i used to believe

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When i was little, we took a trip to the desert, and my grandma told me that while we werent watching, the cacti would move and dance. my sister and i would look away from the car window, then back really quickly to try to catch them. we never did though

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When I was younger I used to believe that walnuts, acorns, and all other nuts that fell on the ground, had little tiny serving sets in them. I don't know why, but I can tell you, I spent MANY hours cracking open nuts looking for mini forks, spoons, and knives, and never found 1! Imagine my disappointment!

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I used to believe that sunflowers were big dandy lions. That in its self is harmless and silly. The catch was that when I saw Bees compared to the size of a dandy lion, I assumed the bees that would chill out with Sunflowers would be of the same proportion...

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When I was about 5 and my cousin was about 6, my grandpa had convinced us that the hollow tree near our house was actually the secret entrance to a leprechaun's hideout. My cousin and I would spend hours near the tree opening looking for a leprechaun passing through.

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When I used to go round my friends old house she always used to tell me that her neighbours garden grass was blue. I totally believed her and I always asked her to show me it.(she never did!)
She said that you can get blue grass die from B & Q, i believed her until her mum told me it wasn't true!

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I always thought that pineapples grew on trees, untill i saw a pineapple field in a movie when i was 15. I jus couldn't bleave they grew in the ground.

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I used to believe that when you plant cow dung you will grow spinach.I saw that at school.I think that was after they ( student )planted the spinach seed and I was not there.I only saw them them planting cow dung.

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I used to believe that everything was alive, and had a personality and everything. (i probably got this idea after watching Pocahontas sing "colors of the wind" which sings about how everything has a life, a spirit, and a name) i would go around talking to inatimate objects, and i would apologize to flowers after cutting them for vases because i thought it hurt them.

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Around 1984, I found this funky-looking mushroom in the backyard. The cap was about a big and thick as a piece of steak. But, it coloring was disgusting (orange, yellow and green)! On top of that, brown sludge was oozing out the side. I pummeled it with a plastic baseball bat. My Dad said now I had 'got poison on the bat.' Impulsively, I "cleaned" it off with my hand. Now I had 'poison on my hands.' He told me to go inside and wash my hands. As I was going inside, I tasted my finger. Then I realized "...What have I done??? I've eaten mushroom poison!!!" I now assumed I was going to die. "2000" randomly popped into my head. "I have only until the year 2000 to live!" ...Well, it is now 2004 and I don't feel one bit ill. --How silly.

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I used to believe that every seed would grow where ever it was planted. One day I swallowed a dandelion seed and for months I was waiting until it came sprouting out of my mouth, which then I thought it would kill me because I also believed that the white stuff inside dandelions was poison. So I waited for months and months for my "death" which I knew was going to come. I lived with this fear for about a year until I realized that the dandelion seed wouldn" grow in my stomach.

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I was certain that I could grow seeds in my mouth well into highschool, though I had olny practiced growing them there in my mouth in grammer school. A little saliva for water, a little pressure to simulate dirt and the only thing stopping me was that I got tired of holding. My friend burst my bubble.

rachel rodriguez AZ
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top belief!

When I was a little girl, I used to spend a lot of time at my paternal grandmother's house. She liked to garden, and I would always play outside as she gardened. Well, one time I was playing by the mailbox and I stepped on a low-lying bush. My grandmother cried, "No! Don't step on Mr. Bush! That hurts him! It makes Mr. Bush say, 'Ouch!'" I had never heard a bush talk before, so I kept walking on it, trying to make it say "Ouch!". It never did.

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When I was a toddler, I used to call the flowers on the Pear trees,"Popcorn for the squriles"

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my mom and babysitter used to bring me outside to show me the pussywillows thinking i'd like them. well, i thought they were poisonous caterpillers growing out of the trees. they wanted me to pet the little fizzy things but i would cry and scream because i thought they were going to bite me and crawl on me and kill me and pee on me. eventually i learned they're not poisonous caterpillers tring to kill me and pee on me.

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I convinced my friend in a Science lesson that the plural of tree was tree, not "trees". Like fish or sheep. "Look over there at that locely bunch of tree!"

Jon Sims
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I used to believe that the black part inside tulips was a spider. I remember being terrified when tulips were open. :)

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When I grew up, thorny bushes were called sticker bushes. So I always imagined Stick-on Stickers on the branches.

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When I was little I had a nightmare that I was being chased by a walking tree. After I had that dream, I thought that every tree in the entire world was as truely evil as the one that chased me. Every time I saw a tree, I'd be ever so careful not to touch it for fear of it eating me.

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My sister used to think that dandelions made you wet the bed. I used to chase her round the garden with them making her cry.

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When I was little I asked my grandmother what a certain tree in her yard was called. She said it was a "Crate Myrtle Tree." I thought she said a "Great Turtle Tree." I constantly climbed it looking for tiny baby turtles. To this day I still call it the Turtle Tree even though I know better.

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