i used to believe

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In the song from Nickleback (I think) He says "This Time I'm mistaken, for handing you a heart worth breakin'" My friend swore he said --"This time I'm steakin--For breakfast I had eggs and bacon"

Another friend told me she used to think "Billie Jean is Not my lover" was--"There's a genie at my door..."

Finally me--In the musical Les Mis Eponine and Marius sing "A little Fall of rain" I was listening to it so I could learn it for an audition and I swore they said "...a little for the brain" and another part went "...the skies begin to clear and I'm at rest" I thought she said " and dry my dress"

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As a child i always thought the song Son of Hickory Hollers Tramp was about a boy who's Dad was a tramp!
Wasn't till my 20's when listening to the line "Outside the door there burned a scarlet lamp" i realised he was singing about his Mum!!

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I thought "I wandered lonely as a cloud" was "I want a pony for my shroud"-well, the school choir was made up of very horsy girls.

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There's an English line to a Cantopop song (sang by Alan Tam) years ago that I always thought was 'And all night in the loo....' which made me burst out laughing whenever it was on... Until I found out from the lyrics book that it actually was 'And all I ever knew...'

cantopop fan?
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Guess who used to think Freddie Mercury sang 'I see the the little stilletto of my Nan,' in Bohemian Rhapsody. That's right...me.

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I used to think that in the Beatles' "lucy in the sky with diamonds" they were singing "you've seen the sky with diamonds"

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More Lyrics:

I couldn't figure out why the Song "Be Like That" by 3 Doors Down was being played on radio stations with this Chorus:

"F-cking me like that..."

potty mouth
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I used to think that the lyrics "lets go round again" by Louise from Eternal were actually "leets go round the bend"

Chinky Lil
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When I was 9, my cousin was 8. I had brought my Britney Spears CD to the Thanksgiving gathering that year. I had my headset, and she was listening to "Lucky" on the CD. She was singing along, "And she cries, cries, cries, in the lonely dawn thinking..." I hope she figured out she was wrong.

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When I was 6 I heard the song "Who can it be now?". I used to think the words were "Your getting bigger now!" instead of "Who can it be now?". My family burst into laughter when I sang it wrong.

Cool Girl
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I used to think in "All My Life" by K-Ci and Jo-Jo it said:

I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love
I'll tear a cherry 'cause

Instead of

I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love
I cherish every hug

I also used to think in the "Blue" song, you remember, that techno one? It said, "I'm blue and I believe I will die..." I'd hate hearing it, thinking, gosh how negative!

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instead of the words to Kate Cebarano's song "kiss me passionately" i used to think it was "kiss me pash me then leave"

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"Why dont you fill me up..."

Quite embarressing on a kareoke night once!

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The beautiful people by marlyn manson I thought was a nonsence song seying puhfededapeepow

Ashley B
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i used to think T.N.T oih oih was


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I used to believe that the song 'right here waiting for you' was 'a building right here waiting for you'..

I also thought that the song by Mercy Playground said 'like a double sheppards pie', when it really says 'like a double cherry pie'.

But the funniest would have to be my bro singing 'do you believe in love like a dove'.. instead of 'do you believe in love after love'.

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When my brother was younger he thought the song from shrek that goes "i'm on my way from misery to happyness" was "i'm on my way from nudery to honda"... I have no clue why....

He's still a bit off
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my little sister loved the movie lion king back when it came out..and when she heard the song mmmbop by hanson, she would always sing pummmba, it was so cute.

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My mum used to think, until about a month ago that Kaiser Cheifs "I predict a riot" was actually "I put it to rest!" I reminded her a couple of weeks ago.

Unusual being
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When I was little I thought the song Venus said "I'm the penis you're the vagina... Its your desire." I thought it was a nasty song and felt bad dancing to it. I never understood how it was ok to like it. I didn't know the real words until I was 19 or so. Eeeek!
P.S. I thought Madona was always singing about me and knew who I was.

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