pop stars
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top belief!
I used to think that Michael Jackson lived innthe house at the top of my road, because the house was bigger than ours and my perception of the world didnt extend beyond my area.
top belief!
when i was about 8 i fancied george michael and thought that made him automatically my boyfriend. when i got an anonymous valentines card, i imagined ol' george being driven down my street in his chauffered limo in the middle of the night.just mentioned this to my mom and it turns out she sent it,
I used to think that R n' B were a band
When I was about ten and Marcy Playground had his one hit wonder "Sex and Candy" I somehow connected it with the Sex Pistols I think because I saw their CD at the store and they both had the word "sex" in them. I was a fan of theirs for years before I ever heard one of their actual songs :).
For the longest time I got Michael Jackson and Elvis confused, I would therefore refer to them interchangeably.
I used to think michael jackson was fictional... makes sense...
top belief!
I used to believe that Cliff Richards got his own name wrong - it should've been Richard Cliff, not the other way round.
top belief!
i was about 5 years old when i believed that Micheal Jackson And Madonna were married because i kept hearing people say that HE was the king of pop and SHE was the queen of pop. I assumed that meant that they were married but wondered why i never really saw them togther or heard them talking about one another.
top belief!
On the Elvis Presley song 'Good Luck Charm' there is a strong harmony backing vocal. I used to think that he was singing both parts simultaneously. This largely explained to me why Elvis was so highly regarded as an artist.
I used to think that when I went out, like to the grocery store or something, there just might happen to be an agent or something looking for talented kids. So everywhere I went, I would dance to the radio or sing quietly hoping that someone would see me and make me famous. I know now that it probably wouldn't happen, but sometimes I still do it just in case!
I used to think "Piano Man" was a duet sung by a man and a woman. Then I saw the video and realized that Billy Joel just did falsetto to sing the verses that required a high pitch.
I used to believe that the Beatles, Phil Collins, Elton John, Tears for Fears, Def Leppard, Steve Winwood, etc. were american, because they did not sound like they had british accents while they sang.
My dad had an old Tom Waits tape in the car that he usually played when we were driving around, and eventually my brother and I became big fans of his because we thought he was actually Shredder, the evil masked guy from from the Ninja Turtles. Every time we would get in the car we would ask for the "Shredder Voice Tape".
When I was around the age of five, the singing group that I was in total adoration of and wanted to join when I grew up was the Claymation Raisins. Back then I also used to believe that the Raisins were ants. Now, whether they're ants or food, I still think they're one of the best musical groups of yesteryear.
top belief!
Growing up, I always thought that John Travolta's real name was Jontra Volta. I wondered where he came from and what kind of parents he must have had since they named him Jontra. I think I was in my teens before I realized he was actually John Travolta.
I used to think that Michael Jordan and Miachael Jackson were the same person.
top belief!
I spent the longest time trying to convince a 23-year-old man that David Bowie did not fight at the Alamo.
when I was really little, I used to think celebrities were immortal and never died if enough people liked them. That delusison was erased after aaliyah died, but still to this day, I think the Dixie Chicks are immortals.
I used to think it was a miracle that a band made good music, seeing how every member of the band seemed to be minding their own business, playing different instruments.
top belief!
When I was 12, I thought Led Zeppelin was a person and not a band. I thought his brother might have been Ed Zeppelin.
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