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when I was little I thought the George Michael song "you got to have Faith" was a song about cheese, because when I heard it in my little 5 year old ears I heard "you got to have feta, feta, feta" instead of "you got to have faith, faith, faith"

it made sense to me at the time.....but I still hear feta to this day

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I thought that AC/DC's song was, "Dirty feet in the jungle jeep." Not, "Dirty deeds done dirt cheap."

Odd child...

Cheryll and the Jeep.
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I used to believe that a song that actually says "We´re going to Ibiza" did say "We´re going to eat pizza". It was sung by the Vengaboys and they were not good at all, but the confussion was quite funny.

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Ok, I was in the car the other day and had UB40 on the stereo, when the song Ivory Madonna came on, my boyfriend started singing "I'm a pre-madonna!" for all these years he has thought that those were the words! LOL

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In the Europe song "The Final Countdown" I thought it goes "it´s the fire of downtown". And a little further there´s a line "Were heading for venus and still we stand tall" and I heard "We´re heading for Beavis" (from Beavis & Butthead)

Slim Tom
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There was a version of the song "Sing" that echoed the English lyrics with Spanish. I used to sing, much to the enjoyment of my Spanish-speaking friends, "Sing- Canta. Sing a song- Canta oompa sanchone!"

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in Rhianna's song umbrella it says "you can stand under my umbrella ella ella aye aye" an di thought it said "You can be mine forever ever ever aye aye aye"
Silly me!

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not knowing the words to" volare" i would sing: volare! ohno!
come sob day no go! hey you! you tear'a my suit! hey look'a you spill'a my soup!

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I thought that, in Kelly Clarkson's "Behind These Hazel Eyes" where she goes, "You won't get to see the tears I cry" that she was saying "Dude, why can't you see the tears I cry?"
Now keep in mind that I also thought that in "Dip It Low" by Christina Milian, that when she said "I'mma show you how to make your man say...OH!" That she said, "I'mma show you how to make it medicine...OH!"
I needed my ears cleaned. x]

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When I was little I belived a song called, "That's why they call it the Blues," was, "That's why they call it Baboons." I mean come on the lyrics are, "Laughing like children (They make laughing like noises)
Living like lovers (I thought they were cute and loving)
Rolling like thunder under the covers (Like them banging on thier chests)"

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I have as much trouble as anyone discerning what they're singing in most songs, but when I heard the Rolling Stones singing, "I'll never be your beast of burden" that's actually what I thought they were singing, I just couldn't believe it. I thought, "They're certainly not singing about a 'beast of burden'." It must be something else, I figured, but for once I was right!

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I used to believe (for a very short time) that Raine from Our Lady Peace sang

"...I can't see in, but you're stuck in my bag pipe"

And not

"...I can't see him, but he's stalking my thoughts"

Which are the correct lyrics from the song “The Birdman”

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top belief!

In the song "Youth of the Nation" by P.O.D, in the part where they say, "We are we are...the youth of the naaation!" I used to think it was, "We are we are...the euthanaaaasia!" It made sense to me because as they were a hard rock band, they would sing songs about killing people...

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I always thought the childrens song here comes the bride had i line that said "all dressed and WIDE." I thought it was a fat bride.

I just resently realized that its All dressed in WHITE, and i'm 17 now

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top belief!

Once when I was young I heard a song I don't remember the name on now..but the lyrics was: "The Answer My Friend, Is Blowing In The Wind..The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind" but I thought it was: "The Ants Are My Friends, Their Blowing In The Wind..The Ants Are Blowing In The Wind" so I went around singing that and everybody made fun of me! xD

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When I used to listen to Marit Larsen before, I thought she were singing 'Don't save me, I'll save you this ass-hole'
When she actually where singing 'Don't save me, I'll save you the hassle' .. ehh xD

My name?
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I used mess up almost all nurser rhymes, Like. Mary Had A Little Lamb. I used to think her fleas were white as snow.

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In the song 'all star' the one line that is "she was lookin' kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead" i thought it was "in the shape of an elk on her forehead" and for 4 years every time i head that song i thought to myself, how do you make an elk using two fingers? finally i asked my dad how, and he laughed at me.

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the song that goes "poppin' my collar" i started singing it and when it got to that line in the song my friend started singing it and when she was singing it i heard her say "pop in my condom"

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I was sitting at the bus one day, thinking about this site actually, and how I never really misheard lyrics. Then "Don't stop 'til you get enough " By Michael(The infamous) Jackson came on my cell-phone radio. I was happily singing along until it occurred to me that the lyrics to that probably wasn't:

"Keep on at the postoffice
Don't stop 'til you get enough"

I've since looked them up and it's:

"Keep On With The Force Don't Stop
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"

It's too bad. That would have been a great anthem for all the disgruntled postal workers out there.

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