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When reading this website, I was surprised to learn that David Bowie sings "this mellow-thighed chick" in Suffragette City. I always thought it was, "the smell of fat chicks." I figured that he was acting like he had transcendant sexual senses or something.

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The first few times I heard Lee Ann Womack singing, "I hope you daaaaaance," I thought she had said, "I hope your're deeeaaaad."

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I always thought the Motels were singing, "Only the lonely, only the lonely get laid" instead of "can play." It didn't make sense to me at all, because how can they be lonely if they're getting laid so much?

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I had never heard the german version of Oh Christmas Tree (Oh Tanenbaum) until I was 18. I was walking in a dept. store with my brother and we both were positive they were saying "Oh Timebomb". It made no sense for a christmas song but every time they said it we heard timebomb.

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for the longest time i thought that the song "lady in red" was "baby and bread".....i was embarrassed when i was singing it and my mother told me the real words! she still teases me about it.

the girl with no name
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top belief!

me and my friend were listening to the radio and the song 'love lift us up where we belong' comes on...only she thinks the words were 'the lift goes up when we get on'.

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I used to think that the Queen song contained the line "Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard". After years of singing this I was eventually told that the line is "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me". Thanks to everyone who didn't tell me!

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For a while i hav thought that the lyrics for Smash Mouth's "All Star" went like so:
"She was lookin kinda dumb
with her finger IN her thumb
and the shape of an elf
on her forhead."
It wasnt until a friend pointed out to me that i was singing the lyrics wrong in an english lesson while watchin one of my favourite films "Shrek". She said that the lyrics went like:
"with her finger and her thumb
in the shape of an L
on her forhead"
obviously this makes alot more sence than my version on the lyrics.

an elf, what was i thinking?
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In Evanescence's song "Taking Over Me" the real lyrics were "I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you."I could have sworn that the lyrics were "I lie away and try so hard not to finger you."It still sounds like that to me!!

So Embarassed
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top belief!

I wondered all the time why Michael Jackson was singing "Beat it! Beat it! No one wants to see your penis!" I figured it must be a song about a guy confronting the neighbourhood streaker.

I had no good answer for Joni Mitchell's "gay pair of guys [who] put up a parking lot." My only thought was, "Okay, well, good for them."

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Actually-my friend Nicole's belief-we started working together and that Billy Idol song "Eyes Without A Face" came on the radio at work and she sang along- how's about a date? instead.-I snickered and she asked me what was so funny-and if those were the wrong words. I told her I was laughing because they were the wrong words and also because I quite often do the same thing. We have been best friends now for over 10 years!!

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When Alanis Morrisette was first popular, my sister and I both liked the song, "You Oughta Know." I had to laugh uproariously one day when I realized that my sister was singing, "The cross-eyed bear that you gave to me" instead of "The cross I bear, that you gave to me."

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There was a song in the 60's called "Hey look me over" There's a line that goes "Don't thumb your nose folks, take a tip from mine" which I thought went "Don't pick your nose but take a pick from mine" For some strange reason that song used to remind me of the man who collected the pools money.. Wierd or what !!

Dave, Lancashire
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I used to think Hot Chocolate's "I believe in miracles" was "I believe in Milkos"

Dave, Lancashire
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The Madonna song 'Life is a mystery' always sounded like 'life is a mysery' to me.

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I was about 8 when "Eyes Without a Face" came out on the radio. I thought that he was singing "How's about a face?"
I envisioned some crazy faceless person looking for a face!

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I used to think that the lyrics to "Paperback Writer" by the Beatles were "Take the back right turn". So did my mom, and she's obviously much older than me.

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There was a country song that my sister and I heard on the radio that went like this:

It's gonna take a lot of river
to keep this broken heart afloat

We thought it was "to keep this broken artichoke" and we sang it that way until our mom heard us and gave us the correct lyrics.

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There's a heavy metal group called Disturbed,who has a song called Stupify.The correct lyrics were "Look in my face,step into my soul,I begin to stupify.Rock!"For the longest time I thought it was "Deep in my plate,deep in my bowl,I eat Spaghetti-O's!Rock!"I have absolutely NO IDEA where that came from!

Too obsessed with pasta
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I play the piano and once when i was going out with one of my ex-girlfriends we decided to have a sing-song, revealing that for many years (and up until then) she thought the lyrics "Don't cry for me Agentina" were actually "Don't cry for me Aunty Tina"
Is Madonna's version of this song really that bad!?

Bauhaus Rocker
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