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My 5 year old daughter, Traissa, was asking me to play the song "Fix the Cheese" from Rueben Studdard's new CD. The song is actually called "Fix it Jesus."

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I always thought instead of saying "Im a material girl" Madonna was saying "Im a cheerio girl".

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When we were little my sister used to think the lyrics to the Def Leppard Song were "Put your sheets away" instead of "Pour some sugar on me".

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When I was little, I heard the love song by KC, and Jojo. I thought it was a beautiful song, but it sure was weird. (partially because I didn't know what the hell they were talking about)

Instead of the phrase: "I promised Id never fall in love with a stranger." I heard it as:"He'd promised he'd never fall in love with his finger."

And instead of the phrase: "I will never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you"

I heard: "Kyle'll never find another lugger keener than Jew, keener than Jew."

Boy was a embarassed when I was assgined to sing it at a Valentine's Day party without the words backing me up.

Stupid Child
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I used to think that Madonna's Material girl song went "I'm a cheerio, I'm a cheerio, I'm a cheerio girl . . . in a cheerio bowl.

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I used to think the line "Too Hip to be Square" was actually "Just hit the B Square". I could never figure out what the heck a B Square was, and why you're supposed to hit it!

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it's gonna be a bright, bright, bright: bright sunshinin' dayyyyyyyyyyyy!

up until a few months ago i thought that it was:
it's gonna be a bright, bright, bright: bright sunshine in bed.

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"Dirty D's and the dung-dirt chief" is what my child brain heard when I should of been hearing "Dirty deeds and their done dirt cheep!" Wow...no one ever corrected me until I was much older and should of known better...what the heck is a "dug dirt chief"?

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when i was little, (i forgot what song it was) when he says "with arms wide open" i thought he said "with all this fried-okra" my mom burst out laughing when i told her that.

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When I was younger I thought the Rudolphe the Red-Nosed Reindeer song said "you'll go down in his story" (as opposed to history) so I thought I could jump into the book and live at the North Pole. I was sorely disappointed when I learned otherwise.

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The Aha (Norwegian Pop Group from the 80's with Morten, Pal and some other bloke) song The Living Daylights from the Bond movie of the same has the lyrics, "Come the morning and the headlights fade away" which is a given to be mis-sung as "Come the morning and the headlice fade away". Mmmm nice!

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When my daughter was a pre-teen the song "Lucille" by Kenny Rogers was popular. She always thought the line, "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille - four hungry children and a crop in my fields." was "four hundred children ....."! She used to say, "That's really dumb - NOBODY has 400 children!"

Carole Preble
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My sister and I heard an old track of our dad's in which we assumed it was 'Love slap, la la, love slap, love slap.' We couldn't figure out why people were slapping each other in a loving way.

I was never love slapped.
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When I was about 5, I misheard the Frankie Vallie song "My Eyes Adored You" as "My Eyes of Gerogia" That was much too funny to my mother and she never let me forget my error. A few years later when Neil Diamond did the song "Forever In Blue Jeans" she thought she could trick me by singing it as "For Reverand Blue Jeans" but I never fell for it. I'm 38yo now and she still occasionally reminds me of it and she told my husband the story so he does it too. He's a dj so you can imagine the fun he has with misheard lyrics.

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I used to think that the words in Macy Grey's song - "I try to run away but I stumble" were "I try to run away to Istanbul"
And also in Wheatus' song, Teenage Dirtbag, where it says "I've got to tickets to Iron Maiden baby" I thought it was "I've got to tickets to Irelande baby"

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In Eminem's song Mockingbird he says 'and you and Lainie were too young to understand that papa was a Rollin' Stone...'. But I missheard it as 'papa was a Roman stone'. Made sense to me!

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I used to think that Bob Dylan's "Chimes of Freedom" went, "with signs of neon flashing." Never did understand what soldiers had to do with that.

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In Tim McGraw's song "Back When" my sister used to think it said, "don't you remember the piss in a pepper", not "fizz in a pepper". She couldn't understand why they would play that word on the radio!

Also, the Jimmy Buffet song "Fins" was confusing to my mother... she used to sing "Dance to the left, Dance to the right" when of course the phrase is "Fins to the left, fins to the right". I loe to make fun of her about this but she comes back with some of my own mistakes, which I will never admit here.

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I used to think the song Bette Davis Eyes was called 'she's got better days besides'.

JJ Simpson
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When I was younger, Pearl Jam's song Glorified G, which contains the lyrics:
Glorified version of a pellet gun,
sounded like:
Glorified virginal olive oil...

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