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When she was about eight, my sister came into the living room one day and asked my mom "What's a skeregin' word?" Mom was bewildered and asked her what she meant. My sister sang "You know- Where seldom is heard a skeregin word, and the skies are not cloudy all day." It was "Home on the Range" The word was "Discouraging" LOLOL

Lil Nicki
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WHen I was little I heard the song GOing to the Chapel gonna get married, I really dont know the title but that is the main line in the song and I thought they were singing "going to the Jackolantern gonna get married" I fiannly asked my mom why someone would get marriend in pumpkin!

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in the Prince song 'when doves cry', i heard 'and the most tricherious roses'. i thought he was giving his girlfriend poisoned flowers, when he was really saying 'animals strike curious poses'. the truth hit me in class during a final exam. my classmates were none to happy to hear me singing aloud...

Future Mrs Manning
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When I was a kid and I heard the song, "What becomes of the broken hearted?" I used to think that the second line was "paid a dime but only farted." I still think of that line when the song comes on.

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my mum used to think that when the song blue (da ba dee) was im goin die in aberdeen im going to die which wasnt very pleasant for her because my brother had just gone to aberdeen uni

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A mate thought the line in the RHCP song was "Fly away on my cell phone" when in actual fact, the lyric is "Fly away on my zephyr".

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My sister thought that "Ice, Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice was actually "US Navy".

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I thought the lyrics to the Barbie Girl Song by Aqua were "I'm a Barbie girl in a potty world..." Imagine my embarrassment when I saw the actual lyrics.

Sick Freak
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top belief!

My friend like listening to (and singing to loudly) soundtracks from Movies. In The Lion King, there is a line in the Song "Akunamatata" that goes "...it's our problem free philosophy..." she would belt out "...it's problem free, for lots of things..."!!

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For the longest time I thought the opening lyrics to "Song 2" by Blur were "I got my head shaved, by a cham-oh-che."

I asked my British friends what a chamoche was, they just looked at me like I was nuts.

I looked up the lyrics: "I got my head checked, by a jumbo jet."

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I used to think that Madonna's Material girl song went "I'm a cheerio, I'm a cheerio, I'm a cheerio girl . . . in a cheerio bowl.

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I used to believe that the words to the Rolling Stones song "(If You)Start Me Up" were actually "It be stoppeo."

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I used to think the song "Secret Agent Man" was "Secret Asian Man".

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for all my life I though that in 'Billy Jean' 1 of the lyrics was "the jailer's not my son". i actually believed this until last month & I'm 22!

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When I first heard the song "Constant Craving" by KD Lang, I thought she was singing "God save gravy."

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when Destiny's Child Bug-a-Boo came out I used to hear: mBreak my knees so I can move rather than break my lease so I can move. I always wondered how she'd be able to move with broken knees... really disturbing.

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In the song, "passionate kisses" I thought it was 'Ashley and Kristen love me.' It made sence when I was about 5 because I had two friends named Ashley and Kristen.

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I thought the song "Secret Agent Man" was "Secret Asian Man"

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I used to believe that the the Beach Boys Song went "fun fun fun til daddy took the TV away" instead of T-Bird away.

I used to believe that Aerosmith's song Dude Looks Like A Lady was called Do It Like a Lady. I always thought of "doing it" as intercourse so I was ashamed when I found out the lyrics to the song.

I as well thought that Ace of Base's "I Saw The Sign' was I Saw The Sun

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The song Push It by Salt n' Peppa, what I heard was "Bushy, Bushy"

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