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Guess who used to think Freddie Mercury sang 'I see the the little stilletto of my Nan,' in Bohemian Rhapsody. That's right...me.

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I used to think the lyrics to Invisible Touch were "She seems to have a fizzy bottle top, yeah!" In fact, I *still* sing it that way... hehe. :)

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In the REM song What's the Frequency, Kenneth? I thought that Michael Stipe sang You want to shag violently instead of the real lyric you wore a shirt of violent green! Lots of other people did which made me feel a lot better!

Janet Broadley
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The REM song 'the sidewinder sleeps tonite'.....i used to think the line was "come on, cheryl baker up'but then didnt everybody?! and why would michael stipe wanna sing about cheryl baker?!

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I used to think that the line from Bohemian Rhapsody was "Beelzebub had the devil for a sideboard, here" instead of "Beelzebub had the devil put aside for me"

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I used to think that song "Shake Your Booty" Was "shake you food in". I thought how stupid, who shakes their food in!

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Singing along with Kenny Rodgers' "Lucille", I sang "400 children and a crop in the field". After Mom stopped laughing, she said "No wonder she left!".

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Not really mine - when my mother was a kid there was a pop song called "I Want You Back". Apparently several of her friends thought it sounded like "I Wash Your Back".

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Men at work:It's a mistake
Friend sang, "it's summer's day" instead of "it's a mistake"

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A friend of mine used to sing "Maxwell Jump"....instead of "ah, might as well jump" for the Van Halen song-Jump on their 1984 album.

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My mom used to hate the band Queen, so she never bothered to find out the words to Bohemian Rhapsody, but I listened to it all the time, and one day when we were in the car and it was playing on the radio, she asked me why he kept saying "poor boy so often.
Well, since he actually does say that in the song (I'm just a poor boy, etc.)
I tried to tell her to just listen to the rest of the line until I figured out that she was mistaking "Mama" for "poor boy". Then several weeks later, we were listening to it again, and she asks me what they're saying (during the "Bismillah" part). I actually SAY "Bismillah", to which she replies, "Who's Miss Miller?".
Then I wrote the lyrics out for one of my friends and for some reason she thought that I wrote "Door boy" instead of "poor boy" (I don't think my handwriting is that bad!).
Also in their song March of the Black Queen, For some reason I thought the line "Forget your singalongs and your lullabies" was actually "Forget your seminars and your lullabies" and I sang it that way for several months (it made sense to me, but now I don't know why). I also wrote down another part of the song for a different friend, just to annoy her (because she likes country music) and I wrote the "I reign with my left hand, I rule with my right" part, and she thought it said "I resign with my left hand".
I finally thought it was all over with, but that seems to be impossible. My grandmother at first thought that Tie Your Mother Down was called Tie Your Brother Down. I corrected her and forgot about it until recently, when my mom asked me, "Is he saying 'I got my ass all tight'?" (it's actually 'act'), when my grandmother asked me what song it was, saying, "Oh, is that Hold Your Mama Down?" She also thought that Wild Cherry's Play That Funky Music was Play That F---ing Music and yelled at me for singing along with it (with the correct words!)

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When I was eight Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory came out, and I went around all the time loudly singing the words to the song: Oompa, loompa, doobily doo! Ugaboo rekamoo doobily doompa! Knowing that song was the cool thing at my school, but somehow the other kids still did not want to play with me....

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When I heard David Bowie's "Suffragette City" as a teen I thought it was "Surfer Kid City." I wrote that on a tape I made, which I lent to my sister. Years later when we were in our twenties I told her what the real name was and she was irate, saying, "You just ruined that song for me forever."

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"Then I saw her face"...(doo doo doo doo)..."on a golden retriever"

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"Jose can you see, by the dawn's early light..."

How enlightened of our forefathers to include Mexican-Americans in our national anthem!

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I'm not very old still, but when i was smaller and living in england, there was the popular remake of the song "killing me softly" by lauren hill, and the chorus goes:
killing me softly, with this song
but for some reason, i always thought it was:
killing me softly, with his saw
and i would sing it out loud and no one would say anything so i assumed it was correct.... heh

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Me and my cousin Eddie were talking about 'Bela Lagousi's Dead' by Bahaus recently when he sheepishly admitted that for years he'd thought that it was 'Bella the Goose is Dead'....

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The chorus of REM's song "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight" repeats the line "Coming in to wake her up" and not my long held belief that it was "Covered in jamaican rum"

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Phil Collins song "I missed again" - I thought it was "I pis*ed again" - didn't realise he was an alcoholic?!

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I only recently found out that the Cliff Richard & Young Ones song, "Living Doll" is NOT "Living Dog". "i've got a roving eye and that is why she satisfies my soul" So that makes sense now.

Meat-eating Vegetarian
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