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I first heard the song Holiday by Green Day at Rock in the Park 2005. When they played it, they dedicated it to 'George W fucking Bush', therefore I thought the lyrics said 'One holy man' instead of 'on holiday'. LOL

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In NeYo's song "So Sick" I thought he said "I'm so fat, I eat my problems on you" but he really says "i'm so fed up with my thoughts of you".

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Golden Brown by The Stranglers

Lyrics are:
Lays me down with my mind she runs

Of course, I thought it was:
Lays me down with my Mancherons

Well, I thought it was some reference to some Red Indian tribe!

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When i was about 4ish i thought the lyrics for "Funky town" (wah wah nee???) were.....fu**en town

You live WHERE?
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mis heard lyrics to...
Chaka Khan's 'Ain't Nobody Loves Me Better'

Captured I fell asleep
Thats the way it was
Happened so naturally
Didnt I know it's worse love
The next thing I felt was you
holding meat clothes
What was I gonna do?
I let myself go

(Chorus: as normal..)
Aint nobody
Loves me better
Makes me happy
Makes me feel this way
Aint nobody
Loves me better than you.

Captured effortlessly
Thats the way it was
Happened so naturally
I did not know it was love
The next thing I felt was
You holding me close
What was I gonna do?
I let myself go.

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for the song cotton eyed joe i thought the lyrics were
" bed im for knee cotton eyed jo ive been mary a long time agowhere did u come gum where do you mow"
the real lyrics are
"If it had't been for Cotton Eye Joe
2x + 2x I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton Eye Joe "

cotton eyed joe
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"Wooooman...take me in your arms...F**k me baby"
Er....apparently it's 'Rock me Baby'!!!!

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my darling little sister used to think that "You are my sunshine" contained the following: "You are a clementine, clementine... grandpa!"

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In the song "Simply Irresistible", the guy sings "She's all mine, there's no telling where we'll go" or something. I always thought he was saying "Geez oh man, there's no telling where we'll go". It made sense to me because he was like knocked off his feet by the girl.

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I was convinced until maybe five years ago that the end of the Christmas carol "Silent Night" was saying that the Baby Jesus was sleeping in heavenly peas, not peace. I couldn't figure out what God had put in those peas that made them so good and nice to sleep in. To this day my father sings, "sleep in heavenly peas and corn," because at my house we always have corn with our peas.

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My parents played Chicago songs a lot when I was little. I always thought that in "If You Leave Me Now" the line was, "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of meat." I thought the song was about some poor guy whose girlfriend was stealing all his food.

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I used to believe the Herb Alpert song "this guy's in love with you" was "this sky's in love with you" and a a friend of mine thought in Sam Cook's song the part " the coke's are in the icebox" was "the coats are in the icebox"

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An older neighbor got me into the Violent Femmes. Until I was in college I thought, "I fall down dead, she never sees the tears I cry" was actually "I fall down STAIRS, she'll never see the tears I cry."

You know, how tragic? I fell down the stairs and she didn't even care!

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theres an allison krauss song song that i thought the words were "the child in your face lets me know that you need me" when in reality it said "the smile of your face". everyone made so much fun of me.

lilly, ca
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As a Native Canadian it made me quite happy that our National Anthem stated "our home ON Native land." It wasn't until my last year at University that I finally learned the true verse. "Our home AND Native land." I never much cared for the National Athem afterwards.

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"Here he co-oo-oo-oo-oo-omes, that's Catfish Clown..." I didn't know the name of the song was "Cathy's Clown" until I was 18.

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I used to think that the line in the Bee Gee's song "be tender with my love, you know how easy it is to hurt me" was actually, "be tender with my bones, you know how easy it is to break me"

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I have a friend who used to sing ' Down down deedums town ' instead of down down deeper and down.
I also had a girlfriend who's mother thought The group Level 42, was Nevelle Fortesque.

Stephen -- Northern Ireland
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The song Torn by Natalie Imbruglia goes "So I guess the fortune teller's right/Should have seen just what was there/ And not some holy light" My friend thinking it said "So I guess the fortune teller's right/Should have seen just what was there/ And not some horny light"

- Estelle
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I always thought that in the song "Blinded by the Light" the lyrics were "..wrecked up like a DOUCHE you know the roller in the night" It was only a couple of years ago that I learned it was wrecked up like a DUCE (meaning a type of car)

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