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I thought in drop it like it's hot it went like this:

When the pits in the crib mom
(drop it like its ho-ot
drop it like its ho-ot
drop it like its ho-ot)

And all the baywatch get aachoo
Pork and like it's hot
Pork and like it's hot
Pork and like it's hot

And if Nivea get a attitude
Pop it like its ho-ot
pop it like its hot
pop it like its hot

got the roley on my arm
and i'm pulling Sean Dunn
And I run the best sh*t
Cause i got it going on

Actually it goes like this

When the pimps in the crib ha?
drop it like its hot (DILIH)
When the babes try to get at you
and if a n**** get a attitude
I got the roley on my arm
And i'm pouring Chandon
And all the best,
Cause I got it going on

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"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting 'cotton Loraine' "

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I used to think in the song "Rumors" by Lindsay Lohan that in the part where it goes "Throw my hands up in the air to the beat like-" and then some guy goes "WHAT!" I thought that was Lindsay going "WHAT!"
It weirded me out.
Also, in the some "Creeps me Out" by Ima robot, they go ,"It's just your love, girl, it creeps me out" but I thought they were saying "Adjust your lugnut, it peeps, meow!"

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check this who farted? instead of "Lets get it started"

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For the longest time, I thought the song "Paperback Writer," by the Beatles was actually called "Paperback Right Turn."

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My husband has never been very good at getting the lyrics of songs correct, or even products names right (Simmeroff for the vodka and nonfast colour eds for non fast coloureds on the washing machine) but anyhow, one story he told me was on the song Liberator by Spear of Destiny. He would always sing for the chorus at the top of his voice 'I'm a little bit high, a little bit high, a little bit, a little bit' and could not work out why it was called Liberator until some friends corrected him.

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Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Clean your ears this way!

Need I say more?

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For ages i thought the words to Mrs Jackson (can't remeber who its by but its quite recent) actually said 'its my british accent' until i was caught singing it in front of my friends - it made sense at the time!

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In the Michael Bolton song "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You", I thought the lyrics were..."tell me all about it, tell me 'bout your fans and makeup". Really it was "tell me all about it tell me 'bout the plans your makin". Oops.

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The song *Blinded by the Light* was always a frustration for me, I always heard "Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a deuce and a loner in the night" until just now, this very instant I have decided to check out the real lyrics and it actually says, "And she was blinded by the light, cut loose like a deuce, another runner in the night"...well I wasn't that far off,I got deuce right!

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When I heard the song "www.memory" by: Alan Jackson I thought it was saying "Kentucky ducky ducky dog memories"- i have no idea how i got that out of that,lol!

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Years ago there was a boyband who had a song titled Hangin Tough,, one of the radio stations plays 80's and 90's and my teenage son looks and me and says that's a stupid song "Singin Dumb"

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I forgot what song it was but on the radio it was rapping, "Gay porn" and I rapped along, "Game court" OOOPS!

Game Court, Dawg
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In The Creed Song "What This life For" My Dad thought "we all live under the reign of one king" was "we all live under the reign of monkey".

Derek G
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In " my heart will go warm" by celine dion, instead of "I Believe my heart will go warm" I thought it was " I Believe the hot dogs go warm!" It was very strange, i wiondered why they piocked it as the theme tune before i found out the real words.

Unusual being
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one of my friends favorite songs was "hips dont lie" by shakira. one day we were at work and we were listening to it. and she starts belting "OHHHHHHH, DONT YA KNOW - MY HIPS DONT LIE.." instead of "im on tonight - my hips dont lie.." she still thinks its her way.

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Summer of 1972...the song is "Too Late To Turn Back Now' by The Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose.

In the bridge of the song, one "brother" sings the most convoluded lyric in the world...

He sings and my sister and both heard him warble this: "I wouldn't mind da if I nooped do really love me doo".

The advent of PCs and the Interent and posting of lyrics revealed that said brother was actually singing, "I wouldn't mind it, if I knew she really loved me too".

Well maybe, but this one Cornelius brother did it with marbles and mayonaise in his mouth.

Also in the oringal early 60
s son "Last Kiss", listen for the part where the soprano singing in the background goes flat and her voice falls and trails off.

After the lyrics..."that I heard last"..

And they actually left that in the master recording.

Hilarious. .

Laurie Kendrick
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In Beyonce's 'Irreplaceable' I thought she said 'In the closet that's my stuff. Yes sir i just farted, please dont touch.'

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I used to believe that "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-Lot said "I like big butts in a can..." Always wondered how anyone could get their butt in a can... Then the line "When a girl walks in with a really big bin" helped me make the connection that those "cans" were really trash cans, aka garbage BINS. So I envisioned that Sir Mix-a-Lot liked girls who walked around with trash cans on their butts...

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In 1976, aged 11, I misheard the title of Gallagher and Lyle's big British hit 'Heart On My Sleeve' - I thought it was called 'Hat On The Street'!

J J Bevan
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