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When I was in high school listening to the radio, I believed the chorus of this song went "Give me the Beach Boys and free my soul/I want to get lost in your rock & roll..." etc. This summer I was told that the lyrics are actually "Give me the beat boys and free my soul... " etc. But what's the difference really? It's like the difference between purple and lavender... (then again, I'm no painter...)

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well, in micheal jackson's song the lyrics say,
"Billie Jean, is not my lover"
I thought it was,
"Billie Jean, is not a motherfucker."

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Kentucky HeadHunters Song "Dumas Walker" I thought the lead lyric was "Were all going down to do Ms Walker..."

Jeremy Alsup
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Although I now know the lyrics are " I'm blue ba-da-be-ba-da-bi " in the song Blue, I still can't help singing what I'd always thought Eiffel65 sang... " I'm blue I got beat up and died"

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I used to think in "I'm still waiting" by Diana Ross, the line which goes "I put him off with lies, he could see i had no eyes" was actually "I put him off at last, he could see I had no arse"

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In the REM song What's the Frequency, Kenneth? I thought that Michael Stipe sang You want to shag violently instead of the real lyric you wore a shirt of violent green! Lots of other people did which made me feel a lot better!

Janet Broadley
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i remember "millennium" by robbie williams coming on the radio wen i was with my friends and me singing loudly "with any earth". I don't know where I thought the word "millennium" came in!

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on ashanti's song "whats love" it says "whats love, got to do, got to do". I always said " whats ma, dr. doo, dr. doo".

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until just last week i always thought it was ''do the *hustle*!'' not the shuffle!

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Baa baa baa, baa baa beran
Baa baa baa, baa baa bu barber Ann
I hit my hand
Hit my hand
It's rockin and a rollin
Rockin and a renal
Barber Ann baa baa baa barber Ann

Went to a dance
Lookin' for romance
Saw a Barberina and I thought I'd take a chance
Baa baa, Barber Ann Barber Ann
She's rockin' and a rollin
rockin and a renal
Barber Ann baa baa baa Barber Ann

Hi Betty Sue, By Betty Lue
Saw a Barber Ann and she really wouldn't doo (hair)
Barber Ann Baa Baa
Barber Ann Baa Baa
She's a rockin and a rollin (hair)
A rockin and a renal
Barber Ann

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My son thought the words "Paparazzi" in the Lady Gaga song were actually "Papa Rahtzee" and asked me why she was singing about this random man called Papa!

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Michael W. Smith has a song with the chorus line "So be strong and courageous". Our 6 year old was singing "Toby's gone, it's outrageous"; he was highly embarrassed when we laughed and pointed out the error.

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i used to think that the michael jackson song, billie jean, that the chorus was
billie jean is not my lover
shes just a gal dat says that i am da 1
but the king is not my son

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The Tina Moore song that goes 'Never gonna let you go' has the line 'Worth more than a million in gold' and I firstly thought it was 'Football and a million goals'.

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Lene Marlin - Sitting Down Here

"I'm sitting down here
But hey you can see me
Kind of invincible
You won't sense my stay"

and also, in the second verse

"I'm not tryna avoid you
I just don't wanna hear your voice
When you called me up in Boston
I don't really have a choice"

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When I was young my parents were very keen on 70's and 80's rock and "Dire Straits" were one of their favourites. They would listen to "Money for Nothing" which has a lyric "get your money for nothing, and your chicks for free".
Now, I misheard that line and on a family day out in the car to said song, I came out with; "Daddy, if I grow up to be a rock star, will I get free chips?"

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I used to belive that the song - Heh Baby Oh ah etc was about a person being constopated as-
A.) I couldn't understand what the heck tha guy was singing
B.) The Oh Ahh nit always sounded like someone trying to get out a poo poo!
I still don't know what the songs baou but I do know that it isn't about being constipated!

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I'm not sure what song it was but this one part went 'ball of chain...' and i always thought it said bowl of cheese

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Insane Clown Posse has a song called "Assasins".
The chorus goes "Ya know who ya f***ing wit, w-w-w-w-w-wicked clowns!" I would always sing it like" Ya know who ya f****ing wit, b-b-b-b-b-b-break it down!"

Oh God, ICP disco!

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my mum used to think the song she moves in her own way was furbie kiss she moves in her own way!

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