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I thought the song by The Human League that goes like "And so the conversation turned, until the sun went down" was "And so the confirmation burned, until the buns turned brown".

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I thought in the song "The Caterpillar" by The Cure the line "I'll dust my lemon lies, with powder pink and sweet" was "I'll toss my leather gloves, where Power Pig can see"!

Samilton Duerheiser
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My older brother used to listen to the song Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols. I used to love singing along with it, but when our parents heard I'd get in trouble, and so would my brother for letting me listen, as they didn't approve of the lyrics. This is why I always used to believe the bit in the theme song to The Wonder Years went '...and I'll try not to sing anarchy' instead of '...and I'll try not to sing out of key'

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i used to ask my mom to sing me the song about "the mice". "deedle deedle dumpling, mice on john". actually nursery rhyme about "my son john". we had a farm, and there were lots of mice. made sense to me!

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up until I was a teenager, I used to thing the words to the the song, "For Your Eyes Only" was, "For You're a Johnny." I had no idea what this meant.

Joe Speicher
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I sang "Big Ol' Jet Airliner" as - "Bingo-Jet had a Light on".

Amy L.
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I had a friend who thought that in Linda Ronstadt's song "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me" she was saying "Oh, Lord, spit upon me."

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Prince had the hit " Little Red Corvette " I sung the smash..." Pay the Rent Collect " These kids today

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My sisters & I used to get the lyrics to songs mixed up all the time.
The GoGo's song "Our lips are sealed" we thought was "Alex the seal".
Billy Oceans song "When the goin gets tough" we thought was "Well go and get stuffed".(have a listen to it. It may be right!!!!)
The Australian anthem "Our home is girt by sea" we thought was "our home is dirt fly sea".

Bec :o)
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I used to think the song "Blow,blow Seminole wind" was "blow,blow seven old men"(I didn't understand oral sex then).Also I used to HATE listening to Happy Birthday when I was little,so all the pictures of my childhood birthdays portray me with my hands over my ears.

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Our brother Robret used to sing 'whats new push and catch' to Tom Jones' Whats new Pussycat.

Julie & Angela
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i used to think that in the song "ebony and ivory" he was singing "emily, amme-marie, sitting side by side on my piano keyboard". i thought for some reason he'd sat his two little girls on his piano...

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I used to believe that the song that goes "I am your lady you are my man" went "I am your latest you are my last".

I always thought it was cool that she would love him forever knowing already he would sooner or later find someone new.

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My mom loved Fleetwood Mac when I was little, and I could never understand why she would like a group who sang a song about "parents only love you when they're playing". It was only when I was about 15 that I realized they were saying "Players only love you when they're playing". I used to ask her all the time if she REALLY loved me.

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In the song "Naked" by the Spice Girls the lyrics read "Strip you down don't need to care, lights are low exposed and bare" but my friends thought for the longest time that it was "strip you down no need to care, just pull down your underwear"

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When my son was three he used to love The Brady Bunch. When it came on he used to sing along with the theme song:

Here's a story/Of an UGLY lady/Who was bringing up three very UGLY girls...

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My whole family is pretty bad with songs!
My little sister, who still gets songs wrong, once sang TLC's No Scrubs as, "Hanging out the passengers side of my best french frie". Real lyrics "...best friends ride"

Another sister, also liking TLC, thought that "Don't go chasing waterfalls" was "Go go Jason Waterfalls"

My mom still to this day swears that the true lyrics to independent women by Destiny's Child is "I farted" instead of "I bought it"

Yet another sister, at the age of 19, just realized that the lyrics of Henery the VIII is not "..wouldn't have a Willy or a cent" She never knew why they were talking about money.

To yet another sister. She love Britney Spears' Oops I did it again. The line "I'm washing away", she sang "I'm watching the game.....I'm not that elosent"

My dad, not knowing much about music, bragged to a friend at work that he was going to a Matchbox 40 concert to hear "One Headlight". His friend replied "I've never heard of Matchbox 40, but I've heard of Matchbox 20".

Now to me. After going through this long list of misunderstood lyrics, I realized I have been singing a song wrong for many years myself. At the the age of 21 I realized that that song that goes "I got my mind set on you" is not total nonsense. I thought it was "I got my my san on you". I still think I'm right! I always wonder what a san was.

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In the song 'The Justified Ancients of Mumu' by KLF, I used to think the blokes were singing 'Pensions and groove'. I only found out when someone pointed out the real words were 'Ancients of Mumu'. I think mine was better!

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When i was younger i allways remember my dad singin "praise you like a shoe" insted of "praise you like i should" (fat boy slim)and was convinced that they were all dancing round a shoe in the vid!!!

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I used to think that the group that sang the 80s song "Voices Carry" was telling the story of two people named George and Carrie. As in, "'Oh George, keep it down now!' whispers Carrie"!

(The actual lyrics are *hush hush,* keep it down now, *voices carry*)

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