i used to believe

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when i was in first grade i used to think that each country in on different planet...like america on moon....and likewise others......

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I used to think that the crickets chirp at night was the stars twinkling.

James the Great
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When I was little, I thought that every time the sky got dark, God was walking out of a room, and he turned off the lights so his electricity bill wouldn't be too high.

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I worked as a camp counselor. One camper, age five, was kicking a large white rock sticking out of the ground for a while, so I asked him what was up with the rock. He said, "is this a dinosaur?"

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When I was about 5 or so, I thought that someone had the special job of walking around the world and meticulously planting each seed of grass.

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When i was younger i used to dig holes when my family and I went to the beach. My family told me that if i dug a hole deep enough, i would reach China. So i used to dig really deep holes because i wanted to go to China.

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I believed, until i was quite old, that the sky was blue because it reflected the sea, because that was what my teachers had told me.

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my mom used to believe that we all lived inside the world not outside it. that we were all enclosed in sky ball.

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I used to believe that giants roamed the earth and one day they all laid down and died, and that's how hills and mountains and the landscape were defined! It's the lumps and bumps of their dead bodies.

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I used to believe before God made things everything was an ocean and when he made the earth he made the ocean turn into rock and dirt,and the mountains were waves.And when I was little me and my cousin tried to dig to china and we dug into the mulch and we saw those little white beads you get in plant dirt and we though they were the clouds in china.

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As a child, I used to believe that the ocean was created by ancient people spitting on the ground, and I used to thought that the wind was created by people breathing all the time! I also thought that animals were made by people and they just put weird sounds into the animal and that's why they make weird sounds!

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I thought hills were dragons sleeping under the grass

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I used to believe that the forest about 2 blocks from my house was North, because it looked like there was more snow there. It was south. I still get confused.

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I used to believe rocks could grow, albeit very slowly over many years, because I misoverheard something my grandmother said to my mother when I was about 3.

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At about the age of seven, I first saw in a Time-Life Science Book of the Earth Geology a picture of what the Earth looked like tens of millions of years ago. It was one large supercontinent called Pangaea. Looking at the picture, I could see that the eastern part of the United States was right next to Africa. I thought that this must have been great, because not long ago, humans could conveniently walk over to Africa from North America anytime they wanted to. The only thing wrong with this childhood belief was that humans did not yet exist at the time that Pangaea supercontinent did.

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when i was younger, and more gullible, my uncle and i were driving through the country and we passed a farm and this farm had those big bushels of hay. well the one he pointed to was covered in the white plastic and told me it was a marshmallow..so for years i was convinced that there were farmers that grew giant marshmallows.

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When I was about 4 years old, I believed that everything had a black outline. After all, when you drew somthing with crayon, you drew the outline (in black) first, then filled it in. The reason you couldn't see the outline was because, on real things, the outline was very thin.

Mace Moneta
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I used to believe that angels painted the sky.

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When I was really young, my family and I used to take trips to an area of Texas called the Hill Country. I always thought everyone was saying the "Hill Crunchy" and thought that somewhere in the area I would see some big, crunchy, potato-chip hills...

The Blue Wyvern
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I used to beleive that God painted sunsets everynight as was an artist like me. I always thought snow was his way of wiping the canvas clean too..

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