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My earliest memories begin in the early 1960s, when Peter, Paul and Mary were singing "Puff, the Magic Dragon" on the radio. I understood most of the words and the general idea. Besides, Captain Kangaroo helped a lot with his Magic Drawing Board.

But there was a verse that mentioned "sealing wax". I didn't know what sealing wax was. I sincerely (pardon the pun) thought they were singing about "CEILING wax"! I knew people waxed their floors, but I didn't know anyone who waxed their ceiling!

Vicki J.
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In Elton John's song "Honky Cat," when he sang "get back, honky cat," I thought he was singing "get back, hump a cat." I sang that with my friend, he laughed at me and gave me the correct lyric lol

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I thought the song "Karma Police" was actually saying "call the police" before I learned the title

Alberto Richardson
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Up until five minutes ago, I thought the lyric in Maybe Tomorrow by the Jackson 5 was "I only know my head when it's here on Earth, this time you'll look into my eye" when it turns out it's really "I only know my heaven is here on Earth, each time you look into my eyes". It's strange because my version still made sense to me.

Mr. Bills
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i was positive the lyrics went
'another one bites the doctor'
instead of
another one bites the dust
i fought with my mom about this one

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Me & my mates always used to call "I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight" by The Cutting Crew, "The Cheese Song", because they sang "I died in your arms tonight, it must have been some kind of cheese".

They do sing that! They do!

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My husband for the longest thought that that part of Ozzy's song, "Crazy Train", went like..'crazy, but that's how it goes, millions of people, living assholes'.

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I used to think the song "Walk this way" by Arosmith went horse and sleigh insted of singing walk this way.

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I used to think the John Lennon - Merry Christmas (War Is Over) song said 'Let's hope its a good one, with plenty of beer' instead of 'without any fear' as my dad always sang it like that...

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When I was little I used to hear everyone sing the song, "David and Sally sitting in a tree K I S S I N G" Childishly I thought it was "David and Sally sitting in a tree
K I S S P M T"

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when i was younger i used to listen to I Like Big Butts..and theres a part of the song where he says i wanna rub your smooth skin, you say you wanna get in my benz....but i had always thought that he was saying, "so your rumpelstilskin, you say you wanna get in my band." whats so wrong about a little mean dude who wants me be in sir mix a lots band??

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I used to believe that in the song 'under pressure' by david bowie and queen, it went 'sat on her face, but it don't work' instead of 'sat on the fence, but it don't work' How my parents laughed when it came on the radio....

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In the film grease the song "one that i want" we use to think that the line "Nothing left nothing left for me to do" was "double it up double it up for me and you"

Also our dad thought that the song "the final countdown" by Europe was "there's a fire downtown"

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That Madonna sang "I'm a cheerio girl" instead of material girl

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My younger sister always sung the "I got my first real six-string"-part from Brian Adams' "Summer Of 69" wrong. Instead, she sung "I got my first real sex dream"

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when i was younger i always used to sing the Adam & the ants song 'stand and deliver, but my version was 'stan, eat your dinner' lol

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You know the song from queens we will we will rock you? Well I used to think it was swinging your bladder all over the plact singing we will we will rock you.........I figured it out later.

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for my little sis -

Paul McCarty song "Band on the Run" but when she sang it it was "Man has the Runs"

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When I was little, I thought the song 7 Nation Army went like this:
"I'm gonna fight em off, the salvation army couldn't hold me back"
and the song that goes "My boy's gonna play in the big leagues" was "My boys gonna play in the dippy"
I also thought the song that goes "S'cuse me, while i kiss the sky" was "S'cuse me, while i kiss this guy"
I was a weeeeeeeird kid..

In need of a hearing aid
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in pink's god is a dj..my friend thought that the words were "if god is a dj, then life is an asshole"

theyre actually "if god is a dj, life is a dancefloor"

when i was younger, i used to like a song, dont know who it was by..that had the lyrics "it must have been love but it's over now" mistaking "it must have been love" for "aston villa" (an english footie team if anyones puzzled lol..) (if u know the song, listen, and it will make sense..) and being in awe that someone loved a football team THAT much

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