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i use to misheard kiss by a rose by seal "i've been kissied by a rose on the grey" to "i've been kiss by a ghost on the grave" though i coundn't make any sense out of it.

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i used to think that the lyrics for lady marmalade were: coochy coochy ya ya, moca cocca ya ya. free your lady mama now. moolan voodo say what at my house.
i dint realize i had it wrong till on the bus i was singing with my headphones on and my friend BUSTED out laughing

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In the song "Groovin" by the Rascals, there is a part at the end where they sing "You and me, endlessly, groovin"
I thought they were saying "You and me and Leslie, groovin" I couldn't figure out who this Leslie chick was. My older brother claimed it was a child by a previous marriage and I believed him.

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My younger brother (who doesn't even like rock 'n' roll) heard the line in the chorus of "Suffragette City" as "Don't lean on me man, 'cause you can't afford the chickens..." (real: "ticket"). This seems to be a common one, but earlier in the song he'd also heard "The smell of fried chicken put my spine out of place." (real: "this mellow-thighed chick".) He still calls it the chicken song.

Ana Byrd
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I used to think the song "Walk this way" by Arosmith went horse and sleigh insted of singing walk this way.

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When I was younger I thought that the song Chapel of Love by the Dixie Cups was Going to the Jack-O-latern, Instead of Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married... I never understood what marriage had to do with the song.

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On the 'Dead Ringer for love', song by meatloaf and Cher, I always thought that the lyrics were: 'Ever since I can remember you've been hangin' round with George!' The actual lyrics are: 'Ever since I can remember you've been hanging 'round this joint!' I used to wonder who George was and why he was such a good friend?!? I still prefer my version and I still insist on singing those lyrics when I hear that song.

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top belief!

I am also convinced that the Manic Street Preachers song "You stole the sun from my arse" and not "you stole the sun from my heart"

Clare, Lancs, UK
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I used to think that in the song Halo by Texas, she sang "She has a halo, we really do a door, she has a halo, hairy sunshine"

Instead of "She has a halo, we really do adore her, she has a halo, can we touch her"

Clare, Lancs, UK
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When i wuz about 5-6 i swear i herd "never leave your pizzas burnin'" instead of "i will be your beast of burden"! Whoops!

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In 1999 there was a huge hit by an band called The Wamdue Project: King of My Castle, I has just turned 29 and was having a hard time realising that I was nearly thirty and was really trying to get into all the commercial pop on the radio. We were at a house party and King of my castle came on, to my delight, (as it was my favourite song at the time)I was boogeying on the dancefloor with a couple of teenagers,singing at the top of my voice (I was hip, I was cool!) Must be the reason why i am king of my castle, must be the reason why I am still on my trestle, when this snotty little teenager came up to me and said, "DUH, must be the reason why i am freeing my TRAPPED SOUL" i was quite embarrassed and went and sat quietly in the corner!!

Tracy Mitchell - South Africa
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there is this song that goes

'relight my fire......burning desire'

i tot it went

'we like papaya'

sounds duh dont it?

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I used to think that that song "bridge over troubled water" by Simon and Garfunkel said
"like a bitch over bubbled water, I will lay meow."

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I used to think Jimi Hendrix' "Hey Joe" went "I'm going down to shoot my old lady, you know I'd probably mess around with another man"......instead of "I'm going down to shoot my old lady, you know I caught her messing around with another man".

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I used to think that song that goes "everytime you go away, you take a piece of me with you" went "everytime you go away, you take a piece of MEAT with you". To me it made much more sense than taking a piece of someone else.

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In Queen's 'Killer Queen', I used to think She keeps Moet & Chandon in a pritty cabinet was She keeps mohair sandals in a pretty cabinet. Oh dear.

Jenny Ireland
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I have been listening to an 80's alternative Australian band called "Mr. Floppy". They did a rather silly version of Kate Bush's 'Wuthering Heights' which was played in Australia a lot on JJJ (radio station). Anyway, I started playing it at home and there's this rather rude song called "Head Job". My wife was concerned, but our kids aren't affected by it. The boys (4 and 7 yo) and I all run round the room singing at the top of our lungs "Hedgehog". It's classic!

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I used to think that Metallica's "exit night, enter light" was "Amstel Light, Amstel Light, walk in never never land" I thought it was a song about getting tanked and having good times!

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Not my belief, but when my daughter was around 3 we had a tape we played in the car and it had the song "Raise a Little Hell" by Trooper on it. We heard my daughter's little voice in the back seat singing "Raise your little hands" at the chorus part, and she'd wave her arms in the air!

clearly canadian
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Reading through the misheard lyrics page, I just found out the correct lyrics for something I've misheard for years!

Every time I heard the Pearl Jam song "Glorified Version of a Pellet Gun," I swear I heard "Hot, Fly Virgins and a Belly Gun."

It drove me nuts when that song came on because I could not understand what the hell Eddie was talking about! I was sure it was Pelicans or Femme-bots

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