i used to believe

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When I was little, I thought that falling stars were really stars falling. So in the hopes of seeing a falling star, I'd often pick a random star and stare at it hoping it would fall.

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I thought Jews were people who came from Jupiter.

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When I was a little girl I used to believe the sun and the moon were two lovers and the stars there children, one night I was looking the sky ans this night I didn't see any stars, I was crying because for me all the children of the moon and the sun were dead

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The sun switches off at night and on again in the morning

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My older brother had a space background on his school portrait, and he told me they sent you on a rocket to space to get the photo taken. Imagine my excitement on school picture day, and subsequent disappointment 😂

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I often read these stupid fact books that made me believe the solar system was in a line but why would I think that

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I used to believe that if you go really really really far out it space weird stuff will be found

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i don't know HOW i thought this considering i knew the order of the planets since 3, but i thought for a few weeks when i was 10 that you could see titan (one of saturn's moons) glowing (even though titan doesn't even emit light) on a CLOUDY DAY. i blame dumb youtube conspiracy theory videos on this one.

planet knowledge kid
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When at around 2-3 years old - I was at Montevideo as a son of the Soviet diplomat - and I trust this experience had been some basis for my quite deep and sophisticated thought about what life for me is... and is THIS LIFE at all FOR ME??? or I am just a "weird accidential appearanace of my soul" during someone's REAL LIFE.
Time passed by - I grew up and even now - I am sure - the Life around is many ways similar to what Matrix movie has explained as "shell" mode.

The joy and pain of this life of course is what was absorbed by our (I belive - multidimential!) brain.
we all are well trained to "mute" our real feelings in the course of day to day route from baby to grave.
The Universe will be still there wnen we die - while we are sure the "real us" will never die - and for me this is something not very religious - the feeling iniside is "my own" and I can inderstand that lots of people would agree to share this sweet experience and for me every thinking as above - is enlightening my soul and I start to distance from everyday "stupid" deeds, going at work, breakfast, transport.

Only going to sleep at night remaing one of the "real" things - and this is a "right connection" towards sweet and "awaken" feelings as whan I was kid.
I wish all of us stay kids in our heart and be open to society as much as we can agree to be. Openness creates OCEAN of GOOD and HAPPY BEING.
I may sound weird and even lost of mind :) - while I am trying as I said to be OPEN]

Best regards,
Oleg from Moscow

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When I was a child I used to believe that there is a person on the moon who is watching us with a telescope all the time.

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Since they have earthquakes on earth, I believed that they had Marsquakes on Mars, Saturnquakes on Saturn, and so on.

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I thought that there was this one star in the sky that would instantly turn you into an oven if you looked at it. For 2 years I was afraid of looking at the night sky

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When I was a child I thought that if I climbed the mountain I could touch the moon and get to it because I saw it right above the mountain

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I used to think Uranus was made of uranium,Pluto made of plutonium,Neptune made of water(cuz of the name and color),and Mercury made of mercury (the metal)

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I used to believe that the full moon was God's flashlight.

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The scariest time to me, was in 3rd or 4th grade when they tell you we are living on a ball, that is spinning around, for day and night. Revolving around the sun, and at the same time we're careening through space. WOW.

Cathie Morgan
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When i was 5 or 6 i saw a video about black holes and i thought that the earth was gonna be sucked up by oneand here is a cool fact about black holes light cannot even excape.

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My classmate used to believe that the earth would travel partway around the sun and then stop and rest and that's what our four seasons were.

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I used to believe that when I was in the car the moon moved with me.

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I used to think that the moon and stars were holes in the sky that you could see heaven through.

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