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I thought for about 15 years that the Tina Turner song "What's Love Got to Do With It?" said:
"What's love but a second hand in motion?
and then "What's love but a second handy notion?"

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In Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean' the bit that goes 'Billie Jean, is not my lover etc etc, I used to believe he was actually singing 'Billie Jean is not my mother, she's just a girl who says I'm the one, ooh ooh, the girl with the big fat bum'

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I used to believe the Metallica song "Trapped Under Ice" said "I turned down the rice."

Erik Z.
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I used to believe the lyrics to Seven Nation Army by - The White Stripes was "The Salvation Army couldn't hold me back"

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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but in the case of me and my best friend, we thought that in Dido's song, "White Flag" the chorus sounded exactly like: I will go down with this ship ...And I'll POKE MY EYES OUT and surrender.
The actual lyrics are: ...And I won't put my hands up and surrender.
Ah, well. We were close! lol take care

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when i was younger, (i cant remember who sings the song) "Everytime You Go Away"... i used to the the chorus was "everytime you go away, you take a piece of meat with you".. i could never understand why she always took meat with her!

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When I was waaay younger and un-interested in the beatles (quite the opposite of me today) I heard "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" on the radio. I thought that when George said "still my guitar gently weeps" he was saying "you steal my guitar, I gently weep.". For the longest time I believed that someone had stolen George Harrison's guitar, and I always asked my parents "where did George's guitar end up??". They didnt know what the hell I was talking about.

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My friend was kinda confused by the lyrics to 'Whats my age again' by blink 182...We were listening to it and my friend said 'I'm surprised this song was allowed to be released' and I said 'Why?' and he said 'Well, its a bit racist'.......Turns out he thought it was called 'Wheres my Asian friend'....Fool.

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I am from Germany and when I heard the Bee Gees song Staying Alive for the first time I thought they were singing about Ferries - I made out they were singing Stena Line

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I'm sure my mother was half horrified, half amused when she came upon her 8 year old daughter (me) dancing around and singing "Bootylicious" at the top of my lungs. With one minor change in lyrics:
"I don't think you're ready for the spaghetti, I don't think your ready for the spaghetti...."

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When we used to sing the hymn "O happy day" in Sunday school I used to think that the line "he taught me how to watch and pray" was actually "he taught me how to wash and play" - as young child seemed to make sense....

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When my dad was little he thought "I shot the Sherriff" was "I'm shockin' Sherry". To this day (I'm grown up now) if I am with him when that song comes on I will start singing "I'm shockin' Sherry" and we both get a good laugh

Daddy's little girl
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I thought that it was a song about Michael Jackson when I first heard it and I asked a friend if he had heard this song. He had me recite the lyrics. which I thought were

'Might as well face it, you're a dick with a glove.

but the real words are....

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love.

He laughed at me for days.

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In the song "Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5, there's a line that goes, "Wake up, bloodshot eyes, struggle to memorize". But when I heard it the first couple of times, I thought it was, "Wake up, brush my eyes". I envisioned Adam Levine grabbing a toothbrush and vigorously getting rid of eye plaque.

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I used to think that the song "Evil Woman" was "Medieval Woman".

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"we're calling a cab, i can't walk now, because i love you too much baby..." [-- what i thought i heard elvis saying in "suspicious minds"

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I used to believe that the song saying the line "Jehoviah Jira, my provider, your grace is suffecient for me" that it was "Ching Chong McGiver, my provider, you grace is a fishy for me"

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Until quite recently I thought that Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers "Running down a Dream" was called "Running Down the Drain" For years while hearing it I've been picturing a little man trying to resist getting sucked down a drain in the kitchen sink!

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I always thought that the lyrics of the Beatles song were ‘Ticket to Rye’ when I was young (Rye being a small town in England near where I live), up until when I was about 9 or 10 then I was told it was ‘Ride’, but I recently found out that it seems they were singing Rye after all.. I’m confused now lol

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The line 'The dark sacred night' in What A Wonderful World is actually 'The dogs say goodnight'...

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