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When I was a child I used to believe that the the babies were born from the seeds.
I used to think that poison ivy was a myth and it wasn't real, until i touched poison ivy while at the park and i got a rash. I then learned the truth!
top belief!
I had a friend who knew a woman who had been a Hippy.She told him ( and he believed it) that during the sixties people put dirt in their ears and planted beans so they could grow "natural wreaths" around their heads.I couldn't believe he bought it!
After Watching The Kate And Min Min Epsiode Named Small Wonders Where Kate And Min Min Shrunk After Touching The Shrinking Violets. My Sister Caroline Believed That If Touched The Shrinking Violet She Would Shrink. I Told Her It Not Real.
I never knew that the yellow dandelion and the white one with all of the fluffy seeds were the same plant. I was about ten, and I wanted to make dandelion salad like from the Hunger Games, but my mom said that the fertilizer wouldn't be a good thing. So, she suggested blowing the seeds and growing that. Waaaaaaait a minute... What?
I used to think heirloom plants grew antiques
I used to believe that each continent was a planet so you'd have to go into space to travel from one continent to another.
top belief!
As a child there was a Muller corner advert on the UK television in which a pretty woman picked a yogurt pot from her own yogurt tree before she ate it. I'm unsure how I got the idea that this was fact, but on a few occasions my parents allowed me to bury my empty yogurt pots in our back garden due to my childish desire to grow my own yogurt tree... Biggest disappointment of my childhood
top belief!
Whenever I was told paper was made from trees, I thought it was made with the leaves and not the wood. I agreed with the whole Save Trees! philosophy, but I secretly thought "What's the big deal, if leaves grow back anyways?"
It was until I was like 12 I understood paper was made with wood.
top belief!
This story is actually two of my mom's childhood beliefs. When she was about 6 her parents decided to give her her very own plant to take care of (still too young for her own pet). They said that adding a little sugar water to the pot would help it grow, and so she concluded that meant all seasonings would help it. For a little while she sprinkled sugar, salt, and pepper in her plant - which of course killed it. For many years afterward she was convinced that she could never have a plant again because it would "know" what happened to the last one and die as punishment. To this day, she really does still have a "black thumb" and is terrible with plants.
I used to believe trees could feel and had feelings. I thought when their leaves rustled, they were upset, and so I'd always give the trees hugs so they'd feel better.
When I was a little girl and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I told them I wanted to be a purple flower. My older brother finally told me that people can't turn into flowers so I decided I'd be Tarzan instead.
I used to believe that dandelions where baby lions and if you trod on one it would bite your foot.
top belief!
Because plants grow so slowly that it doesn't look like they are growing, I used to think that plants only grew when people weren't looking.
I used to believe that power lines were what held the trees up. The more lines there were, the more likely the tree was to fall, and if the tree had grown around the lines then that proved that they were working! Thoughts of a five-year-old staring out the backseat car window!
I used to believe that if you planted any small object, it would grow into a tree that bore fruit like the "seed". The yard of my childhood home is filled with shiny board game pieces, coins, and jelly beans.
I thought plants only grew when people were not looking at them.
I used to think if you eat seeds of a fruit/vegetable and then some dirt, you could grow a tree in your stomach.
top belief!
I used to believe that fruits were actually a hybrid of the flower of the fruit tree and of the bees/wasps that pollinated them.
I believed this because I asked my dad, an avid gardener, how grapefruit grew on our tree. Right when I asked, a bee landed inside one of the flowers. My dad pointed out the bee and told me that the bee enters the flower, which causes the grapefruit to grow, but he left out the part about the bee leaving the flower. So being an imaginative 7-year old, I concluded that because the bee never left, that must mean that it became the fruit.
For years, before I bit into any fruit, I would say a little prayer for the bees that gave up their lives to become those yummy apples, pears, and oranges that I so enjoyed.
top belief!
when i was younger me and my sister were hula hooping and then mine broke and all these little bean things came out. so then we picked them up and planted them and waited for our hula hoop tree to grow!
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