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top belief!

You know REM's song "It's the End of the World"? The chorus says, "Can I have some time alone?" but I always thought it said, "Can I have some Tylenol," which made a lot of sense to me. If the world were ending, I'd want a LOT of Tylenol.

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I thought "Mares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy" was Maresie doats and dozie doats and little lambsie divey. I just figured it out about 5 years ago and I'm 54. Little slow on the uptake!

Old and Stupid
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For as long as I could remember I thought Trisha Yearwood's "She's in love with the boy" went..."when you, yourself was just a hasty cowboy, who didn't have a motor home." It wasn't until I was married and was singing the song outloud that my wife about wet herself laughing and informed me it was "you yourself was just a hayseed plough boy who didn't have a row to hoe" Oops! I've tried many times to have her see that my way made sense too. No matter what she isn't buying what I'm selling!

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There's this Elton John song, 'Benny & The Jets'... well, in it, there's this line that I thought says, "She's got electric boobs, her mom has too," but it really says, "She's got electric boots, a mohair suit." And I sing this at the top of my lungs all the time.... =p

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I had an older cousin who thought she knew everything, and I thought she did too. This was until I heard her sing the Go-Go's song "Our Lips are Sealed" as "I Love Lucille!" Boy, I never let her live that down! ;-)

Younger and Wiser
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Until I was about fourteen, I used to routinely mix up the words "prostrate" and "prostate." Whenever I listened to "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls (which was, and still is, one of my favourite songs), I always wondered why they sang "I spent four years 'prostate' to the higher mind, got my paper, and I was free!"; because I knew that "prostate" was a gland in a guy's butt (or something). So, for the LONGEST time, I believed that the Indigo Girls were singing about guys' butt glands.

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Wayyy back in the 70's when I was a child, Jimmy Buffet had a hit with a nice song called "Come Monday". Each chorus of the song Jimmy sings "I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze"... I always thought he was singing "I want more lonely days with Brown Ellie Haze".

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my brother used to think paul youngs
everytime you go away you take a piece of meat with you...
instead of me...
perhaps with a butcher he was in love

indigenous affairs
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Until I was around 14 or 15 years old, I was convinced that the song, "I miss the rain down in Africa" actually said, "I missed the train down to Africa." It wasn't until I put two and two together that it made sense!

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My little sisters used to sing about the "Muncho Man" (Macho Man by the Village People) and the opening lines to the Bugs Bunny show was "Over shoes, Candlelight" instead of "Overture, curtain, lights". They sang the words so loudly I could never get them to hear that they were wrong.

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my name is Angie, and I therefore really liked the song Angie by the Rolling Stones. when the song first came out I was around 10 years old. I used to believe the line that says "ain't no woman ever gonna come close to you..." meant that no woman was ever going to get physically close to her!

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top belief!

I have two after reading some of the other entries. Same songs, different misheard lyrics. First is the song by Neil Diamond called "Forever in Blue Jeans". I thought it was "A River in Blue Jeans". 'Nuff said...
The second is Huey Lewis' "I Want a New Drug". In that song he says, "...the old boy may be barely breathing..." I used to think he was saying, "the oboe may be barely breathing."

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top belief!

I used to think "Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh..." was "Dashing through the snow in a one horse soap and sleigh..." and my dad didn't miss the opportunity to humiliate me about it, either. LOL.

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my friend thought that the line from "in bloom" by nirvana, "I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you.
broke our mirrors." was actually "I'm so ugly, that's okay, 'cause so are you, boogle ears." He couldn't explain to me what the word "boogle" meant or why it would be said in relation to someone's ears. Of course we teased him relentlessly.

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In the song "Wherewolves of London" I thought he was singing "Where is the Thunder?" I could never figure out why he didn't know where thunder came from.

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In the song "Margaritaville", me and my cousins used to think that Jimmy Buffett was singing "took off my flip flop, stepped on a Pop Tart!" (instead of pop top. We used to crack up when that song was playing.

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My friend Liza thought that the lyric to 'His Latest Flame' was 'and my reasoning, I'm the ace of spades' rather than the correct' and Marie's the name, of his latest flame'.

She really needs some psycological help

cooky in leeds
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There is a song by Mister Mister that I believed instructed you to carry rasins everywhere.

'carry a rasin
down the road that I must travel
carry a rasin
through the darkness of the night'

The song is called "Kyre" Latin (i think) for God. And 'Kyre lays upon the road I must travel etc.'

I always wondered how a dried grape would help you in the dark.

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When I was about 5, I thought the song by Tina Turner..'What's love got to do with it,' was 'What's love Dr. Doolittle,' I thought it was so cool that she would sing a song about a guy that talked to animals.

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Anyone remember "Lara's Theme" from the movie "Dr Zhivago?" I was about 10 when it came out and I think the Ray Coniff singers had a recording of it on the radio with lyrics. The last line was, "Godspeed, my love, till you are mine again," but I thought they were singing, "Don't speak, my love, till you are mine again." I always wondered how anyone could just stop speaking till they saw their sweetheart again, but I figured it was because they were so in love.

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