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In Middle Of The Road by The Pretenders, I knew I could never be as cool or as free as Chrissie Hynde because I could never see myself "standing in the middle of life with my pants behind me."

I only recently learned it was "standing in the middle of life with my pains behind me." To me it still sounds like "pants."

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A popular song sometime in the 70s was
Looks Like We Made It (had that line in
it anyway)..I used to think it was Looks
like Tomatos

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top belief!

Years ago the group Simple Minds released a song called "Alive and Kicking". I could've sworn they were singing 'I love my kitchen'.

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I always thought (right up until adulthood) that the Gabrielle song 'Dreams' had the word 'Brainscan' instead of 'Dreams can (come true). It seemed to make sense because some other lines go 'You know you have to have hope, you know you've got to be strong'... I suppose I was a morbid child...

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top belief!

In the song "I'm Not a Loser" by the Decendents, I thought the line "you just bought her a gram of coke" was actually "you just bought her grandma a coat" which isn't very punk at all.

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I used to think that the really old song lyric "You're not the only one with mixed emotions" was "You're not the only one who lives in the ocean," until one day my mom was in the same room as me and it was on the radio. I started singing it and she laughed at me and corrected me...

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when my brother was about 3 or 4 he thought the song "i'm still standing" was "i'm still stabbing"
he sang it all the time!

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I'm sure this is pretty common, But i used the think the song, " I want to fly like an eagle" went, I want to fly like a needle!"

Strange Child
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I used to think the song that goes, " I can see clearly now the rain is gone... I can see all obstacles in my way, was, I can see clearly now the rain is gone, I can see all popcicles in my way!

Strange Child
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top belief!

This is actually a mis-heard lyric of my husband's:

In RUSH's song "Free Will" - My husband believed that the lyric was "I will choose a Bathosphere" instead of a "Path that's clear"...

I will choose Free Will!

I guess that is why he did not choose oceanography as a lifelong career...

My path is clear!
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In Queen's 'Flash Gordon' theme, there's a bit where the evil queen (or whatever she is) does a talkie bit. I always thought she was saying 'Dispatch Warlock and Ajax to bring back his body', whereas my sister always believed it was 'Dispatch Warlocken agents to etc etc'. The dispute went on for years, until she met her future husband, who kindly pointed out that the actual words are 'Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring etc etc'. Neither of us believed him, until we saw the film and discovered that there was indeed a rocket named Ajax in it, whereas there were no warlocken agents and nor were there any characters by the name of Warlock. Oh well, at least I got the 'Ajax' bit right.

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top belief!

Until I was about 18 I thought that the lyrics to Madonnas 'Erotic' were,

'Bill Oddie, Bill Oddie, put your hands all over my body.'

He was on childrens television a lot at the time.

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I used to think (for an alarmingly long time, well into my teens) that the very last to words to "My Country "Tis of Thee" were "and from every mountainside, let free Yombre" (let freedom ring). Now I had no idea who Yombre was or in which particular mountains he was being incarcerated, but this was AMERICA DAMMIT! and LET FREE YOMBRE!

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The song "Blue" by Eiffel 65. Listen really close...are you sure instead of "I'm blue, da ba dee da ba di", it's not "I'm nude, I'm in need of a guy"???? Listen.....

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top belief!

for those of you who remember the childhood song "London Bridge is Falling Down".... I seriously used to think that the correct words for this song went....London Britches falling down my bare lady.......the funny part is, is that my 3 year old son, sings it the same exact way as I did when I was a child, only I have never told him the incorrect version myself...how funny, huh ?

Kendra Barrett...SLC, UT
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I used to believe the song lyrics to Tori Amos' 'Professional Widow' remix was 'Honey bring me toast tonight, Honey bring me toast tonight will ya... its gotta be burnt, its gotta be burnt...' Instead of 'Honey bring me close tonight, Honey bring me close tonight...'. Thought that she was just a little strange but artistic licence and all that!

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When I was going into the 8th grade, the song, "I'm, Henry the 8th, I am" was just coming out. I heard the lyrics wrong, however, until I turned 27 years old, I REALLY thought the words were... "I'm entering the 8th, I am!" I really loved that song... thought it was written just for me.

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There's a song by Nelly Furtado called "I'm like a bird", and I always thought until recently it was "hung like a bird", I did wonder!!!

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I used to think the Police song "So Lonely" was "Salami".

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song-more than a woman

REAL LYRiCS: "more than a woman.. more than a woman to me"

MiSHEARD LYRiCS- waLk LiKe a woman.. waLk LiKe a woman to me!

i discovered that i was singing the words wrong two years ago.. i was outside with my mom and the song was stuck in my head and so i sang it out LoUd(screaming) and my mom couLdn't stop LauGhing.. and she toLd me..

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