The crescent moon is God's nail clipping
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When we were kids, we used to think that a crescent moon was God's thumbnail clipping.
I know this is random, but I thought a cresent moon was God's toe nail clippings.
I used to think that the crescent moon in the sky is Jesus's fingernail!
i used to think that crescent moons were gods fingernail clippings
When I was a toddler, I used to think the full moon was a giant Ritz cracker and the quarter moons were God's fingernail coming through the sky.
I used to think that the crescent moon was "God's Toenail". - that god was dipping his big toe down towards earth to check the weather. Now that I am all gron up, I know the crescent moon is really the smile of the cheshire cat :-)
I used to think that the moon was God's toe nail, when it was in the shape of a crecent
I used to believe that when the moon phase was a Crescent that it was god's fingernail clipping
I used to believe that a half moon was gods finger nail, and his finger was pointing downwards.
I used to believe that The Quarter moon was God's fingernail clippings
I used to believe the crescent moon was God's trimmed thumbnail
I used to believe that when a very thin crescent moon appeared in the sky, it was a clipping from one of God's fingernails or toenails, slowly falling down from heaven.
When I was little, I thought the crescent moon was God's fingernail.
I used to think that #1- Lightning was God and the angles bowling #2 The sliver of the moon I saw in the sky was God's toenail clipping??? (Don't ask me-I don't know) and that a local road called Loop 338 was "Luke 3:38" and they just named the road that cause they were Christians.
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