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I really and truly thought that Prince was singing "Leroy come on back" instead of "Little Red Corvette" and tried to figure out what sort of friendship Prince had with Leroy and what he did to make him leave

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In Hermans Hermits "Silhouettes" I used to believe he was singing "let me in or else I'll WEE down your door" when in fact the real words are "let me in or else I'll BEAT down your door"

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When I was in about 5th grade,I always thought that TLC's "Scrub" went "A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fine,also known as a bustop. Always thinking 'bout what he wants, since I'm his broke ass."it really went"A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
And is also known as a buster
Always talkin' about what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass"

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i used to think that the song that goes, "my baby's got a secret." went, "my baby's got a seatbelt."

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first, i used to think that in elton john's "tiny dancer" when it says "hold me closer, tiny dancer" he was saying "hold me closer tony danza"
also, jimmy eat world's "everything, everything will be alright" i thought was "elephant, elephant will be alright"

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I used to think ((Like, one week ago,)) that the words to the Green Day song 'American Idiot', went like this:

'Information, nation, hysteria ...'

When it actually went,

'Information age of hyesteria.'

And I still can't tell if they sing 'Calling out to idiot America!'
or 'Going out to idiot America!'.

Heh. I'm stupid. Yep.

Mallory Maloney
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I used to believe that the lyrics to an old song my mum sang were "take my hand, I'm a strange looking parasite" !! :)

Megan, Lymington
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When I was little the song "Material Girl" by Madonna was on the radio a lot. My hearing must not have been too keen, because for more years than I care to admit I thought the song was called "Cheerio Girl." I kept wondering what, exactly, made one a Cheerio girl : P

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when i was a kid in the 80's i thought it was hush hush, keep it down now, don't tell gary. instead of keep it down now voices carry. and even watching the video i would think, that gary is such a jerk. aahhh i hate that gary. i didn't realize it until maybe 4-5 years ago. go figure?

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My friend used to sing a song she loved when she was young. It really goes "I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman...". But she used to sing "I am strong! I am invisible! I am woman!" She thought that being invisible was one of the woman's powers... :)

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When I was little I used to think the TLC song "Waterfalls" actually said 'Go, go, Jason waterfalls.'

And I thought that in the song 'Guys do it all the time" by Mindy McCready the line that said "Get over it, honey" actually said, 'Get over Wayne Gretzsky'

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When I was growing up watching reruns of Gilligans Island. I would sing... Just sit right back and you'll hear a tail.. a tail of a bait boat shrimp...

highly confused but what a catchy tune
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when Destiny's Child Bug-a-Boo came out I used to hear: mBreak my knees so I can move rather than break my lease so I can move. I always wondered how she'd be able to move with broken knees... really disturbing.

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Until I was about fourteen, I used to routinely mix up the words "prostrate" and "prostate." Whenever I listened to "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls (which was, and still is, one of my favourite songs), I always wondered why they sang "I spent four years 'prostate' to the higher mind, got my paper, and I was free!"; because I knew that "prostate" was a gland in a guy's butt (or something). So, for the LONGEST time, I believed that the Indigo Girls were singing about guys' butt glands.

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I had an older cousin who thought she knew everything, and I thought she did too. This was until I heard her sing the Go-Go's song "Our Lips are Sealed" as "I Love Lucille!" Boy, I never let her live that down! ;-)

Younger and Wiser
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When I was a kid there was a song on the radio (I think it was the Beach Boys, I don't remember the name...I do remember that the names of Caribbean islands were listed in the song) that was very popular at the time. There was a part of the song that I could've sworn said "Your butt's a rotten stink." I'd break out in laughter every time! There was another 80s-style song by a female artist that I thought said "I pooped on you" but it actually said "I'm hooked on you." I kept telling my mom that there was a song on the radio that said "I pooped on you." One day I heard it playing and pulled my mom over to the radio. When she heard it she laughed uncontrollably.

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tubthumping-a great confusing song

"I get no time, but I get overtime, still everybody beats me down...This is for Johnny-Boy.."

I am so wrong,
"I get knocked down, but I get up again, nobody gonna keep me down....Pissing the night away.."

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As a small child, my father always called me "Boog-a-loo" for some unknown reason. He's also been a fan of Nirvana for as long as I can remember.

Whenever he'd sing along to the song "Lithium" in the car he'd sing "I'm so ugly, but that's ok / cause so are you / Boog-a-loo". The correct lyrics are "I'm so ugly, but that's ok / cause so are you / we broke our mirrors"

I'm now a fan of Nirvana, and almost 15 years later, I still sing the wrong lyrics out of habit.

Brittany a.k.a. "Boog-a-loo"
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I thought the song "Rock the Casbah" by The Clash was written for my sister because I thought the lyrics in the chorus were "Charlene don't like it." My sister's name is Charlene.

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Actually this wasn't such a long time ago, but in that song that says "shake it like a polaroid picture" my friend gen thought it said shake it like a paraplegic. omg. so funny

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