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I used to belive in the song Sk8er boy by avril lavin the line "and thay had a problem with his baggy cloths" when i was littel i thogt that the line was "and thay had a problem with his pet crows

Pet crows
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i used to believe the song barbara ann was boparam

so i was singin

boparaaaam please take my hand
boparaaaam you got me rockin and a rollin rockin and a reelin
bop bop
bop boparam

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In the song "I Need You", Linda Ronstadt sings "I need you like a shot needs to shoot".

I always heard it as "I need you like a shark needs shoes".

Australian politician and feminist Irina Dunn wrote that "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle", and I always think of that when I hear this song.

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Until quite recently I thought that Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers "Running down a Dream" was called "Running Down the Drain" For years while hearing it I've been picturing a little man trying to resist getting sucked down a drain in the kitchen sink!

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The Itsy Bitsy Spider

When I was little I used to sing that the sun dried "a ball of rain" instead of "up all the rain." duh

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I used to think these were the words to "Under my Umbrella"

Alcual words: I took an oath and I'm stickin to it till the end

What I thought: I will take a tack and stick you to the end.

Caitlyn .E (age 11)
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i used to think that in the Jackson 5 song rockin robin when they sung ' He out bobbed the buzzard and the oriole'
i thought he said he out bopped the b buzzard and the Oreo!

from lil
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The song Puff The Magic Dragon made me kind of cross, at their fleeting reference to their friend "Frolicton the Ottomist". I didn't know what an Ottomist was, and wished the song would go into more detail.

It took me a few years to work it out.

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my mum used to think the song she moves in her own way was furbie kiss she moves in her own way!

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In the Shwayze song "Corona and Lime" there's a line that goes "I ain't met her but I'll get her when I do". I always thought that it said "I ain't mad about her ghetto attitude".

That makes more sense to me.

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My earliest memories begin in the early 1960s, when Peter, Paul and Mary were singing "Puff, the Magic Dragon" on the radio. I understood most of the words and the general idea. Besides, Captain Kangaroo helped a lot with his Magic Drawing Board.

But there was a verse that mentioned "sealing wax". I didn't know what sealing wax was. I sincerely (pardon the pun) thought they were singing about "CEILING wax"! I knew people waxed their floors, but I didn't know anyone who waxed their ceiling!

Vicki J.
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In the song, "Puff the Magic Dragon," I always thought that Jackie Paper brought Puff ceiling wax.

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When I was a kid, my teen-aged sister and her girlfriend would sing the chorus of "Woman, Woman" by Gary Puckett & the Union Gap as "woman, have you got Gene on your mind?" (Her friend was going out with this one guy but also liked a guy named Gene.) It was at least 20 years later that I finally realized the line was "woman, have you got cheating on your mind?" And even though it's been 20 years since that realization, I still sing it with "Gene" in the verse.

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correct lyrics: "if we can count on you, scooby doo, i know we'll catch that villain."

what i heard: "if we can't count on you, scooby doo, i know a cat that's willing."


scooby doo
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HA My sister usta sing the song "It's A Heartache" like this:

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In the Avril Lavigne song "I Can Do Better" she sings:
"I will drink as much lemoncello as I can..."
But for a while I did not know that lemoncello is a kind of liquor, did not even know that it is a word.
So I heard it as:
"I will drink as much lemon jello as I can..."
I spent hours wondering how a person could drink jello.

Hannah P.
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So when I first heard the song "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie, there was a line where I wasn't so sure what he was saying. I heard:
"If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
Illuminate the nose on their Vatican seasides"
Eventually I looked this up on a lyrics website. Turns out the actual lyrics are:
"If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs"

Hannah P.
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The song sk8er boi by Avril Lavigne used to be one of my favorites. Except there was this one line where I heard:
"Sorry girl but you missed out
What the f*** that boy's mine now"
And actually, it goes:
"Sorry girl but you missed out
Well, tough luck that boy's mine now"

Hannah P.
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In the Green Day song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" there's a line that goes:
"My shadow's the only one who walks beside me"
I thought it was:
"No child's the only one who walks beside me"
I could not quite figure this one out. I thought it might mean that the only one who walked beside him was an adult...or maybe not...i was very confused until i found out the correct lyrics.

Hannah P.
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In Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", there's a line that goes:
Sometimes, I wish someone out there would find me
I heard:
Sometimes, I wish some other girl would find me
I thought he didn't like his girlfriend.

Hannah P.
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