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When i was little my mom and my aunt told me that the song "The Macarena" was actually called Morgarena and that it was written for me...i believed them for a good 4 years. Its still a joke between them....haha very funny
When I was younger, my older sister would blast the top 40 hits while she got ready for school. This was when Autotune became popular, and I thought the majority of songs were sang by robots, like in SpongeBob. Every morning I would do the robot dance to the radio, and I never understood why my sister looked at me like I was crazy.
I used to believe that no one could hear me when I hummed
When I was a lot younger I used to think that everytime I played a record on my record player that the singers were singing it live in the studio for me. And when I played a song over and over I worried that the singers were getting tired.
My dad had a really good voice, and to me he sounded like an opera singer. Sometimes he also sang music from the 70s. So whenever I heard an opera singer, or whenever I heard like the Carpenters singing, I was totally convinced that it was my dad singing on the radio or the recordor tape or whatever. It was years before I figured out that my dad did not sing on the radio or on a record or tape.
when i heard the song "ticket to ride" when i was little, i thought ride was a place. like someone might say they have a ticket to los angeles... when i asked my mom where ride was, and she got a bit confused before explaining it meant she has a ticket to ride the train/bus/plane/whatever. i still think the phrasing is a bit weird if it means that.
My family and I go to this pizza place. At the pizza place there are mini juke boxes at each table. When i was little I always wanted to play Achey Braky Heart by the Chipmunks. My parents told me if I played that song i would arrested! Let me tell you, I steared clear of that song for a while!
When I heard the phrase "melting in my arms" in a song, I thought it was literal. I remember thinking it was such a sad song.
When I was younger I would listen to the radio a lot. One station often broadcasted live from different clubs where they were playing remixes of songs. I always thought that singers had to go perform live at these clubs and sing the songs differently to the different beats. When I got a little older I told my Dad what i used to think, and told him I now knew what they did... I now knew they just hired other singers to sounds like the famous people to sing those songs live. I was thirteen or fourteen before i realized the truth!
When I was about 5, my family and sunday school liked to sing the song "Climb up Sunshine Mountain." The lyrics said "Climb up Sunshine Mountain, faces all aglow." I thought that the glowing faces were what the mountain was made of. I always felt eerie hearing about little kids climb up (what I pictured to be) a mountain giant green monster faces.
this is about music... when i was young and i watched performances, i thought the conductors and the performers have a secret code, like "when i raise my right hand you start playing." i didnt know conductors were there to keep the time til i joined a band...
When I was about 4 or 5, there was this song I heard on the radio all the time (apparently by Quarterflash, according to a Google search I just performed), which contained the lyrics "I'm gonna harden my heart, I'm gonna swallow my tears". I took this literally. I believed that if you swallowed your tears, your heart would harden and you would die. One day, after bumping my head on a table leg, I started to cry a little, and a tear dripped into my mouth. I started screaming hysterically, telling my mom I needed to go to the hospital. Of course she was freaking out, thinking I'd split my skull open or something. Through my sobs, I explained that I had jusy swallowed a tear, and would soon die of heart failure. Just like the song says. She looked at me in disbelief, and started laughing.
This wasn't my belief, but rather that of a very young piano student of my mother's. The student was practicing a transcription of a piece by Georg Philipp Telemann, and Mom thought the student might be interested to know just how long this music has been with us. She pointed to the dates 1681-1767 under the little picture of the composer with his powdered wig and told the student that that's when he lived, so this piece was around 300 years old. The student said, "Oh... I thought that was his phone number!"
I used to believe if you listened to to music upside down the music would be backwards
When I was in fourth grade, I used to think that "One Headlight" by the Wallflowers was called "Watermelon Money".
Every time I heard the Elvis song - Return to Sender, I thought he was singing a song specifically to me. I thought he was singing, Return to 'Cinda'
When I was young my parents used to "force" me to listen to the Beatles. One of my favorites was the one entitled, "Can't Buy Me Love" but it was my favorite because I thought they were saying "(why) can't bobby love?"
In nursery school I was taught a song, a part of which mentioned making tea for your parents after they came back home from work. At that time I didn't know what tea was, saw I imagined having to serve my parents huge chunks of meat.
One time I was at my aunt and uncle's house and I heard the song Islands in the Stream on the radio. From that day on I believed it was my aunt and uncle singing that song. So every time it came on the radio I would say that was their song untill my mom finally asked me what I meant. she got a good laugh before she told me it was actually Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
When I was 7-10 years old, I used to believe that music would eventually end one day. That the singers would run out of ideas and music just end like any other thing!
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