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I heard the song Tiny Dancer by Elton John when "Who's the Boss" was popular. I thought a verse of the song went, "Hold me close I'm Tony Danza". But actual it's, "Hold me closer Tiny Dancer".

Katie K.
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The song: Blinded by the Light

I knew I was mistaken, but every time I listen to the song, I heard:

"Revved up like a douche in the roller of the night"

It is actually:

"Revved on like a two in the runner of the night"

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I am really shocked, you know the song "Thriller" by Michael Jackson, the chorous isn't "free love", I'm 16 and until last week i had no idea. I still don't really believe it's not. Is it?

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If you've seen the movie Dumbo then you've probally heard the Casey jr. song ( Casey Jr is that circus train ) .
When I was little I thought the lyrics were these :

Casey Jr's coming down the track
Coming Down the track
With a smokeystack
Here the smoke ant coming round the view
Casey scared a thrill
Every Jack and Jill
Everytime is spotty heard the whistle sound
Everybody learns to safeistrack
Time for lemonade and cracker jack
Casey jr's back
Casey jr's back

The real lyrics are these :

Casey Jr's coming down the track
Coming down the track
With a smokeystack
Here him puffing coming round the hill
Casey's here to thrill
Every Jack and Jill
Everytime his funny little whistle sounds
Everybody hurries to the circus grounds
Time for lemonade and cracker jack
Casey Jr's back
Casey jr's back

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streetlife??? isn't it streetlights????? thats what ive been singing??

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you know the song 'i beleive in miracles' by hot chocolate? well my brother used to sing 'i beleive in bircones'...whats a bircone?! and you know the song 'whats my age again' by blink 182? well my mate sang 'wheres my agent friend'!!! and the song 'lifestyles of the rich and famous' by good charlotte? well for the line 'Well they've got mansions, Think we should rob them' i always sing 'well they could mention, then we could rob them' even though i now know the real lyrics!!

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When we were little, my little sister and I used to fight about music lyrics. She thought Michael Jackson's Billy Jean had the words, "Billy Jean, buu buu uuh" instead of "Billy Jean is not my lover." This was a real sore spot for her and would fight tooth and nail if anyone tried to correct her.

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I have a friend who always sings-"No dry Blood" instead of Low Rider( the Theme song to George Lopez, Sang by War)

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It wasn't but a couple of years ago, when looking for a song that had been one of my husband's favourites from back in the 60's, called: "Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)" by Melanie Safka, that I admitted to him that I had always thought they were saying "Get your white butts right up, and the ones who stand around" instead of -- "Let your white birds smile up, at the ones who stand and frown." He says I have forever ruined the song for him, although I still think it's funny as all get out!

Dazed n' Confused Redneck Ridgerunner
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Wayyy back in the 70's when I was a child, Jimmy Buffet had a hit with a nice song called "Come Monday". Each chorus of the song Jimmy sings "I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze"... I always thought he was singing "I want more lonely days with Brown Ellie Haze".

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Up until five minutes ago, while reading your site, and breaking into song, I thought that "Big Ol' Jet Airliner" actually went "Big HOtel Carolina"
I sang the my lyrics, then the proper lyrics, and realized : I'm a doofus!
The stupid part is that I have belted that out on more than one occassion...no wonder everyone was laughing at me.

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Okay, so.. there's this Physechadelic Furs song where the lead singer (who is very Britishy I might add) says "Back in the Government" and I, of course, am listening to this on a cassate tape in a 25 year old car. I can't decipher the lyrics. So I just ask aloud "Okay, am I crazy or is he saying 'Bark I'm a Doberman'. If you sound it out, they're quite similar, I promise.

The shameful part is that I was sixteen at the time. I hear the 'correct' lyrics when I listen to it now.

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I used to think that in the song"Family Affair, they were saying "It's a family of bears!"

Wayne Huffman
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My sister thought that the lyrics to 'Sunshine' were:
"God only knows what's up my nose on day without sunshine"

Marshmello Da Strawberry Cow
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I used to think the part of the bowling for soup song "Trucker Hat" that says "I've beem more than I can be" was
"Rocky Mountain Okapi" Until i realized that Okapis don't like in the Rocky Mountains.

Rocky Mountain Girl
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I used to think that in the song written by backsteet boys that goes "there's something missing in my heart" when "There's something disespangdidly so!". I thought disespangdidly was a foreign language that only the backstreet boys knew!

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i used to think that the song "santa baby", had the lyrics "be an afful good girl santa baby" insted of "iv been an afful good girl"
you can imagin how red i was wen my friend told me the real words to the song. the most cringin thing about it is that i only found out last chirtsmas (2004) so all the times i sung it before i guess people wer just been nice.

santas little helper
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I had a friend that used to believe the song "sad but true" actually said "sand machine"

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i used to think that in the christmas carrol "the 12 days of X-Mas,that instead of 3 French Hens,it said 3 Flinch Kids...i know it dont make sinse but dont ask.

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in the vengaboys song 'whoa were going to ibiza' that they were actualy saying 'whoa were going to eat pizza' if u hear it, it really does sound a lot like eat pizza!

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