i used to believe

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I used to believe that in Band Aid's Do They Know It's Christmas? song thay sung, "At Christmas time
there's no need to be afraid,
At Christmas time
We let in fights and we banish gays..."
I was horrified at this and refused to go outside at Christmas in case I got involved in a fight...

Santa Puncher
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Actual lyrics: "I've never been your beast of burden"
My lyrics: "I've never been your big suburban"

Big Suburban
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For a while, I thought that the 90s hit Common People by Pulp said "rent a fag and barber shop" instead of "rent a flat above a shop." This led to a lot of confusion over what the next line, "cut your hair and get a job" was talking about. Because if the mishearing was correct...what kind of job would the person be getting?

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Before I knew it's title, I thought the song This Year's Love had the line "This here's lovin' at-a last" instead of This year's love had better last.

Ms. M.
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Best friend's boyfriend thought Garth was singin' :

.......I'm SHAVIN'...... Shavin' as a man should be....


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This is a true Mondegreen:

"When the jasmine sets afire, the faceless man's relieved."
Years later, I discovered that it was "When the jazz man testifies, the faithless man believes." It made a little more sense then.

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When I was little I thought that Kenny Rogers was saying,"You picked a fine to leave me Lucille. I've got four hundred children and the crops in the field." I figured he was right to be mad...she left him with a ton of kids! (It is actually, I've got four hungry children.)

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I used to think that the song "Just like white winged dove" by Stevie Nicks was "Just like the white window"

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My 10-year-old brother has recently taken to singing Kelly Clarkson's "Since You've Been Gone". Except, he sings it differently...
Imagine a husky, shouty voice....
"Since you've been gone....
I'm a bean onyany animal...."

PS- the real lyrics are "Since you've been gone... I can't breathe for the first time..."


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In Eminem's 'We As Americans', one of the lines he says is 'Look at our shit has been'. But I thought he was saying 'Look at our shit, it's big'.

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When I was in my early twenties (unfortunately, that was about 15 years ago), a friend of mine and I were huge fans of Jim Morrison and The Doors. One day as we were listening to the song "L.A. Woman", I sang along to the line that goes, "L.A. woman, Sunday afternoon". My friend was very surprised and told me that he had thought for the longest time that Jim was singing "idiot woman gonna have to do"! This was funny to me because 1) my friend was an even bigger fan than I was (and would seemingly have known this lyric, as it contains the song title; and 2) because Jim repeats that line several times in the song.

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until recently my other half strongly believed that the well known song"shes got Betty Davis eyes" was "shes got better days alive"

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In one of the pokemon songs "catch me if you can" they sing,
"It's time to show you what I'm all about"

I actually thought they sang,
"It's time to show you what I mumified"

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Until just now, I always believed that in Fall Out Boy's song 'Sugar We're Going Down', instead of saying 'wishing to be the friction in your jeans' I always thought it said 'wishing to be the freak s**t in your dreams'. Makes me laugh.

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I used to believe that the lyrics to Sugar, We're Going Down, was.... Were goin' downtown in a merry-go-round! I was singing it at the top of my lungs at a school dance! I got home and looked up the lyrics online and I was soooooo embarrassed!!

Let's go to the Fair!
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When my brother and I were younger (I was ten, he was seven), we heard the song "I'm Your Venus" on the radio, and we thought it was "I'm Your Penis." Seriously......we'd even go around the house singing it, much to my parents dismay/amusement. We didn't get why someone would write a song about a planet, and since the song was about love, well.....I guess you could say we put two and two together and came up with five, lol.

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In the theme for 'Good Times', I always thought that the line 'temporary layoff' was 'temporary lady'. I don't even know why.

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When I first heard the song "A Public Affair" by Jessica Simpson, I thought one of the lines went like this:

All the camels come out for a public affair...

when it really went like this:

All the cameras come out for a public affair, etc.

I was wondering why there weren't camels in the music video, since Jessica was singing about them. Then this morning I was watching the video on MTV and I put the closed caption on so I could see the words... I was so disappointed. I like my version better.

spittin camel
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I liked the song Mr. Roboto by Styx until the part where he starts talking about murdering someone. You know, the part where Mr. Roboto starts shouting "Kill Roy!" I thought the robot was supposed to be a nice robot, and Roy probably didn't do anything to him.

Violent Singing Robot
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When I was little, I used to think that Aerosmith song "Dude Looks Like a Lady" was actually saying "Do the Lucky Lady"... only, I was pretty young, so instead of even thinking anything sexual, I just pictured a dance called the Lucky Lady, and whenever people heard this song they were supposed to bust out with the "Lucky Lady"... lmao

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