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When I was a teen a friend of mine was a singer in a band. The line in Trooper's "raise a little hell" was changed by her to "praise that little owl". She never figured out why we laughed at her.

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In the song, "What a Wonderful World", there is a line that goes, "The bright, blessed day, The dark sacred night". I thought Satchmo was saying, "The bright, blessed day, The dogs say Goodnight"! It wasn't until my family asked why I always said "Woof-woof" at that point that I discovered my mistake!

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I thought the Elton John song where he sings, "I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind, that I put down into words..." was "i hope you don't mind, platypus down in the woods."

I also thought the Barry Manilow song where he sings, "Looks like we made it." was "Looks like tomatoes."

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me brothers and I were listening to the radio and mark said, "I don't get it, if he doesn't want her driving his car around, why doesn't he take the keys?" We were listening to Stevie Knicks and Tom Petty, the lyrics are "...stop dargging my 'heart' around...! bah!

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My brother always thought that the line, "My lips are sealed" by the Go-Go's actually said, "Islands of Seals." I still tease him about that.

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When I heard David Bowie's "Suffragette City" as a teen I thought it was "Surfer Kid City." I wrote that on a tape I made, which I lent to my sister. Years later when we were in our twenties I told her what the real name was and she was irate, saying, "You just ruined that song for me forever."

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I misheard the line 'a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue' in the Simon & Garfunkel song 'The Boxer'as 'a come-on from the HORSE on Seventh Avenue'. I had seen on TV the horse-drawn carriages in Central Park and believed that the horse felt sorry for the lonely boxer and winked at him to invite him for a carriage ride!

I also heard 'Destination- Bangor, Maine' as 'Destination- back again', probably because I come from a railway town where lots of men drive trains up and down the same stretch of track every day.

Carla- Crewe, Cheshire, UK
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Not only did I not know that Smooth Criminal was a Michael Jackson song, I also thought that the cover Alient Ant Farm did of it was actually Weezer.

Of course I also thought the lyrics were, "Andy did you turn gay?" Gave a whole new meaning to who the Smooth Criminal was. Anyway, I really missed it somewhere in there...

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i use to misheard kiss by a rose by seal "i've been kissied by a rose on the grey" to "i've been kiss by a ghost on the grave" though i coundn't make any sense out of it.

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A friend used to think the lyrics to "Walk this Way" by the Beastie Boys was "Work and Slave" How fantastic is that, I still sing it like this today and chuckle.

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My daughter used to think that "King of the Road" was called "Kanga the Roo"

Becky's Dad
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Def Leppard (I think it was Def Leppard, forgive me should I be wrong) sang "Panama".
Are you positive it wasn't "Enema"?

Caitlin from Canada
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i used to think that the chorus to eminem's without me went: "so this looks like on top of me, so everybody just follow me, cos we need a lil contoprosy(???), cos it feels so guilty without me" when in fact it went"well this looks like a job for me, so everybody just follow me cos we need a lil controvercy, and it feels so empty without me" and cos i'm like a mega eminem fan my friend asked me to remind her of the tune, i started singin the chorus to her....

embarassed dumbass
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The real lyrics...
*Dont go chasing waterfalls. Please stick the rivers and the lakes that your used to*
What I heard...
* Dont go chasing waterfalls. Lipstick to the rivers and the lakes that your used to* My mom would crack up when I sang and I had no clue why.

Madame Missy
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I used to believe that in the song "Blue" by Eiffel 65, he said "I'm Blue, I believe I will die."

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Not a childhood belief,but quite recent! Micheal Jackson's One More Chance. Real words 'One more chance at love' misheard as 'One more chance, Edna'.

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Once I thought that the song to Monicas SO gone "In an unmarked car" i thoght she said 'and i'm on my balls'

Monica Mishearer
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i really like Metallica songs but when i heard enter sadman 4 years before i thougth that "exit light" was "extra light" and that "grain of sand" was "play with sand"

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On SPM's song south park mexican, i thought they were saying lesbian instead of SPM.

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In Shinehead's "Jamaican In New York", there is a part where they say: I'm an Alien, I'm a legal Alien, I'm a Jamaican In New York, I thought they said I'm a Jamaican Emu Y'all

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