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i used to think that ozzy osbourne was a hockey player, and i thought michael jackson was a basketball player.
I used to think that Ellis Island was Elvis Presley's own island, or something like that. I used to watch PBS all the time, so in between the kid's programs there would be specials on stuff, and I think there was one on Ellis Island, and then there would be a commercial for Elvis's greatest hits or something, and I associated them. Strange though, as there was two kids in my kindergarten class who's last name was Ellis...don't know why I didn't connect those two.
When I was through the ages of 5-8 I got Marylin Manson and Marilyn Monroe mixed up
I knew that crazy glue was pretty strong. So as my obsession with Stevie Wonder grew as I child, I vowed that when I was old enough, I would shave my head and glue a beaded braid wig on.
When I first read Mandy Moore's biography on the internet, I thought that Mandy Moore's grandfather was Roger Moore.
My Dad was (and still is) a huge Gordon Lightfoot fan, and used to sing along constantly to his tapes and records. He's got a good voice, and would always imitate him while he sang. Because his voice so perfectly matched Gordon's, for the longest time, I used to tell people my dad was Gordon Lightfoot! Not sure if anyone really believed me, but I thought I was cool nonetheless. It never occured to me that they didn't even remotely look alike, and I never stopped to think about why we had different last names. I guess I figured he had separate identities: His public image, and his private one!
top belief!
I was a big fan of Chevy Chase when I was a kid from the National Lampoons movies and so, when I saw Paul Simons video clip for "Call me Al" with Chevy in it I assumed he sang it... I went on believing so until my mid teens
When I was little I thought the members in Queen were all woman because of their long hair. This confused me because the voices singing were clearly men. I never believed my brother when he told me they were men. (keep in mind I only saw the band members once, in a music video where they're faces were dark. all i saw was the long hair)
When I was little, I used to love the Spice Girls. I had a tape of them, and I listened to it so much that one day it went all weird and suddenly their voices sounded right deep. For some reason, I always thought that it was like that because the Backstreet Boys ate them.
I used to think that AC/DC stood for the first letters of the band members' names. Oh, how mistaken I was.
I also thought that the Rolling Stones were stone rollers, (which meant the rolled stones down hills as a hobby) Rob Zombie was actually a ghost story called "Rob the Zombie," and that Michael Jackson was best friends with Prince. o_O I was a wierd kid. (Still am, I'm 12 now. ^^;)
i used to think that popstars didn't go to the toilet! LOL!
I used to think that John Travolta was a singer who had a go at acting a few times when I was younger. I don't know why...
I used to believe that Michael Jackson was a girl, just with really small boobies. He took his shirt off in one of his videos and I didn't know what boobies were either...
When I was growing up, I happened to see something on TV about Madonna. This was when she was going through her "Marilyn Monroe" phase, and the people on the TV show made a big deal of this. Somehow, this gave me the impression that Madonna was a group, and not an individual performer, and the lead singer of this group was named Marilyn Monroe. So, when I read somewhere that Marilyn Monroe had died in 1960 or thereabouts, I was extremely confused...
when i was little i used to think that my cousin was michael jackson(their names sound the same) well....turns out that all of my friends went home to their parents and told them that i was michael jackson's cousin...
The first time I saw Michael Jackson was when he had that screwed up nose and long black hair and his skin was really pale....so I thought he was a woman. I was I think, 10 years old at the time.
When I was young, I ALWAYS mixed up George Micheal and Freddy Mercury for some reason. Imagine the confusion when Freddy died and George did a tribute...
When i was little someone told me that madonna (no offence) used to rip off the snouts of dogs after her preformance, just to scare me
I used to think that when you heard a song on the radio, the musician was actually at the radio station singing it at the time. After Jim Croce died, I couldn't figure out how his song was on the radio!
When I was little I thought that Prince and Michael Jackson were brothers...I mean they do look alot alike though. And I had a hard enough time figuring out which on was Michael in the Jackson 5. But I never figured out which one was Price. And upon asking my mom which one he was, my misunderstanding was corrected.
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