pop stars
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When Justin Bieber's very first song came out I thought his name was Justin Beaver because that's what it sounded like on the fuzzy radio. And I thought he was female because the singer sounded female at first, so I thought it was a girl named Justin. But when I found out he was a boy his voice no longer sounded girly to me.
I used to think that all country music singers were cowboys, and cowboys would kill you if you met them. Therefore, I believed that country music singers were vicious killers.
Every time I saw a music video on TV, I thought that the pop stars in that video had jumped into the TV to sing their song, and then when the song was over they would just get back out of the TV and carry on with their lives. I was really confused about how they managed to perform the song in the exact same way every single time, and I always wondered what would happen if I tried to jump into the TV myself.
I used to think there was a special high school just for celebrities to go to, so they could get an education without being surrounded by non-celebrities that would fawn over them all day. It wasn't until I was about eleven that I learned that most celebrities are either out of school or home schooled.
I thought for a long time the singer Phil Collins was Asian (his voice just sounded Asian some how and I had never seen a picture of him)
top belief!
I used to believe Paul Mcartney was my father. I used to fall asleep at night just knowing that any day now he was going to show up at our house and claim me! God knows why I thought this, as I already had a father. Also, I lived in Ohio and my mom didn't even like the Beatles.
I used to believe that each time a music video came on, the band was performing everything individually each time (all over again) and it made me wonder how they got it to be the same every time. I thought the same about songs on the radio.
top belief!
I thought the band Steely Dan was called that because the leader was named Dan. Until one day my parents were talking about the band and said they didn't know what the singer's name was and I said "isn't it Dan" Me very embarrassed parents then explained what a Steely Dan was ..
When I was about eight, my uncle told me that he used to be Elvis. I was so excited, I told my class for show-and-tell.
I thought when Elvis had died they never found his body and that was why people thought he was still alive (makes more sense to me!)
top belief!
I used to believe that every time I played a CD the singer would have to stop whatever he or she was doing, wherever they were in the world, and start singing for me.
top belief!
I used to believe that the Beatles were friends of my father, and I always expected to meet them.
After Puff Daddy's "I'll be Missing You" came out, my father explained that The Police had sung the original song. I thought the actual police force had realised a musical number for quite some time
top belief!
I thought that Olivia Newton John was a group, Olivia Newt and John.
I used to think that prima donna was actually pre-madonna, and that it was used to describe how madonna was before she became famous.
I used to believe that Elvis died when he was trampled by fans.
When I was little I thought Michael Jackson was really a tough guy. The video "Bad" had come out and I saw him dressed in leather and heard the lyrics and I actually thought people were afraid of him because he was so tough.
when i was around 4 i told my dad i want an electric guitar and he told me if you don't know how to play it you will electrocute. so everytime i saw bands or people who played electric guitars at tv i always said that they were doing playback even if they said its live. i kept thinking that until i was 11-12. i don't know why nobody told me the truth cos they knew what i was thinking cos i was telling them. but i always thought how they were learning to play guitar if they were electrocuted... i didn't figured it out yet...
When I was about 7 or 8 (in the early 1990s), I was riding with my uncle in his car. He had some music playing, and when I asked him who it was he said, "Alice in Chains." Apparently I must not have noticed that a man was singing, because I answered, "Oh, I've never heard of her before!"
I thought playing "air guitar" was a real instrument. I couldn't quite picture what it looked like but I imagined it was like an accordion or maybe an organ, with tubes that pushed the air through. I didn't find out what it really was until I was about sixteen!
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