misheard lyrics
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Reading through the misheard lyrics page, I just found out the correct lyrics for something I've misheard for years!
Every time I heard the Pearl Jam song "Glorified Version of a Pellet Gun," I swear I heard "Hot, Fly Virgins and a Belly Gun."
It drove me nuts when that song came on because I could not understand what the hell Eddie was talking about! I was sure it was Pelicans or Femme-bots
More Lyrics:
I couldn't figure out why the Song "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down was being played on radio stations with this Chorus:
"F-cking me like that..."
I used to (and sometimes still do) hear the line from the Green Day song "Time of your Life" as:
"Tounge grabs you by the waist..." (Time grabs you by the wrist...")
"..Hang it on the shelf in good old-fingered time" (Still haven't figured out what he's saying here).
AC/DC's Dirty Deed:
I still swear the line "done dirt cheep" was said "Dunder Chief." I thought the Dunder Chief was the one doing dirty deeds.
top belief!
Yrs ago, when David Bowies Starman came out, when he sings the line...pick him upon channel two, I thought he was singing...picking my bum......channel two
top belief!
"You know I'd like to keep my cheese androgynous."
The song was "No Rain", by Blind Melon, and the actual line is "I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today". Everyone in my circle heard the line differently. Who didn't?
When I was little and listened to "Puff the Magic Dragon," I thought when they said, "brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff," that they were saying "ceiling wax." I thought it was like floor wax but for the ceiling. I used to wonder what the point of waxing the ceiling was!
OH YAH I just remembered another one (I have so many of these darn things)!!
This one, to my friends and I, is particularily hysterical becuase I sent it into another misheard lyrics site. Little did I know, it was a church site, with misheard lyrics from church hymns. Go figure. Anyway, I was eager to send in a good screw-up of mine and didn't bother reading some of the other entries. I submitted this line, from of all songs, "Warning" by Green Day:
In the first verse, right before the chorus, the line is, "get your philosophy from a bumper sticker". And if anyone reading this has even heard ONE of their songs knows that their lead singer (as much as I idolize him) is WHOLLY AND COMPLETELY incomprehensible (drunk? Perhaps), making the line, to me, sound instead like "get the fools off your feet and grow a bumper sticker". GOD I am retarded. My friends laughed their heads off at this. I just think I'm an idiot.
I am still convinced that there is a line in "Mr. BoJangles" that says "he crapped his pants, took a stand and jumped so high". I tried singing "clapped his hands", but it doesn't fit. It's hilarious - try singing that along to the song next time you hear it.
Oh yah, and have you ever heard "Father of Mine" by Everclear? There is a line the guy keeps repeating ... "My daddy gave me a name". Now, is it me or sdoes it sound like he says, "my daddy laid me an egg"?
When I first heard Perpetual Widow by Tori Amos- I thought " It's gotta be big" was really "Saggy tits" and "scabby pig"
My brother's name is Shane. When he was little, our mother used to listen to the soundtrack of "Fame" a lot -- & whenever the title song played, he thought they were saying, "SHANE! I'm gonna live forever..."
When I was four years old, my favorite song in the world was "Girlfriend" by Paula Abdul. There's a part in that song where she yells to her back-up band (which was called "Deal"), "Hey Deal! SING!" My name is Daile, & whenever that song came on the radio, I always thought she was saying, "Hey, Daile! SING!" I was always so amused by the notion that Paula Abdul mentioned me in her song!
Someone else has mentioned this simon and garfunkel song, but I misheard the line "come-on from the whores on seventh avenue" as "come home from the war-zone, seventh avenue".
I thought that maybe seventh avenue was some kind of gang-ruled area or at least a big, ruthless financial quarter.
It makes more sense now I know it's about whores but I feel embarrassed for always singing it at the top of my voice!
My friend used to sing the end of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit as "Bloody nylons" instead of "a denial".
Something funny happened to me and my mom driving home from the mall about a month ago, when the song "Big Ol' Jet Air Liner" came on the radio in the car. I realized already that this was a very commonly misheard song (and with good reason), but was pretty sure I had the right lyrics. So come the chorus, my mom and I (who had not been singing along to the rest of the song) sang two different lines. Mind you, my own came out very loudly as I was trying to sound like an idiot. I guess I got more than I bargained for:
My mom: "Big Ol' Jet Air Liner"
I am laughing so hard right now I can hardly type properly. I swear to god, listen to the song and sing that lyric along to it, it sounds exactly like that. I still sing it like that because it's so much funnier.
top belief!
I, previously, was convinced that the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by the Beatles was something totally different. I used to be a big fan of Charlie Brown (ha!) and thought it was "Lucy's in a fight with Linus". AM I AN IDIOT OR WHAT?? I thought this was funny because those characters do fight a lot. Go figure.
I used to think that Sting was singing "desert rose, L.A. , L.A." (L.A.,the city)but i guess that wasn't so..:D
my sister and her firiends who didnt speak english as well believed that the famous line from the grease song "tell me more, tell me more" actually said...chamimoa chamimoa
I used to think that Bananarama's Love in the first degree said....
"guilty as a drunken bee"
when infact it was
"guilty as a girl can be".
Oh dear!!
I used to think that the Australian National Anthem went:
"Australians all and Ostriches"
I also used to think that the pawns in chess were called "prawns".
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