outer space
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I used to beleive that Pirates lived on the moon because i never saw them anywhere else.
I use to think that the sun and moon were one and the same. I thought in the day time, when it was on, we called it the sun, and at night, when it wasn't as bright, we called it the moon. This was until on a clear day i saw the moon and the sun were separate.
When I was about five years old, I used to think that the world was turned inside out. (i.e. the people walked around on the inside of the earth's crust, instead of the outside.) I also thought that the sun was a small ball in the very center of my inside-out world, about where the earth's core is.
i used to believe that the sky was the floor of heaven and it had holes in it. At night, heaven would switch its lights on and they would shine thru the holes and we would see stars...
Not really sure when that ended.
I never figured out that the moon rose and set like the sun until I was about 24 years old. I thought that when the sun went down, we could see the moon only because it was one of the brightest things in the sky. I remember looking up at the night sky several times one night and being really shaken that the moon kept moving.
"The stars that you see in the night sky are actually stars from the age of the dinosaurs, because the light is taking so long to reach the earth." I heard this when i was about six years old (on a tv show about supernovas probably), and i was very disturbed that our picture of the sky was so out of date. I had a sneaking suspicion that we were missing out on a lot of good explosions, and was firm in my convictions that if the outer universe was to explode we wouldn't know until we were extinct. i was a philosophical little girl even then.
I used to belive that the moon was full of candy.
One night when I was little, my Mom said "Oh, look at the full moon!" I asked "Are all the other moons hungry?"
top belief!
i used to believe that stars really were star shaped, i realised at the age of 34 how wrong i was.
I used to believe that the sky was like a ceiling and that if you flew high enough you could touch it. I felt completely safe and cozy with that believe until the teacher told us about space and gravity. I tried not to think about it! One day I was on the front lawn spinning around and around...I finally fell on my back, dizzy...and thought about what the teacher said. I held onto the grass for dear life! I just knew I was going to float away into outer space!
For the longest time I believed that black holes were giant people who like toothpaste, and if you used their favorite flavor- bubble gum- then they would come to get you and destroy the Earth in the process. I still can't stand the smell of bubble gum toothpaste.
My dad once told me that there was a man that went to the moon and that he got stuck. Then he said that the man wanted to tell his family he was ok, by making lumps on the moon in the shape of a smiley face (coz it looks like there is one).
When I was little, I used to think the moon was a reflection of the earth...that somehow outer space was some sort of huge "lake" and whenever we looked at the moon, we were somehow looking at our own reflection. I had a lot to learn.
I use to believe that the earth was one huge round rock which was in space and where I was standing was a rock reflecting that rock which is earth.
After learning about 'falling stars' in school, I'd sit for hours watching some random star, waiting for it to just fall. Guess I should have payed more attention in class...
i believed that if astronauts flew up into space high enough, they would reach heaven.
I used to believe that universe is very much part of our world. Stars are twinkling because there are many matter between the star and me which is obstructing the view, like when we travel in the train in night and see a distant light flickering through many obstruction which cannot be seen in the dark. I used to also believe that since earth is rotating at the surface nearly 5 miles per second. so, why not the aeroplane merely stand in the sky and drop down when the earth moves below and come to the destination.
I am sure you enjoyed my childhood beliefs.
Asesh Datta (44)
When I was about five or so, one of my friends told me that when you see the moon while it's still light out, you're really seeing the other side of the earth. I half-belived it for years... ^^;;
i was told in grade school that there was end to space ... so i often wonder that if spaced ended what was on the other side? ... more space?
When I was little and the news would talk about "illegal aliens" I thought they seriously meant aliens from outer space! I thought Omigod! Not only are they aliens but they are illegal!
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