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when my mom was young she thought that "our lips our sealed" was sang "eyes of cecile". her latest misheard lyric is the new song by the pussycat dolls, "when i grow up" the part that says "i wanna have groupies" , she swears it says " i wanna have boobies" lol but that has been mistaken by more than just her

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I used to belive in the song Sk8er boy by avril lavin the line "and thay had a problem with his baggy cloths" when i was littel i thogt that the line was "and thay had a problem with his pet crows

Pet crows
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I still think in the Guns N' Roses song "Welcome to the Jungle" it goes Ya learn ta live like a Dragonball, instead of animal, it still sounds like that to me...

In the song Paradise City, I thought it was Paramount city, because I went to a paramount theme park.

Livin' like a dragonball
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My kids a few years ago thought they knew everything!! Well,when they sang out loud ''Lock Tide'' I gave them the weirdest look and asked them what they were singing? They said it was from a wrestling CD for the wrestler HHH. Well I told them they were wrong and that the actual song tiltle was..''My Time''..they didn't care they still went on singing''Lock Tide''.
They even sang ''Take the last train to Pottsville'' instead of ''Take the last train to Clarksville'' by the Monkees...I gave up and just let them make a fool of themselves...(LOL)

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In the movie Grease 2, one of the greasers tells the girls to "read it and weep!"after they win at bowling. I thought he was saying "read it in a week!". I thought that was a very strange phrase because that's a very long time to read the scores to their game of bowling.

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I thought the words in a line of the song "Little Deuce Coupe" by The Beach Boys were "and comin' off the line when the light turns green, well, she grows the marijuana like you've never seen"! Little did I know that the line was, "well, she blows 'em outta the water like you never seen". Embarassed!!

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In the song "Big Yellow Taxi", I was baffled when I heard, "Fake paradise, to put up a f***ing lie." instead of, "They paved paradise to put up a parking lot." I was surprised they'd put a song like that without censoring.

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The children were never given service books in the choir. We learnt the service by heart. The first time I was given a service book I was shocked that in the Eucharistic prayer it said, ' It is meet and right so to do.' I had always thought it said, '...meat and rice.'

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When I was about 5 or 6 years old, I used to think Terrence Trent D'arby's lyrics were "..lemonade accross my heart," instead of "..sign your name across my heart".

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elton john released a song called 'cold cold heart' back in the 90's. I honestly thought he was singing 'co co heart' and singing about people who had chocolate hearts.

Kayleia Clear
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I used to sing along to a song on the radio (in England) that went "something's burning ... something's burning ... something's burning ... and I think it's love." Only I thought it ended "and I think it's lunch"

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When I was little and listened to "Puff the Magic Dragon," I thought when they said, "brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff," that they were saying "ceiling wax." I thought it was like floor wax but for the ceiling. I used to wonder what the point of waxing the ceiling was!

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In Girl Guides (Brownies mainly), we also sang this song...and I thought we were singing "I'm being eaten by a broken sticker" and I never understood why...A few years later I mentioned it to my mother who had been a leader and she said it was really "I'm being eaten by a BOA CONSTRICTOR"...Makes so much more sense now.......

Heather H
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I play the piano and once when i was going out with one of my ex-girlfriends we decided to have a sing-song, revealing that for many years (and up until then) she thought the lyrics "Don't cry for me Agentina" were actually "Don't cry for me Aunty Tina"
Is Madonna's version of this song really that bad!?

Bauhaus Rocker
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In the Philippines, my cousin once told me that the chorus for "Too Legit to Quit" was actually "Bulate sa Puwet," which in Filipino translated to "Worm in the Butt." For years I thought that was what MC Hammer said.

Ray T.
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My dad said that when he was little he thought "Home home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play" was "Home home on the range, where the deer and the cantalope play"

Shirley B.
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I used to believe that in David Bowie's Song "Changes", instead of "strange fascination", I thought it was "strange vaccinations"!!!

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When I was young I used to think the line 'She wrote upon it.' in Elvis's 'Return To Sender' was actually 'She rode a pony.' I still sing the wrong line to this day (although only with happy irony) because it sounds so much like it!!

Nick England
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I thought that the line was "Lucy in the Sky with Linus" (not lucy in the sky with diamonds)

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I misheard "To all your friends, you're delirious" in Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful". I thought she said "Do I have friends? You're delirious". I guessed she must have felt kinda lonely, misunderstood and everything. But hey, it made sense to me.

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