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I live in West Virginia where a lot of our roads had to be cut out of mountains and there are signs all over the place that say "falling rock" to warn drivers that rocks sometimes slide off the sides of these mountains and hit cars. My grandpa told me told me Falling Rock was an Indian, so I believed that these signs meant an Indian reservation was nearby......There are no Indian reservations in WV that I know of......
When, I was a child, I used to believe that if I went to the top of a montain, you would fall in the space.
I grew up near Bisbee AZ which is an old mining town. In the center of the city is a HUGE pit kinda like a mini grand canyon, well my uncle told me that they had dug out all that earth to make the penninsula of florida. Seemed reasonable to me at age 10 or so. The next time we drove by it I said "did you guys know......" my family let me go on talking about it for a while before informing me I was a gullible moron. My family is mean.
i used to believe you would find a little guy in green and give you gold if you got to the end of a rainbow n then he would let you eat a piece of raibow.
i tought it would taste like gushers and that i would bye a castle with that gold.
so when i was 6 i ran 2 blocks trying to chase the rainbow, i just got tierd and thought maibe when im 18 i will cach one.
well im 19... LOL
I used to believe that when the clouds were catching the sunlight in just the right way that it would appear "beams" were coming from the heavens, that it was God's way of saying it was going to be a good day. I wish I still had that kind of faith in things like "good days" as I did then.
When I was about 7 or 8 (I'm 23 now) some friends of my parents owned a flea market. Me and my older sister and my uncle (who is only a year older than me) would all go outside at the back of the flea market and there was nothing there except rocks and red mud. One day we saw dog tracks and my uncle convinced me they were dinosaur tracks and that we had entered Dinosaur Land. So every day we could we would be out there looking for the dinosaurs, we never saw them. And I truly believed until I was old enough to know better that we were in Dinosaur Land. I was so disappointed when I realized the truth. lol
That the earth was inside a gigantic envelope, and the stars were pinholes in the envelope.
I used to believe the sky and the earth were join together.
I used to believe before God made things everything was an ocean and when he made the earth he made the ocean turn into rock and dirt,and the mountains were waves.And when I was little me and my cousin tried to dig to china and we dug into the mulch and we saw those little white beads you get in plant dirt and we though they were the clouds in china.
when i was 5 or 6 i was soo afraid of volcanos cause i taught that it was were all the dinosaures were created ....when i grow up i realized it was cause i used to watch power rangers..
I used to think the sky was made of
We grew up around lots of canyons, and one in particular has small, shallow holes in the sides. When the family would drive through on a random Sunday drive, my father would tell us the holes were caused by "rock worms". He'd actually pull over so we could roll the window down and listen to them munching the rock - I couldn't ever hear anything, but I'd play along anyway. I didn't figure out they were actually caused by wind erosion until I was about 12.
I know the world is round but used to believe there had to be an end to it somewhere... where was this - and was there a fence there keeping everyone in? I used to think that if you found this fence and climbed over it you would just fall off the end of the world and float in space forever.
where i used to go on holiday there was this feild with a burnt patch in it,my dad told me thats where the sun went down.
When I was about 6 we had a small pine tree in our front yard that my sister and I would always climb. I believed that if I climbed high enough that I would be able to touch the sky. I was disappointed when I did finally get high enough that I was not able to do that!
I used to think that when going up a hill, and you couldn't see sny more of the road because it was on the other side, that we were driving near the end of the world, and were going to fall off, but when we didn't, i came to the conclusion that we just fell into another dimention.
When I was 4 I believed the mountains where actually the skirts of giant ladies who were resting or lying down because they rested during daytime.
I also believed there were giants everywhere, as well as small people (less than one inch) who were always spying what we do, especially in the bathroom.
When I grew up my neighbour believed that the echo was the military behind the mounten !
I used to believe that the Earth inside a giant snow globe. I would ask my mom if the clouds were in or outside the glass. She had no idea what I was talking about.
Before I began kindergarten, I believed the earth was a massive land with lots of giant ponds splashed around here and there. I was absolutely devasted at seeing how small it was on a teacher's globe. I still remember seeing how small the continents were, surrounded by all of the blue, and felt so small and meaningless.
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