Christmas song she'll sing that, HER way. Don't try to tell her she's wrong, she KNOWS it's about her family.

Mandy The Mental
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In the song "Greased Lightning" from the musical "Grease", there is a line "You know that ain't no shit, we'll be getting lots of tit". I was eight and had just got the record and played this line for my dad, who corrected me, saying it was "You know that when you shift, you'll be getting lots of tift". When I asked him what a 'tift' was, he said that it meant 'a rough time'. So for years I would regularly use 'tift' in sentences, such as "Wow, you'll really be in a big tift if the teacher sees you!" Only when I was in my teens did I realize that my dad simply didn't want me repeating the words 'shit' and 'tit' in public.

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For about 20 years I thought the first lines of Elvis Presley's 'Suspicious Minds' were "I'm courting a trout, I can't walk out". It may be a weird concept and not make sense but at least it rhymes better than the real lyrics!

Barry, Norwich, England
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Years ago there was a boyband who had a song titled Hangin Tough,, one of the radio stations plays 80's and 90's and my teenage son looks and me and says that's a stupid song "Singin Dumb"

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