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"I'm walking in Memphis.
I'm walking with my feet in the feet of a bear..."

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Oh Irah-ah-ahn ... Iran's so far away ...
Yah you know that song by the Flock of Seagulls? Eheh, yah. Being the geographically smart kid that I have always been, I figured that was what it said. Jeez I'm stupid sometimes.

Caitlin from Canada
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Until now, (I'm 22 and I was 15 when I first heard the song)"I got chills, they're (or you're) multiplying" from Greased Lightning was "I got shoes, they're both a-flyin.'" Hee hee!

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My friend used to think (probably still does) that "Dude Looks Like A Lady" was really "Doing It Like A Lady."
EWWW! Dirty mind! Can't bring myself to tell her. She might have a fit. I thought so too till I saw this site.

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When I was younger I used to believe that the words to grease on the song 'Go back to high school' was you did school drama instead of beauty school dropout!

Miss Simpson
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My little cousin heard some Justin Timberlake music, and he thought "Now everybody dance" was "Now everybody gas" and he constantly asked me, "How do you gas?"

He got a jump-start on potty-humor.

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Not only did I not know that Smooth Criminal was a Michael Jackson song, I also thought that the cover Alient Ant Farm did of it was actually Weezer.

Of course I also thought the lyrics were, "Andy did you turn gay?" Gave a whole new meaning to who the Smooth Criminal was. Anyway, I really missed it somewhere in there...

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I used to mishear the Eric Clapton song "Cocaine". Listen how the meaning changes for the want of just one word: "If you want to hang out, you've got to take her out, okay/ If you want to get down, down on the ground, okay/ She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie... okay.
I knew about sex by then, so I thought it was about a girl, and that it was okay with her daddy to date her because "she don't lie".

Ana Byrd
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When I first heard the song "Push It" by Salt N Pepa, I thought the chorus said "Aah, bullshit".

Also, in "Sad Songs Say So Much" by Elton John : "Just feel their gentle touch"..I first thought it was "just feel their genitals"

In "Silent Night", it was a "Holy imbecile, tender and mild"

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For the longest time I thought that in Bruce Springsteen's song, "I'm on fire', where he says "Ooooh....I'm on fire", I was sure he was saying "Ooooh....I might fart".

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Steve Miller's "Big ole jet airliner"...i always heard "big ole J with a lighter"

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I used to sing along to a song on the radio (in England) that went "something's burning ... something's burning ... something's burning ... and I think it's love." Only I thought it ended "and I think it's lunch"

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In the Beatles' song 'All My Loving' I misheard 'I'll write home every day' as I'll ride home every day'.

I thought, why's he making such a fuss about being away if he can ride home every day? I imagined a cowboy or Pony Express rider singing the song.

Later when I learned that he was expecting to WRITE home every day, I still saw him on horseback, leaning a writing pad on trees and gates as he passed while riding a horse and writing a letter home at the same time.

Carla- Crewe, Cheshire, UK
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I misheard the line 'a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue' in the Simon & Garfunkel song 'The Boxer'as 'a come-on from the HORSE on Seventh Avenue'. I had seen on TV the horse-drawn carriages in Central Park and believed that the horse felt sorry for the lonely boxer and winked at him to invite him for a carriage ride!

I also heard 'Destination- Bangor, Maine' as 'Destination- back again', probably because I come from a railway town where lots of men drive trains up and down the same stretch of track every day.

Carla- Crewe, Cheshire, UK
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I had record called which had "Along Came Jones" by The Coasters on it. There were a few parts where the guy said "If you don't give me the deed to your ranch..." I thought "Deteyor" was the name of the ranch.

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You know that TV show "Family Guy"? You know the theme song? I always thought the part where stewie say "all the things that make us laugh and cry" was actually "all th e things that make us effing cry"!

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Dirty deeds and their done dirt cheap...
wasn't it really Dirty deeds and a bumblebee?

kiwis can fly
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I always thought that the lyrics were...
one flea, one flea, one flea, one flea pretty...
They were really wonderfully pretty (Cure). I guess it does make more sense!

kiwis can fly
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I used to think that in the Beatles' "lucy in the sky with diamonds" they were singing "you've seen the sky with diamonds"

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When I was in kindergarden, we sang this song, and I couldn't unterstand some lyrics. So I was singing just what I heard, but it didn't make any sense at all. A few years later someone explained it to me and it was a song about a rainbow.

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