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When I was in kindergarten, I thought the last line of "America" was "Great God our kid."

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I remember hearing this great song with wacky lyrics by the Go Go's, called "Alice The Seal". I was very disappointed to find that it was actually "Our Lips Are Sealed".

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I used to believe that the Neil Diamond song "Forever in Blue Jeans" was about a guy named "Reverend BlueJeans." I only found out my mistake recently when I was watching a comedian on TV, who was joking that he used to think the same thing. I sat there perplexed for a few moments trying to figure out his joke.

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My wife thought these were the lyrics: "I want to rock and roll all night, and part of every day"
Hey, even rock stars need to take a break now and then.

Mark D
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My high school friend, Janice, thought that the song "You're the One That I Want" (from "Grease") was actually "Women in a Boat". (If you say it fast enough, maybe.)

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I always thought (right up until adulthood) that the Gabrielle song 'Dreams' had the word 'Brainscan' instead of 'Dreams can (come true). It seemed to make sense because some other lines go 'You know you have to have hope, you know you've got to be strong'... I suppose I was a morbid child...

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I used to believe that the song "I Shot The Sheriff" went "I shot Sherry, but I didn't shoot the rest of 'em." Then I learned that it was "I Shot The Sheriff," and then decided that it went "I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the President." I only learned the true lyrics a few months ago!!!

Mandy Grrrl
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My brother who was an adult was singing with me in the car one day. We were singing "big 'ol jet airliner" and out of his mouth comes "big old jello rider" I was laughing so hard I had to pull over

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When i was eight we drove down to disney world and Aerosmith's "dude looks like a lady" came on the radio. I started singing along like i always do and when "dude looks like a lady" part came on I sang "Do the legged-lady", my parents thought it was the funniest thing in the world. and i dont know who this song is by or what its called... but it goes "cant hurt me now, cant hurt me now, cant hurt me nooooow" and i sang "hand her her towler, hand her her towel, hand her her tooooowell!" i was such a loser as a kid

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Just about a year ago(im 14) i realized the song by TLC called Waterfalls said "Dont go chasing waterfalls", while I always thought it said "Go go Jason Waterfalls"

Also I thought the song "Yellow Taxi" by Counting Crows said "They paved paradise, to put up a fucking lodge" while it really says "They paved paradise, to put up a parking lot"

anna v
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"Yooce cream, ice bean, we all scream for ice cream!"

This song was always stupid to me.

Shirley B.
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A friend of mine thought that the Alanis Morsette song "Thank you" whose lyrics go:
"...I want to Thank you Thank you..."
They believed that the lyrics were:
"...I want to vacuum, vacuum..."
after hearing it, they proceed to say "Man this chick sure does like to vacuum"

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I remember thinking that the Take That song 'Could it be magic now' that got heavy radio play in 1993 had a lyric "come into my arse" instead of "come into my arms". No wonder I thought they were gay...

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In early elementary school I thought "My Country 'Tis of Thee..." was "My Country Tisafee." I was under the impression that the U.S.A. could be called America or, I guessed, Tisafee. I even told a crush of mine named Tiffany that her named kinda sounded like our country's one morning in class... she gave me a rather puzzled look...

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Until I was about ten I had always sang the song "Waterfalls" by TLC as, "Go go Jason Waterfalls..." I always wondered who he was.

I also believed for a long time that the lyrics in the song "Hot in Here" by Nelly, "Dancin' in front of the mirror while you're on the phone sayin', 'girl, I think my butt's gettin big!'" was "'Girl, I think my butt can bend!'"

I'll never live those down.

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I thought "O canada" was sung:
O Canada
Our home and naked land,
True Pastry love
in all our suns command
with gorey hearts
we see thee rise
The true north strong and freeze
your far and wide,
oh canada
we stand on cars and pee!
Oh canada we stand on cars and pee!

and thats how i sung it untill grade seven..thats what i thought it was, i'm in grade eight now.

Shattered Glass Eye's Confused Dummer
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I used to think that Frankee's song F.U.R.B. (F**k you right back) the line 'I had better sex all alone ( ha ha ha ha )' was ' I had better sex on the phone' I used to sing along to that but then i read the lyrics, but i still sing it that way...i have no clue where i got 'on the phone from'

Perverted one aka Melissa C.
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Till I was 14 I thought the words that were repeated at the end of the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit"(a denial) were "rock will die, yo!". I kept wondering why Kurt Cobain was saying that rock would die, since it never will, and by the "yo", was he predicting that rap would take over rock?

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I used to love the song "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi. When the song was around I though the lyric "I have an old coat for a pillow" was "I have an old goat for a pillow". Now obviously I thought he couldn't use a goat that was alive as it would be standing up and wouldn't make a very comfortable pillow - so I always imagined Bon Jovi lying in the desert sleeping on the ground using a dead goat for a pillow!

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For years as a kid I thought the Pretenders 'Thin Line Bewteen Love and Hate' was actually a clever reference that only grown ups must be able to understand, on how rubbish the disintegration of a relationship is in the line, 'it's a bin liner between love & hate'.
At least I don't feel so stupid about my Neil Diamond 'Reverend Blue Jeans' mistake having seen it on this site now though...

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