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My husband heard Julian Cope's song "China Doll", which warns, "You're gonna wake up in the morning/ With a crowd 'round your bed" - but he thought it was ".../With kraut on your lip." i didn't see how anyone could make that mistake until i listened to the song, but it really does sound like that.

Amy Hostler
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My friend Liz used to think that the lyric from Macy Gray's I Try was 'I wear goggles when you are not here' instead of 'My world crumbles when you are not here'. I laughed at her, until I heard the song again and have to admit that it does sound like Macy is singing Liz's version!

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Did anyone else hear The Verve singing 'the trucks don't work'? But why would that make you worse?
My son had to tell me it was the drugs that didnt work....

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We were listening to the queen song 'Bohemia Rhapsody' when my partner in all honesty sang the words 'miss miller let me go, beheljibub has a cuboard put aside for me' when the real words are 'bismilla, let me go, beheljibub has a devil put aside for me' he told me that all these years since the song was released that he had thought that what he'd been singing were the right words, I nearly wet myself laughing, bless him.

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When I was 11, I misheard one line in "Sleeping sun" by Nightwish, and I thought she was singing "rodent caresses me" (I didn't know it was "ardent"). I thought Tarya was bestialist!

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Until recently,I thought that the following line in Carly Simon's "you're so vain" went "I had some dreams,there were clowns in my coffee, clowns in my coffee." It was really "i had some dreams. They were clouds in my coffee,clouds in my coffee.

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Gala Freed from desire lyrics:
My love has got no money he's got his trampoline!!

Its actually my love has got no money he's got his strong beliefs!!!

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I used to sing a LOT of songs wrong: "Take your pants down and make it happen" instead of "take your passion" (Flashdance theme)
"Silence like a casserole" instead of "cancer grows" - makes more sense doesn't it? (Sound of Silence)
Also thanks to my dad who fanices himself a bit like Weird Al: "There's a bathroom on the right" (Bad Moon on the Rise)
"I fought your ma and your ma won" was a lot more believable to me than "I fought the law and the law won"

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when i was small, i used to think the christmas song, the 12 days of christmas, had the words..

'on the first day of xmas my tulip sent to me.' instead of my 'true love'!!

i still find myself singing it to this day!!(quite a few years later!!)

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The lyrics to Outkast's song "I'm sorry Miss Jackson"...I was convinced he was saying "It's my British accent". Never mind that the guy has NO trace of a British accent :-)

Rivi S
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As I child I never could figure out who this 'Jose' was that people always sang about: "Jose can you see, by the dawnsearly light..."

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It wasn't until recent years I realized after my wife's several hours of laughter that the lyrics for PM Dawn's "Die Without You" was far from "Die Without Shoes"... however she quickly agreed it might have been better written that way :-/

Matt Hudson -- Columbia, SC
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When my parents bought the Beatles One album and I heard their song "Can't Buy Me Love" I thought they were singing Got Puppy Love. The words seemed to fit and my brother thought the same thing. Sometimes I still sing the wrong words because it makes me smile.

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At the end of the song"Please don't go" which came out in the 80's, I thought they were saying Pizza Dough. Now when I hear that song with my kids, I still sing pizza dough and we all laugh.

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There's a (horrible) song by a band that my daughter listens to, and I thought went:

Woke up today
looking through my email
it's all triple x - explicit sex
But I'm not forty

and the real lyrics are:

Woke up today
looking through my email
it's all triple x - explicit sex
But I'm not horny

I thought maybe he thought that it was illegal to get those kinds of emails unless he was forty. I told my daughter, and she started laughing.

Hey, it's not like you can understand songs these days anyway.

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This is not my belief, but my 11 yr. old daughters. She has a neighborhood friend who takes guitar lessons and since I play as well , she ask me if I could play "slow cousin Walter"! Without hesitation I said yes , then I realized what she had asked me , I tried to correct her but my laughing kept me from doing so! I'll never hear Smoke on the Water the same again!

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i used to think the "Smack my Bitch Up" song by Prodigy was "Snap my picture"..like Snap my pic-cha!

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I must have been about eight, and in the song that goes "Do the Hustle!" I thought it said "Junior Hot Dog!" and was singing it very loudly one day when my sisters heard me and burst out laughing.

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When I was little, and my mom listened to the oldies stations a lot, I used to think the song 'Signs' said 'And the sign said long-eared hippie people eating all the pie.'

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I used to believe the line of the song "Wish I had an Angel" by Nightwish that went "Drunken disguise changes all the rules..." was "Drunk candy skies changes all the rules..." I thought the singer, the person who wrote it or the person it was about was on drugs.

I also thought the line of "Holiday" by Greenday that was "Just 'cause because we're outlaws yeah..." went "Just cause because we're out of gas..." I always laughed at that since it didn't make sense to me why they would pulverize the Eiffel towers because of that.

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