i used to believe

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When the song "He Loves U Not" by Dream came out, I thought the line "you can flurt your pretty eyes" was "you can clutch your pretty eyes."

I thought "that's GOTTA hurt."

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My daughter thought Paul McCartney was singing "Hey Dude" instead of "Hey Jude".

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"Sex me up, before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a ho-ho!"

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In a country song by Crystal Gale that had a line in it that said "Don't it make my brown eyes blue", my Dad and I would sing, "Doughnuts make my brown eyes blue."

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my mom loves Bette Midler and so she would always play her CD with the song "Chapel of Love" when i was younger. i thought for my entire childhood that "we're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married" was actually "we're going to the jack-o-lantern, gonna get married"

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billy joels "for the longest time" song.as a child till i was about maybe 10 years old, i thought the lyrics where "father long-legs time". i used to always play with those father-long-leg spiders(those orange dots with legs)lol.

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I woke up this morning, and the radio started playing "Bad" by Michael Jackson. I suddenly realized what the first two lines were:
"Your butt is mine.
You're 8 years, right?"

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When I was in grade 2 my french immersion class had to sing "o Canada" in french every morning. I was supposed to sing "Car ton bras sait porter l'épée...." ("because you know how to carry a sword") but i always said "Carton bas et rose, le poupée..." which really means "Low pink carton, the doll.." I never knew why a doll had helped in founding our country. I assumed that the first Canadian flag had been drawn on a big piece of pink carton. I only found out i had been saying it wrong in grade 7.

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A couple years ago my brother was singing the AC/DC song "Dirty Deeds" and instead of saying, dirty deeds and there done dirt cheap, he said, dirty deeds and the dunder jig.

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i used to think the lyrics to aretha franklins Respect went "R-e-s-p-e-c-t take out the e-c-t" the real words are "r-e-s-p-e-c-t take care, TBC." Respect without the ect is resp, and i was going around like, "what's resp?" and i finally cleared that up by looking it up on google.

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i've been a Fall Out Boy fan for a couple of years now. which is why i was kind of surprised when i first heard Sugar We're Going Down. i could have sworn it said "take aim at my shelf, take back what you shed." and of course, the ever-popular "we're going down town in a luleelarah. and sugah, we're going down singing. i'll be your number bun with a bullet. a lonely dark cop that's cocking and pulling."
i was wondering why Peter Wentz had changed his writing style so much...

[i love Dirty's ninja life]
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I used to think that the Huey Lewis and the News song "I Want a New Drug" went "I Want a New Truck".

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This is more of a misREAD lyric, but recently we had to sing Bowie's Changes for school and we were given song words to it. When we were practising, the teacher was standing right next to our table when I misread the first line of the second verse and belted out to the rest of the class
"I watched the nipples change their size"
Instead of
"I watched the ripples change their size"
It was embarassing. Very embarassing.

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I used to believe the song "Hey Jude" by The Beatles was "Hate Jews" I thought they might be rascist for a few days. Then I read the title of the song.

A Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits!
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when i first heard "i'm a slave" by britney spears i thought she was saying "i'm a snail forever"

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in sting's / the police's song ''roxanne''. I thaught that it was ''rock sand''

wacko zacho
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Until just recently whenever I heard the song 'Hanging By a Moment' by Lifehouse, I wondered what they meant by, 'Running in a clash of where to go'. I figured maybe there were two divergant paths, and the guy couldn't figure out which to take. Turns out he's actually saying,
'Running and not quite sure where to go,' which makes more sense.

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When i first heard the song from marry pooppins that goes "We're clearly soldiers in petticoats
Dauntless crusaders for women's votes" i thought the were saying "woman of oats" so i thoght they were a bunch of ladies advertising oat meal.

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My friend and I were listening to her iPod the other day and Savage Garden's "The Animal Song" came on. We got into the conversation about what we used to think the lyrics were. The actual lyrics are "I want to live, like animals". My friend used to think that it was "I want to live, like cannibals" and I used to think it was "I want to live, like cannonballs".

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In the song, "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance, there's a line that goes, "The bodies in the streets," but I swear it sounds like, "The bondage in the streets."

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