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When I was little, I used to think that a line in Wilson Phillips' "Reckless" went "I want to be a horse's breakfast" as opposed to "impulsive, reckless." I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to be a horse's breakfast. Suicide perhaps?

Garth Brooks' "Shameless".... I thought it was "Shavin'".

Don't know who sings it, but my friend thought the funk song "Doin' the Butt" was actually "Do it in the Butt." HUGE difference!

Absent Reasonable Logic
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Until we looked up the lyrics, I thought the Les Miserables `little people` said "a fly can fly arond her site..." and I thought allflies were female and were territorial. I was firmly conviced for 2 months

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Dutch radio DJ Jeroen van Inkel confessed he used to think it was:

"I got my first real sexdream"
instead of
"I got my first real sixstring"
(Bryan Adams - Summer of '69)

I thought is was sixstream, but hey, I'm dutch!

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When the Eiffel 65 song "Blue Da Ba De" came out I thought they were saying "I'm Blue, if I was green I would die". Pretty dumb, but not as bad as one guy's argument that they were really saying "I'm Blue, I would beat off a guy". Bit of a perv.

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When i first heard the song "Story of a girl" i thought they sang "she stepped in the river and drowned the whole world" lol she must have been fat

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Ok, I feel really stupid now, because, until I read this site, I couldn't figure out what the real words for "Blinded By the Light" were!!! It sounded like "revved up like a duche, another rumor in the night" but I really didn't see how that could POSSIBLY make sense in that song! Oy, I feel like an idiot!

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top belief!

I used to think it was 'Everywhere you go, always take a weapon with you' instead of 'always take the weather with you' in that song by Crowded House

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As a child in the sixties I thought the song "A Groovy Kind of Love" was "A Croupy Kind of Love" because I'd had a croupy cough.

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I used to think the song Dude Looks Like A Lady by Aerosmith said "Do the f***kin' lady" intead of "Dude looks like a lady"

The Embarassed One
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I used to believe that the song that goes "put my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry." went "Put machete (big sword thing) through the lady but the lady won't die" My friend started laughing at me when I started singing it one day...

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This one belongs to my dear old dad. This occurred years ago, when the group "Fine Young Cannibals" was popular (in the 80's). Anyway, he thought their song "Good Thing" was called "Guilty" and he used to sing "Guilty" really loud while we were in the family van! What a goober!

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I used to think in the song Hotel California, it was 'We are programmed to deceive', as well as 'She got the Mercedes Benz instead of "bends" (which is the correct term).

Kirk Teh
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When my sister and I were younger we believed the Paul Young song "Everytime you go away" was saying "Everytime you go away, you take a piece of *meat* with you." When our mom found out what we were singing and tried to correct us, we argued with her that ours was right because it made more sense...how can you take a piece of someone with you? The idea was disgusting to us and even if she were taking a piece of him with her, it would technically still be a piece of meat. Our mom didn't think that was very funny and would get mad at us every time we sang the song the wrong way.

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I used to think that in the Gin blossoms song that went " Found out about you" they were saying ' oksona bayool"
like the figure skater

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When I was young, I always thought the Bangles song 'walk like an Eygptian' was 'walk like a midget' my aunt actually explained it when I was doing the dance and singing it, I still get teased about that.

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I used to think that the lyrics "lets go round again" by Louise from Eternal were actually "leets go round the bend"

Chinky Lil
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well when my cousin was about 4 which wasnt to long ago--she really liked music and taht song by janet jackson- the one that goes he*ll drive a funky car was one of her favorites and well she began to say teh words and she thouhgt funky was Fu**in so she would go around saying he*ll drive a fu**in car.. lol

my silly cousin
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I used to think that the song Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm yours was Sky's still the limit oh yeah! but, my sister corrected me.

mein popo ist nett
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when I was younger i thought in "Blinded by the light"
"wrapped up like a dutchman of the rotor in the night",
instead of "revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night"

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My mum used to think 'I Believe In Miracles (Hot Chocolate) was: 'I believe in MERKELS' up until The Full Monty soundtrack a few years ago...

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