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I always thought the song 'goin to the chapel and we're gonna get married...' was


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When my sister and I were younger we loved the song Mellow Yellow by Donavan.I think initially we liked it because we thought he was singing about the soda. After we heard it a few times though we thought the guy was really cool for a couple of reasons
1)There was this sidekick guy that agreed with everything he said by saying Quite right slick.
2)This girl named Saffron seemed to really dig him which we decided was because at some point in the song he self proclaimed that he had a big fat banana.
Funny though as an adult I can't ever hear the part of the song where he says.
I have a big fat banana.
But I swear it was there when I was younger followed by his sidekick saying:
Quite right slick.

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I used to think that the lyrics in Tim McGraw's song Only On Days That End In Y was actually "Only On Days With Indian Wine".

Natasha H
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My sister and I used to watch the Bugs Bunny cartoons on Saturday mornings. There's the one where Bugs is singing Jimmy Cracked Corn. We thought he was singing Jimmy Crapped Corn,which made total sense to us. We found out later in school what the real words were, it still made more sense to us that Jimmy would be crapping corn instead of cracking it and we grew up on a farm. It's a lot more comical to. I still sing the song that way.

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I used to do some babysitting when I was in my teens and I always listened to music with the kids when I was at their house. I became a big fan of the Beatles and brought some of their music to the house of a five year old girl one night. The next time I came to her home she asked me if she could hear the chicken to ride song. It took me a minute but I figured out that she thought the song Ticket to Ride was saying she's got a chicken to ride. And I guess she don't care.

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Anyone remember the kids show Carmen San Diego? The song at the opening says "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?" I babysat a 4 year old that watched the show and one day I heard him singing the song except he was singing "Where in the hell is Carmen San Diego?"

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When I was younger my Uncle would play music for me. I use to love the Pilot song Magic. I did not know until just recent that the real lyrics were" It's Magic,you know. Never believe its not so" I thought they were singing "Leave It to Beaver,Fatso".

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In the song "Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5, there's a line that goes, "Wake up, bloodshot eyes, struggle to memorize". But when I heard it the first couple of times, I thought it was, "Wake up, brush my eyes". I envisioned Adam Levine grabbing a toothbrush and vigorously getting rid of eye plaque.

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In Grease's Summer Nights, I thought Danny and Sandy had stayed out 'tilting a clock', as opposed to 'till 10 o'clock.'

i thought it was just what kids used to do for kicks...

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Until About 6 months ago, I thought the AC/DC song was " thirty thieves and the thunder chief" not "dirty deeds done dirt cheap." I thought it was about a group of peole who do things for you for money...get drunk and sing that at the top of your lungs in a bar and watch what happens.....

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I used to think "Stayin Alive" by the Bee Gees was actually "Stay in the Light"

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You know the song "move along" by the All-American Rejects?
Part of the chorus goes like this:
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along

Well, my son heard this song except he thought instead of singing "move along" they were singing "mow the lawn."

Mow the lawn, mow the lawn like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Mow the lawn, mow the lawn just to make it through

He didn't understand why anybody would write a song encouraging people to mow the lawn.

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As a child of 6 or 7, I believed the lyrics to George Harrison's "Got My Mind Set On You" were "I got my mom to sit on you." Everyone on my bus to school would sing the wrong lyrics when the song aired.

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When I was a boy there was a popular song by Val Dooligan called 'Walk Tall'. The lyric goes: She said, 'Son be a proud man and hold your head up high' . I heard it as: She said,'Son be a frogman and hold your head up high' ...I still do

John UK
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my brother used to always think Somebodys watching me was... 'im on a speed boat, somebodys watching me' instead of 'i always feel like somebodys watching me'

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I've got two songs that I misheard the lyrics to. One is Anthrax's "Belly of the Beast". When the singer sings "You shovel your conscience into the grave", I believed for the longest time that he was singing "You show your prostitute to the grave". (??)
The other one is Megadeth's "Symphony of Destruction".
Real lyrics:"Dance like marionettes, swing to the Symphony of Destruction."
Misheard Lyrics: "Dance like a million ants, sing to the symphony of destruction." [:) I was weird.

anonymous weirdo
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hot chocolate's I believe in miracals, my hubby sings, " I can see my genitals, i wear no pants, i let them swing"!! Although he knows its wrong, it always has us in fits!!

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I used to think that the words to Feed the World by Band Aids lyrics were 'We know Whooooaa!'
instead of ' Feed the World' I believed this untill last christmas, im 20 now.

Swag Bag
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When I fist heard "Play that Funky Music" (circa '98) I was convinced the song said PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC RIGHT, BOY
instead of WHITE BOY.

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in bohemian rhapsody, there's a lyric

"Be-elzebub, has a devil put aside for me"

In my defense, it does sound quite a lot like

"Beelzebub, has a devil of a sideboard whee!"

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