i used to believe

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top belief!

My son, who's just turned nine (bless him!), chanted this out the other day:

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stabilise! Stabilise!"

Put this to the tune of to the tune of the Bee Gees' 'Staying Alive' and you'll see where the confusion comes in!

Uncle Korky
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...I thought that in Jailhouse Rock, Elvis was singing "everybody in the wholesale block". And I'm not even Jewish!

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It's probably unfair to snitch on someone who's not here to defend himself, but someone I knew used to think Nirvana's "I'm a Negative Creep" was "I'm an egg in a tree". Oh for shame.

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me brothers and I were listening to the radio and mark said, "I don't get it, if he doesn't want her driving his car around, why doesn't he take the keys?" We were listening to Stevie Knicks and Tom Petty, the lyrics are "...stop dargging my 'heart' around...! bah!

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When I was eight, I loved Madonna's "Papadompe Beach." Didn't get why she was in trouble, though....

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Embaressingly, i used to belt out th words.."when the blood is shed im alone with you" instead of.."with the birds ill share this lonely view" to the chilli's scar tissue!!!

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I used to think that the song "blinded by the light" had a verse in it that said "stunk up like a douch and a rubber in the night" now i can hear the lyrics more clearly i think it says"stuck out like an illusion in the middle of the night" who knew? my husband thought the same thing...

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i used to think that van halen's panama was called cannonball. it was until i was about 16 that i realized my mistake.

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whe i was about 7 my mom,dad,sister and i were in the car on the way to dinner. the song "blinded by the light" came on and i thought the line was "wrapped up like a douche". it's actually "wrapped up like a deuce". hey...i was 7!

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When I was little, I always thought the song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" by AC/DC was actually "Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief" and it was about a wrestler. "Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief...Dirty Deeds and the Thunder Chief"

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My sister used to think that the lyrics in the theme tune to Neighbours went "with a little bit of stanley" instead of "a little understanding"!

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top belief!

I used to believe - well actually, somewhere inside I STILL believe - that in Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean", the refrain goes:

Billy Jean is not my lover
She's just a girl who says that I am the one

Alright, so it doesn't make much sense, but I like it that way. And MJ should sing clearer.

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Again, the mom though the Stones were saying "I'll never leave your Pizza burning" instead of "I'll never be your beast of burden"

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One day on the way to school, my mom was singing along with the radio to the Beegee's song "More than a Woman", and I heard her say---"Bald-headed Woman, Bald Headed Woman to me", instead of More than a Woman!

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I'll never forget the day my friend, Krissy, called me to tell me about this great new song, but she warned me that the lyrics were weird. I asked her to sing it. She sings "Hot potatoes, hot potatoes,...Hot potatoes. Hot potatoes, hot potatoes,...hot potatoes. Oh, oh, oh, hot potatoes." I cracked up! She was singing "Amadeus"!

Holly B.
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My sister always got the lyrics to songs wrong. For the longest time she thought the Eagles' song Witchy Woman was really saying "Oooh ooh Wind-chilly Woman!"

Alice Delventhal
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i used to think that the manfred mann/bruce springsteen song 'Blinded By the Light' went:

Blinded by the light
Wrapped up like a douche
In the middle of the night...

after awhile, i realized that this COULDNT be what was intended. but it wasnt until today that i found out the correct lyrics:

Blinded by the light
revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night...

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top belief!

My brother used to love Billy Jean by Michael Jackson, but used to sing along to the chorus "Bit of Cheese, that's what I like"...bless

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I had a friend who thought the line "and my ashes are scattered" from 'Back On Earth' by Ozzy Osbourne was hysterical because he thought he was saying "my ass is a-scattered"

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top belief!

In Middle Of The Road by The Pretenders, I knew I could never be as cool or as free as Chrissie Hynde because I could never see myself "standing in the middle of life with my pants behind me."

I only recently learned it was "standing in the middle of life with my pains behind me." To me it still sounds like "pants."

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